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Last active December 19, 2015 13:49
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Iota performance profile
(require '[iota]
'[clojure.core.reducers :as r])
(def test-file "/path/to/test-file")
(def test-vec (iota/vec test-file))
(defn f [m]
(let [rem (:remaining m)]
(cond (nil? rem) {:end true}
(= 1 (count rem)) {:yield "OK"}
:else {:remaining (rest rem)})))
(defn parse [f coll]
(->> coll
(iterate f)
(take-while #(not (contains? % :end)))
(map :yield)
(filter #(not (nil? %)))))
(defn make-m [coll] (hash-map :remaining coll))
(defn measure [f n seq]
(time (first (parse f (make-m (take n seq))))))
;; state map manipulation eats up the performance again:
user> (measure f 10 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 2.83674 msecs"
;; I ignore the performance effect on the first run,
;; take the fast second run for printing
user> (measure f 10 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 0.163395 msecs"
user> (measure f 20 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 0.349032 msecs"
user> (measure f 30 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 0.580437 msecs"
user> (measure f 40 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 0.835367 msecs"
user> (measure f 50 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 0.819113 msecs"
user> (measure f 60 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 1.006033 msecs"
user> (measure f 70 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 1.179694 msecs"
user> (measure f 80 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 1.388001 msecs"
user> (measure f 90 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 1.889734 msecs"
user> (measure f 100 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 1.627105 msecs"
user> (measure f 1000 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 63.686888 msecs"
user> (measure f 2000 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 238.173208 msecs"
user> (measure f 4000 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 866.329525 msecs"
user> (measure f 6000 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 1996.374938 msecs"
user> (measure f 8000 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 3399.983575 msecs"
user> (measure f 10000 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 5454.232469 msecs"
user> (measure f 20000 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 23294.108664 msecs"
user> (measure f 40000 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 149430.598347 msecs"
user> (measure f 60000 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 349269.364568 msecs"
user> (measure f 80000 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 578910.637408 msecs"
user> (measure f 100000 test-vec)
"Elapsed time: 1025572.312396 msecs"
(def n '(10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000))
(def t-in-ms-iota '(0.163395 0.349032 0.580437 0.835367 0.819113 1.006033 1.179694 1.388001 1.889734 1.627105 4.430481 8.102588 13.409071 19.751101 25.902361 34.728677 42.501053 52.27352 63.496008))
(defn norm [s1 s2] (map #(/ (% 1) (% 0)) (for [i (range (count s1))] [(nth s1 i) (nth s2 i)])))
(use '(incanter core stats charts))
;; name mapping for the plot legend:
(def clj-java-1-5-1-iota (norm n t-in-ms-iota))
(xy-plot n
:title "Throughput by Volume"
:x-label "number of lines"
:y-label "runtime per line (ms)"
:legend true)
(set-stroke-color java.awt.Color/blue :series 0)
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