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Created May 7, 2013 21:40
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Save famulus/5536381 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
calculateUrl: function(){
var original_location = window.location.href;
var has_slide_param = original_location.match(/slide=/);
var has_name_param = original_location.match(/name=/);
var has_query_param = original_location.match(/\?/);
var guid = this.collection.get(this.current_page)[0].guid,
new_url = original_location.replace(/slide=[^&$]+/,"slide="+guid);
}else if(has_query_param){
new_url = (window.location +'&slide='+ guid);
new_url = (window.location +'?slide='+ guid);
new_url = new_url.replace(/[\?&]name=[^&$]+/,'');
if(this.multi) {
new_url += '&name=' +;
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