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Last active October 3, 2018 15:07
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Barchart with tooltips, sort function and radio group
Rank Country Value
1 Norway 63909
2 Australia 41524
3 Switzerland 53762
4 Netherlands 42397
5 United States 52308
6 Germany 43049
7 New Zealand 32569
8 Canada 41887
9 Singapore 72371
10 Denmark 42880
11 Ireland 33414
12 Sweden 43201
13 Iceland 35116
14 United Kingdom 35002
15 Hong Kong 52383
15 Korea (Republic of) 30345
16 Japan 36747
17 Liechtenstein 87085
18 Israel 29966
19 France 36629
20 Austria 42930
20 Belgium 39471
20 Luxembourg 58695
21 Finland 37366
22 Slovenia 26809
23 Italy 32669
24 Spain 30561
25 Czech Republic 24535
26 Greece 24658
27 Brunei Darussalam 70883
28 Qatar 119029
29 Cyprus 26771
30 Estonia 23387
31 Saudi Arabia 52109
32 Lithuania 23740
32 Poland 21487
33 Andorra 40597
33 Slovakia 25336
34 Malta 27022
35 United Arab Emirates 58068
36 Chile 20804
36 Portugal 24130
37 Hungary 21239
38 Bahrain 32072
38 Cuba 19844
39 Kuwait 85820
40 Croatia 19025
41 Latvia 22186
42 Argentina 17297
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<label><input id='sort' type="checkbox" align='right'> Sort values</label>
<div id="tooltip" class="hidden">
<p><strong id="country">Country </strong></p>
<p><span id="rank">Rank </span></p>
<p><span id="value">Value</span></p>
<div id="types">
<form action="">
<input id="radio1" type="radio" name="group" value="Life"/> Life Expectancy<br>
<input id="radio2" type="radio" name="group" value="School"/> Mean Years of schooling<br>
<input id="radio3" type="radio" name="group" value="GNI"/> Gross National Income per capita<br>
<div id="tooltip" class="hidden">
<p><strong>Human Development Index:</strong></p>
<p><span id="value">100</span>%</p>
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//Default Values
Unit=' years';
Label='Life Expectancy: ';
Unit=' years';
Label='Life Expectancy: ';
Unit=' years';
Label='Schooling: ';
Label='GNI per capita: ';
Unit=' PPP$';
d3.csv(InputFileName, function(error, data) {
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x.domain( { return d.Country; }));
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//Hide the tooltip"#tooltip").classed("hidden", true);
//.text(function(d) {
// return 'HDI Rank:'+d.Rank+' Value:'+d.Value;
// });
d3.selectAll("input").on("change", change);"#sort").on("change", sort);
var sortTimeout = setTimeout(function() {"#sort").property("checked", true).each(change);
}, 2000);
//Action when radiobutton status is changed
function change() {
//update status and filename
Unit=' years';
Label='Life Expectancy: ';
Unit=' years';
Label='Schooling: ';
Label='GNI per capita: ';
Unit=' PPP$';
//change dataset
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var x0 = x.domain(data.sort(this.checked
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: function(a, b) { return a.Rank-b.Rank; })
.map(function(d) { return d.Country; }))
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Rank Country Value
1 Norway 81.5
2 Australia 82.5
3 Switzerland 82.6
4 Netherlands 81.0
5 United States 78.9
6 Germany 80.7
7 New Zealand 81.1
8 Canada 81.5
9 Singapore 82.3
10 Denmark 79.4
11 Ireland 80.7
12 Sweden 81.8
13 Iceland 82.1
14 United Kingdom 80.5
15 Hong Kong 83.4
15 Korea (Republic of) 81.5
16 Japan 83.6
17 Liechtenstein 79.9
18 Israel 81.8
19 France 81.8
20 Austria 81.1
20 Belgium 80.5
20 Luxembourg 80.5
21 Finland 80.5
22 Slovenia 79.6
23 Italy 82.4
24 Spain 82.1
25 Czech Republic 77.7
26 Greece 80.8
27 Brunei Darussalam 78.5
28 Qatar 78.4
29 Cyprus 79.8
30 Estonia 74.4
31 Saudi Arabia 75.5
32 Lithuania 72.1
32 Poland 76.4
33 Andorra 81.2
33 Slovakia 75.4
34 Malta 79.8
35 United Arab Emirates 76.8
36 Chile 80.0
36 Portugal 79.9
37 Hungary 74.6
38 Bahrain 76.6
38 Cuba 79.3
39 Kuwait 74.3
40 Croatia 77.0
41 Latvia 72.2
42 Argentina 76.3
Rank Country Value
1 Norway 12.6
2 Australia 12.8
3 Switzerland 12.2
4 Netherlands 11.9
5 United States 12.9
6 Germany 12.9
7 New Zealand 12.5
8 Canada 12.3
9 Singapore 10.2
10 Denmark 12.1
11 Ireland 11.6
12 Sweden 11.7
13 Iceland 10.4
14 United Kingdom 12.3
15 Hong Kong 10.0
15 Korea (Republic of) 11.8
16 Japan 11.5
17 Liechtenstein 10.3
18 Israel 12.5
19 France 11.1
20 Austria 10.8
20 Belgium 10.9
20 Luxembourg 11.3
21 Finland 10.3
22 Slovenia 11.9
23 Italy 10.1
24 Spain 9.6
25 Czech Republic 12.3
26 Greece 10.2
27 Brunei Darussalam 8.7
28 Qatar 9.1
29 Cyprus 11.6
30 Estonia 12.0
31 Saudi Arabia 8.7
32 Lithuania 12.4
32 Poland 11.8
33 Andorra 10.4
33 Slovakia 11.6
34 Malta 9.9
35 United Arab Emirates 9.1
36 Chile 9.8
36 Portugal 8.2
37 Hungary 11.3
38 Bahrain 9.4
38 Cuba 10.2
39 Kuwait 7.2
40 Croatia 11.0
41 Latvia 11.5
42 Argentina 9.8
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