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Last active September 18, 2024 00:17
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import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import { trim } from 'lodash';
import { NextRequest } from 'next/server';
import { filePopulateDownloadUrlInTree } from 'src/features/file/fileService';
import { MembershipStatus } from 'src/features/membership/MembershipStatus';
import { subscriptionFindActive } from 'src/features/subscription/subscriptionFindActive';
import { prismaDangerouslyBypassAuth } from 'src/prisma';
import { AppContext } from 'src/shared/controller/appContext';
import Error401 from 'src/shared/errors/Error401';
import { cookieGet } from 'src/shared/lib/cookie';
import { hashSecret } from 'src/shared/lib/hashSecret';
import { isHashEqual } from 'src/shared/lib/isHashEqual';
import { jwtVerify } from 'src/shared/lib/jwt';
const prisma = prismaDangerouslyBypassAuth();
export async function authMiddleware(req: NextRequest, context: AppContext) {
let tokenOrApiKey: string | undefined = extractTokenOrApiKeyFromHeader(req);
if (!tokenOrApiKey) {
tokenOrApiKey = cookieGet(req.cookies, 'token');
if (!tokenOrApiKey) {
return context;
if (isJwtToken(tokenOrApiKey)) {
const tenantId = cookieGet(req.cookies, 'tenant') || null;
await authenticateWithJwtToken(tokenOrApiKey, tenantId, context);
} else {
await authenticateWithApiKey(tokenOrApiKey, context);
return context;
export function extractTokenOrApiKeyFromHeader(req: NextRequest) {
const authorizationHeader = trim(req.headers.get('Authorization') || '');
let tokenOrApiKey = authorizationHeader;
if (authorizationHeader.includes(' ')) {
tokenOrApiKey = authorizationHeader.split(' ')[1];
return tokenOrApiKey;
function isJwtToken(token: string) {
try {
const response = jwtVerify(token);
if (!response) {
throw new Error();
return true;
} catch {
return false;
export async function authenticateWithApiKey(
apiKeyString: string,
context: AppContext,
) {
if (!apiKeyString?.includes('.')) {
throw new Error401(context.dictionary.auth.errors.invalidApiKey);
const apiKey = await prisma.apiKey.findFirst({
where: {
keyPrefix: apiKeyString.split('.')[0],
if (!apiKey) {
throw new Error401(context.dictionary.auth.errors.invalidApiKey);
const secretFromRequest = await hashSecret(apiKeyString.split('.')[1]);
if (!isHashEqual(secretFromRequest, apiKey?.secret)) {
throw new Error401(context.dictionary.auth.errors.invalidApiKey);
if (apiKey.disabledAt) {
throw new Error401(context.dictionary.auth.errors.invalidApiKey);
if (apiKey && apiKey.expiresAt && dayjs(apiKey.expiresAt).isBefore(dayjs())) {
throw new Error401(context.dictionary.auth.errors.invalidApiKey);
let membership = await prisma.membership.findUniqueOrThrow({
where: {
id: apiKey.membershipId,
include: {
user: {
select: {
email: true,
emailVerified: true,
expireSessionsOlderThan: true,
id: true,
tenant: true,
membership = await filePopulateDownloadUrlInTree(membership);
context.apiKey = apiKey;
context.currentUser = membership.user as any;
context.currentMembership = membership;
context.currentTenant = membership.tenant;
context.currentSubscription = await subscriptionFindActive(context);
return context;
export async function authenticateWithJwtToken(
token: string,
tenantId: string | null | undefined,
context: AppContext,
) {
let decodedJwtToken = jwtVerify(token);
if (!decodedJwtToken) {
throw new Error401(`Invalid token`);
let currentUser = await prisma.user.findFirst({
where: {
select: {
email: true,
emailVerified: true,
expireSessionsOlderThan: true,
id: true,
memberships: {
include: {
tenant: true,
if (!currentUser) {
throw new Error401(`User not found`);
if (currentUser.expireSessionsOlderThan) {
const jwtTokenCreatedAt = dayjs.unix(decodedJwtToken.iat);
if (jwtTokenCreatedAt.isBefore(currentUser.expireSessionsOlderThan)) {
throw new Error401(`Session expired`);
const activeMemberships = currentUser.memberships.filter((membership) =>
let currentMembership;
if (activeMemberships.length === 1) {
currentMembership = activeMemberships[0];
if (tenantId && currentMembership.tenantId !== tenantId) {
throw new Error401(`Invalid tenant`);
} else {
currentMembership = activeMemberships.find((membership) => {
return membership.tenantId === tenantId;
currentMembership = await filePopulateDownloadUrlInTree(currentMembership);
context.currentUser = currentUser as any;
context.currentMembership = currentMembership;
context.currentTenant = currentMembership?.tenant;
// @ts-ignore
context.currentSubscription = await subscriptionFindActive(context);
return context;
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