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Created January 4, 2017 23:58
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rsql grammar for pegjs
* RSQL parser
or = head:and tail:("," and)* {
if(tail.length == 0) return head;
var result = [head], i;
for (i = 0; i < tail.length; i++) {
return { operator: "OR", operands: result};
and = head:constraint tail:(";" constraint)* {
if(tail.length == 0) return head;
var result = [head], i;
for (i = 0; i < tail.length; i++) {
return { operator: "AND", operands: result};
constraint = group / comparison
group = "(" o:or ")" { return o;}
comparison = s:selector c:comparisonop a:arguments {
return {selector: s, comparison: c, arguments: a}
selector = unreservedstr
comparisonop = $compfiql / $compalt
compfiql = ( "=" alpha* / "!" ) "="
compalt = ( ">" / "<" ) "="
alpha = [a-z] / [A-Z]
arguments = "(" _ head:value _ tail:("," _ value _)* ")" {
var result = [head], i;
for (i = 0; i < tail.length; i++) {
return result;} / value
value = unreservedstr / doublequoted / singlequoted
unreservedstr = $unreserved+
singlequoted = [\'] v:(escaped / [^'\\])* [\'] {return v.join("")}
doublequoted = [\"] v:(escaped / [^"\\])* [\"] {return v.join("")}
reserved = $["'();,=!~<>]
unreserved = $[^"'();,=!~<> ]
escaped = "\\" c:allchars { return c; }
allchars = $.
_ "whitespace" = [ \t]*
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fdlk commented Jan 4, 2017

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