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Last active October 2, 2024 14:31
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  • Save fdaciuk/bd9b635acfb174386f44 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Github Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for Brazil via SMS

The Github doesn't provide country code for Brazil (+55). To add this option, just run the code below in your console. The option Brazil +55 will be the first on the list, already selected:

🇧🇷 [pt-BR]

Autenticação em dois fatores (2FA) do GitHub para o Brasil via SMS

O GitHub não provê o código para enviar SMS para o Brasil (+55). Para adicionar essa opção ao select, rode o código abaixo no console do seu navegador. A opção Brazil +55 será a primeira da lista, e já estará selecionada:

var brazil = document.createElement('option');
brazil.value = '+55';
brazil.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Brazil +55'));
document.querySelectorAll('#countrycode').forEach(select => select.prepend(brazil));
brazil.selected = true;
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This problem was solved. Now it's possible for default select the Brazil option.

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