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Created January 29, 2020 03:46
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Single all-in-one pure-Python Ebisu module
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from math import exp, log
def logsumexp(a, b):
a_max = max(a)
s = 0
for i in range(len(a) - 1, -1, -1):
s += b[i] * exp(a[i] - a_max)
sgn = 1 if s >= 0 else 0
s *= sgn
out = log(s) + a_max
return [out, sgn]
from math import nan, log, pi, sin, exp, sqrt, pow
g = 7
p = [
0.99999999999980993, 676.5203681218851, -1259.1392167224028, 771.32342877765313,
-176.61502916214059, 12.507343278686905, -0.13857109526572012, 9.9843695780195716e-6,
g_ln = 607 / 128.0
p_ln = [
0.99999999999999709182, 57.156235665862923517, -59.597960355475491248, 14.136097974741747174,
-0.49191381609762019978, 0.33994649984811888699e-4, 0.46523628927048575665e-4,
-0.98374475304879564677e-4, 0.15808870322491248884e-3, -0.21026444172410488319e-3,
0.21743961811521264320e-3, -0.16431810653676389022e-3, 0.84418223983852743293e-4,
-0.26190838401581408670e-4, 0.36899182659531622704e-5
HALF_LOG_2_PI = .5 * log(2 * pi)
SQRT_2_PI = sqrt(2 * pi)
# Spouge approximation (suitable for large arguments)
def gammaln(z):
if (z < 0):
return nan
x = p_ln[0]
for i in range(len(p_ln) - 1, 0, -1):
x += p_ln[i] / (z + i)
t = z + g_ln + 0.5
return HALF_LOG_2_PI + (z + .5) * log(t) - t + log(x) - log(z)
def gamma(z):
if (z < 0.5):
return pi / (sin(pi * z) * gamma(1 - z))
elif (z > 100):
return exp(gammaln(z))
z -= 1
x = p[0]
for i in range(1, g + 2):
x += p[i] / (z + i)
t = z + g + 0.5
return SQRT_2_PI * pow(t, z + 0.5) * exp(-t) * x
from math import sqrt, isnan
PHI_RATIO = 2 / (1 + sqrt(5))
def mingolden(f, xL, xU, tol=1e-8, maxIterations=100):
iteration = 1
x1 = xU - PHI_RATIO * (xU - xL)
x2 = xL + PHI_RATIO * (xU - xL)
f1 = f(x1)
f2 = f(x2)
f10 = f(xL)
f20 = f(xU)
xL0 = xL
xU0 = xU
while (iteration < maxIterations and abs(xU - xL) > tol):
if (f2 > f1):
xU = x2
x2 = x1
f2 = f1
x1 = xU - PHI_RATIO * (xU - xL)
f1 = f(x1)
xL = x1
x1 = x2
f1 = f2
x2 = xL + PHI_RATIO * (xU - xL)
f2 = f(x2)
iteration += 1
xF = 0.5 * (xU + xL)
fF = 0.5 * (f1 + f2)
if (f10 < fF):
argmin = xL0
elif (f20 < fF):
argmin = xU0
argmin = xF
return dict(
converged=not (isnan(f2) or isnan(f1) or iteration == maxIterations))
def predictRecall(prior, tnow, exact=False):
"""Expected recall probability now, given a prior distribution on it. 🍏
`prior` is a tuple representing the prior distribution on recall probability
after a specific unit of time has elapsed since this fact's last review.
Specifically, it's a 3-tuple, `(alpha, beta, t)` where `alpha` and `beta`
parameterize a Beta distribution that is the prior on recall probability at
time `t`.
`tnow` is the *actual* time elapsed since this fact's most recent review.
Optional keyword parameter `exact` makes the return value a probability,
specifically, the expected recall probability `tnow` after the last review: a
number between 0 and 1. If `exact` is false (the default), some calculations
are skipped and the return value won't be a probability, but can still be
compared against other values returned by this function. That is, if
> predictRecall(prior1, tnow1, exact=True) < predictRecall(prior2, tnow2, exact=True)
then it is guaranteed that
> predictRecall(prior1, tnow1, exact=False) < predictRecall(prior2, tnow2, exact=False)
The default is set to false for computational efficiency.
See README for derivation.
from math import exp
a, b, t = prior
dt = tnow / t
ret = _betalnRatio(a + dt, a, b)
return exp(ret) if exact else ret
from functools import lru_cache
def _gammalnCached(x):
return gammaln(x)
def _betalnRatio(a1, a, b):
return gammaln(a1) - gammaln(a1 + b) + _gammalnCached(a + b) - _gammalnCached(a)
def betaln(a, b):
return _gammalnCached(a) + _gammalnCached(b) - _gammalnCached(a + b)
def updateRecall(prior, result, tnow, rebalance=True, tback=None):
"""Update a prior on recall probability with a quiz result and time. 🍌
`prior` is same as in `ebisu.predictRecall`'s arguments: an object
representing a prior distribution on recall probability at some specific time
after a fact's most recent review.
`result` is truthy for a successful quiz, falsy otherwise.
`tnow` is the time elapsed between this fact's last review and the review
being used to update.
(The keyword arguments `rebalance` and `tback` are intended for internal use.)
Returns a new object (like `prior`) describing the posterior distribution of
recall probability at `tback` (which is an optional input, defaults to `tnow`).
from math import exp
(alpha, beta, t) = prior
if tback is None:
tback = t
dt = tnow / t
et = tnow / tback
if result:
if tback == t:
proposed = alpha + dt, beta, t
return _rebalace(prior, result, tnow, proposed) if rebalance else proposed
logmean = _betalnRatio(alpha + dt / et * (1 + et), alpha + dt, beta)
logm2 = _betalnRatio(alpha + dt / et * (2 + et), alpha + dt, beta)
mean = exp(logmean)
var = _subexp(logm2, 2 * logmean)
logDenominator = _logsubexp(betaln(alpha, beta), betaln(alpha + dt, beta))
mean = _subexp(
betaln(alpha + dt / et, beta) - logDenominator,
betaln(alpha + dt / et * (et + 1), beta) - logDenominator)
m2 = _subexp(
betaln(alpha + 2 * dt / et, beta) - logDenominator,
betaln(alpha + dt / et * (et + 2), beta) - logDenominator)
assert m2 > 0
var = m2 - mean**2
assert mean > 0
assert var > 0
newAlpha, newBeta = _meanVarToBeta(mean, var)
proposed = newAlpha, newBeta, tback
return _rebalace(prior, result, tnow, proposed) if rebalance else proposed
def _rebalace(prior, result, tnow, proposed):
newAlpha, newBeta, _ = proposed
if (newAlpha > 2 * newBeta or newBeta > 2 * newAlpha):
roughHalflife = modelToPercentileDecay(proposed, coarse=True)
return updateRecall(prior, result, tnow, rebalance=False, tback=roughHalflife)
return proposed
def _logsubexp(a, b):
"""Evaluate `log(exp(a) - exp(b))` preserving accuracy.
Subtract log-domain numbers and return in the log-domain.
Wraps `scipy.special.logsumexp`.
return logsumexp([a, b], b=[1, -1])[0]
def _subexp(x, y):
"""Evaluates `exp(x) - exp(y)` a bit more accurately than that. ⚾️
Subtract log-domain numbers and return in the *linear* domain.
Similar to `scipy.special.logsumexp` except without the final `log`.
from math import exp
maxval = max(x, y)
return exp(maxval) * (exp(x - maxval) - exp(y - maxval))
def _meanVarToBeta(mean, var):
"""Fit a Beta distribution to a mean and variance."""
# [betaFit]
tmp = mean * (1 - mean) / var - 1
alpha = mean * tmp
beta = (1 - mean) * tmp
return alpha, beta
def modelToPercentileDecay(model, percentile=0.5, coarse=False):
"""When will memory decay to a given percentile? 🏀
Given a memory `model` of the kind consumed by `predictRecall`,
etc., and optionally a `percentile` (defaults to 0.5, the
half-life), find the time it takes for memory to decay to
`percentile`. If `coarse`, the returned time (in the same units as
`model`) is approximate.
# Use a root-finding routine in log-delta space to find the delta that
# will cause the GB1 distribution to have a mean of the requested quantile.
# Because we are using well-behaved normalized deltas instead of times, and
# owing to the monotonicity of the expectation with respect to delta, we can
# quickly scan for a rough estimate of the scale of delta, then do a finishing
# optimization to get the right value.
assert (percentile > 0 and percentile < 1)
from math import log, exp
alpha, beta, t0 = model
logBab = betaln(alpha, beta)
logPercentile = log(percentile)
def f(lndelta):
logMean = betaln(alpha + exp(lndelta), beta) - logBab
return logMean - logPercentile
# Scan for a bracket.
bracket_width = 1.0 if coarse else 6.0
blow = -bracket_width / 2.0
bhigh = bracket_width / 2.0
flow = f(blow)
fhigh = f(bhigh)
while flow > 0 and fhigh > 0:
# Move the bracket up.
blow = bhigh
flow = fhigh
bhigh += bracket_width
fhigh = f(bhigh)
while flow < 0 and fhigh < 0:
# Move the bracket down.
bhigh = blow
fhigh = flow
blow -= bracket_width
flow = f(blow)
assert flow > 0 and fhigh < 0
if coarse:
return (exp(blow) + exp(bhigh)) / 2 * t0
sol = mingolden(lambda x: abs(f(x)), blow, bhigh)
if not sol['converged']:
raise ValueError('minimization failed to converge')
t1 = exp(sol['argmin']) * t0
return t1
def defaultModel(t, alpha=3.0, beta=None):
"""Convert recall probability prior's raw parameters into a model object. 🍗
`t` is your guess as to the half-life of any given fact, in units that you
must be consistent with throughout your use of Ebisu.
`alpha` and `beta` are the parameters of the Beta distribution that describe
your beliefs about the recall probability of a fact `t` time units after that
fact has been studied/reviewed/quizzed. If they are the same, `t` is a true
half-life, and this is a recommended way to create a default model for all
newly-learned facts. If `beta` is omitted, it is taken to be the same as
return (alpha, beta or alpha, t)
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