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knu / gist:111055
Created May 13, 2009 14:38
How to mass-rename tags and push them with Git
# Rename tags named foo-bar-#.#.# to v#.#.# and push the tag changes
git tag -l | while read t; do n="v${t##*-}"; git tag $n $t; git push --tags ; git tag -d $t; git push origin :refs/tags/$t ; done
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Generates Gource config file from git submodules, starts Gource.
# Place to /usr/local/bin and run at the main repository root.
# (c) 2010 Mikael Lammentausta
# License is the same as Gource (GPLv3)
import os
import re
anonymous /
Created March 24, 2011 01:10
Generates gource video out of multiple repositories.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Generates gource video (h.264) out of multiple repositories.
# Pass the repositories in command line arguments.
# Example:
# <> /path/to/repo1 /path/to/repo2
for repo in $*; do
# 1. Generate a Gource custom log files for each repo. This can be facilitated by the --output-custom-log FILE option of Gource as of 0.29:
logfile="$(mktemp /tmp/gource.XXXXXX)"
sanguis / .gitconfig
Last active June 2, 2017 14:41
my .gitconfig file minus my name and email
ui = on
whitespace= fix,-indent-with-non-tab,-indent-with-tab,trailing-space,cr-at-eol
excludesfile = ~/.gitignore
df = !git diff --no-prefix && git diff --staged --no-prefix
clear = reset --hard
st = status
lg = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
jdewind / convert.rb
Created February 24, 2012 21:53
OCMock to Kiwi
files = [ARGV[0] || Dir["*.m"]].flatten
files.each do |file|
content =
mapped_content = do |line|
{from: /\[\[\[(.+) (?:stub|expect)\] andReturn:(.+)\] (.+)/, to: "[[%s stubAndReturn:%s] %s"},
{from: /\[\[\[(.+) (?:stub|expect)\] andReturn\w+:(.+)\] (.+)/, to: "[[%s stubAndReturn:theValue(%s)] %s"},
{from: /\[(?:\(\w+\s*\*\)){,1}\[(.+) expect\] (.+)/, to: "[[[%s should] receive] %s"},
{from: /\[OCMockObject observerMock\]/, to: "[Kiwi observerMock]"},
piscisaureus /
Created August 13, 2012 16:12
Checkout github pull requests locally

Locate the section for your github remote in the .git/config file. It looks like this:

[remote "origin"]
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
	url =

Now add the line fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/* to this section. Obviously, change the github url to match your project's URL. It ends up looking like this:

steipete / PSPDFViewController.h
Last active June 6, 2017 03:56
This method will help to prevent a lot of emails about "weird bugs".
// Defines a yet undocumented method to add a warning if super isn't called.
#if __has_attribute(objc_requires_super)
#define NS_REQUIRES_SUPER __attribute((objc_requires_super))
@interface UIViewController (SubclassingWarnings)
krzysztofzablocki / Asserts
Created July 3, 2013 18:52
My take on assertions, code sample accompanying blog post at
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, kErrorCode) {
kErrorCodeInternal = 431432,
//! generate error and log it.
extern NSError *pixle_NSErrorMake(NSString *message, NSUInteger code, NSDictionary *aUserInfo, SEL selector);
#define AssertTrueOrReturnBlock(condition, block) do{ NSAssert((condition), @"Invalid condition not satisfying: %s", #condition);\
if(!(condition)) { block(pixle_NSErrorMake([NSString stringWithFormat:@"Invalid condition not satisfying: %s", #condition], kErrorCodeInternal, nil, _cmd)); return;} }while(0)
Provides the ability to verify key paths at compile time.
If "keyPath" does not exist, a compile-time error will be generated.
// Verifies "isFinished" exists on "operation".
NSString *key = SQKeyPath(operation, isFinished);
// Verifies "isFinished" exists on self.
nickbauman /
Last active November 1, 2019 12:10
Condensed iOS Human Interface Guidelines, formulated as imperatives.

Condensed iOS Human Interface Guidelines

Imperatives for AppStore approval

For iPhone app developers. Emphasis on getting the fastest app store approval. Everything stated as suggestion made into an imperative. When "violating" these imperatives, you can check for yourself what the caveats are. Generally speaking, deviating will more likely cause your app to be hung up in approval.

You can read this entire document in about 20 minutes. This is faster than reading and understanding the entire Human Interface Guidelines.
