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Created September 27, 2024 21:16
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InterruptableReadLine ZIO example of a readLine that can be timedout
import zio._
import scala.{ Console => SConsole }
import{ BufferedReader, IOException }
import scala.util.Try
object InterruptableReadLine extends ZIOAppDefault {
def altReadLine(reader: BufferedReader = =
.repeatUntil(_ => reader.ready()) *> (ZIO.fromTry(Try(StdIn.readLine()))).refineOrDie[IOException] {
case e: IOException => e
override val run =
for {
_ <- Console.printLine("Going to the grocery store")
input <- altReadLine().timeout(5.seconds)
_ <- input match {
case Some(value) => Console.printLine(s"You now want to buy $value")
case None => Console.printLine("Timed out, no input provided for question.")
} yield ()
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Going to the grocery store
Timed out, no input provided for question.

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