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Created September 27, 2024 20:58
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FakeConsoleExample zio supplying a fake Console
import zio._
object FakeConsoleExample extends ZIOAppDefault {
private val program = ZIO.serviceWithZIO[Console] { console =>
for {
_ <- console.printLine("Going to the grocery store")
input <- console.readLine("How are you? ")
_ <- console.printLine(s"You said: $input")
} yield ()
private val live = Console.ConsoleLive
private val fakeConsoleLayer: ULayer[Console] = ZLayer.succeed(
new Console {
override def readLine(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[String] =
"I'm fine(this is canned)"
// Delegate all other methods to ConsoleLive, but always send to stderr
override def print(line: => Any)(implicit trace: Trace) =
override def printError(line: => Any)(implicit trace: Trace) =
override def printLine(line: => Any)(implicit trace: Trace) =
override def printLineError(line: => Any)(implicit trace: Trace) =
override def run = program.provide(
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Output, all to stderr

Going to the grocery store
How are you? You said: I'm fine(this is canned)

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