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Last active July 22, 2016 00:52
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function corrugatedVectors(options) {
const length = lengthToPixel(options.length),
troughLength = lengthToPixel(options.troughLength),
ridgeLength = lengthToPixel(options.ridgeLength),
ridgeHeight = lengthToPixel(options.ridgeHeight),
offsetY = lengthToPixel(options.offsetY),
offsetX = lengthToPixel(options.offsetX),
offsetZ = lengthToPixel(options.offsetZ),
ridgeAngle = options.ridgeAngle,
angle = options.angle,
ridgeAngleLength = calculateAngledWith(ridgeHeight, ridgeAngle),
groupLength = troughLength + ridgeLength + ridgeAngleLength,
totalGroups = Math.floor(length / groupLength),
totalPoints = totalGroups * 4
// Start in negative direction
var currentLength = -(isTroughOrRidge(0) ? troughLength : ridgeLength);
return Array.from({
length: totalPoints
}, function(_, index) {
if (currentLength >= length) {
return false;
const trough = isTroughOrRidge(index),
previousTrough = isTroughOrRidge(index - 1);
const thisLength = lengthForIndex(index, troughLength, ridgeLength, ridgeAngleLength),
nextLength = lengthForIndex(index + 1, troughLength, ridgeLength, ridgeAngleLength),
nextNextLength = lengthForIndex(index + 2, troughLength, ridgeLength, ridgeAngleLength);
if (
(currentLength + thisLength) >= length ||
(trough && previousTrough && (currentLength + thisLength + nextLength) >= length) ||
(trough && previousTrough && (currentLength + thisLength + nextLength + nextNextLength) >= length)
) {
currentLength = length;
} else {
currentLength += thisLength;
const height = trough || (!trough && currentLength === length && trough !== previousTrough) ? 0 : ridgeHeight;
var vector = new THREE.Vector3(currentLength, 0, height);
vector = changeByAngle(vector, angle);
vector = offsetXYZ(vector, offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ);
return vector;
.filter(function(vector) {
return !!vector;
function offsetXYZ(vector, x, y, z) {
return vector.clone().add(
new THREE.Vector3(x || 0, y || 0, z || 0)
function changeByAngle(vector, angle) {
if (!angle || angle === 0) {
return vector;
var quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
quaternion.setFromAxisAngle(new THREE.Vector3(0, 1, 0), THREE.Math.degToRad(angle));
return vector.clone().applyQuaternion(quaternion);
function lengthForIndex(index, troughLength, ridgeLength, ridgeAngleLength) {
const trough = isTroughOrRidge(index),
previousTrough = isTroughOrRidge(index - 1);
return trough !== previousTrough ?
ridgeAngleLength :
(trough ? troughLength : ridgeLength);
function calculateAngledWith(ridgeHeight, angle) {
const result = Math.tan(THREE.Math.degToRad(angle)) * ridgeHeight;
if (Math.abs(Math.ceil(result) - result) < 0.000000001) {
return Math.ceil(result);
if (Math.abs(Math.floor(result) - result) < 0.000000001) {
return Math.floor(result);
return result;
function isTroughOrRidge(index) {
const decimalPart = ((index + 1) / 4).toString().split('.')[1];
return !((index + 1) > 1 && ((index + 1) % 4 === 0 || (decimalPart && (+decimalPart) >= 75)));
function lengthToPixel(length) {
return length * 0.5;
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