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fajrif / gist:1265203
Created October 5, 2011 18:12
git clone specific tag
git clone <repo-address>
git tag -l
git checkout <tag-name>
git branch -D master
git checkout -b master
fajrif / rvm_cheatsheet
Created June 14, 2011 14:11
RVM cheatsheet
RVM home page:
Install RVM
bash < <(curl -s
Install rvm for all users
fajrif / my usual git command
Created June 23, 2011 12:25
my usual git command
git init
# => initialize local repository
git add .
# => add all files/folders into the staging area
git add -A
# => add all files/folders into the staging area
# => (include the changes in the entire tree)
fajrif / .gitconfig
Last active February 9, 2016 06:32
name = Fajri Fachriansyah
email =
co = checkout
c = config --list
b = branch
d = diff --color
ds = diff --stat --color
s = status
# This file should contain all the record creation needed to seed the database with its default values.
# The data can then be loaded with the rake db:seed (or created alongside the db with db:setup).
# Examples:
# cities = City.create([{ name: 'Chicago' }, { name: 'Copenhagen' }])
# Mayor.create(name: 'Emanuel', city: cities.first)
Spree::Core::Engine.load_seed if defined?(Spree::Core)
Spree::Auth::Engine.load_seed if defined?(Spree::Auth)
fajrif / vim macros
Created September 20, 2012 11:36
APKT perubahan data export script
public void BuildReport(string gridID)
if (((DataSet)Session["DaftarLaporLebih1Kali"]).Tables.Contains(gridID))
string HTMLoutput;
String xml = ((DataSet)Session["DaftarLaporLebih1Kali"]).GetXml();
xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>\n" + xml;
colorscheme railscasts
" hide toolbar
set guioptions-=T
" set lines=55 columns=100
set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono:h13
set nonumber
set hidden
xnoremap p pgvy
fajrif / ajaxify-html5.js
Created February 6, 2012 04:43 — forked from balupton/
Ajaxify a Website with the HTML5 History API using History.js, jQuery and ScrollTo
// Prepare our Variables
History = window.History,
$ = window.jQuery,
document = window.document;
// Check to see if History.js is enabled for our Browser
name = Fajri Fachriansyah
email =
co = checkout
c = config --list
b = branch
d = diff --color
ds = diff --stat --color
s = status
fajrif / gist:1328735
Created October 31, 2011 20:10
git rm remote repo
# remove file from stage
git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch <filename>
# to remove the file from the entire repo history
git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch <filename>' HEAD
# to force update to remote repo, so the remote repo have the same history