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Last active February 16, 2022 19:25
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Login to your worker node: (oc debug or direct ssh)

$ oc debug node/<worker-node>

Get Host Access

$ chroot /host

Lets see how service and nodeport definitions are looking on this worker

# iptables -t nat -L KUBE-SERVICES -n | column -t | grep <yourexposedsvcportnumber>
 <see your service listed here, something like KUBE-SVC-FENARX> 
# iptables -t nat -L KUBE-NODEPORTS -n | column -t | grep <yourexposedsvcportnumber>
 <see your nodeport service listed here, something like KUBE-SVC-FENARX that matches above resource-id> 
# iptables -t nat -L <your svc id: KUBE-SVC-FENARX> -n | column -t
 <you will see KUBE-MARK-XXXX and KUBE-SEP-FENARXXX listed undr target/protocol/source/destionation table columns>
# iptables -t nat -L <your KUBE-SEP id: KUBE-SEP-FENARXXX> -n | column -t
 < you will see KUBE-MAR-XXX and DNAT listed for your nodeport ingress and routing with protocol tag followed by to:address:port

alt text

On the same worker try to ping the service node-ip to see if traffic routed over tun0 interface of the node towards the node that hosts the application pods.

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