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Last active September 25, 2015 18:57
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Automating the Build/Test/Deploy Process at DataXu with Jenkins, Ansible and AWS

Automating the Build/Test/Deploy Process at DataXu with Jenkins, Ansible and AWS

DataXu is excited to share its solution for automating builds, testing and deployments. Our Automation Infrastructure uses GitHub, Jenkins, Ansible and AWS.


We had our Jenkins sitting in a closet and was manually configured with a few slaves. The jobs would poll for any changes and run unit tests if it caught anything. If someone was working on a new branch, they would create a new job to test that branch. This is a system that worked for us mostly, but as we grew, we ran into a number of challenges.

Master Branch is Broken

A commit was not tested and was merged to master. This throws a team off and developers may base new work off a bad state.

Jenkins Configuration

Jenkins jobs are a hassle to manage. We had a lot of jobs that were similar, so manually updating all of them when we needed to was cumbersome and error-prone. It was the wild west - anyone could change a job, we had no idea who did, what they changed or why they did it.

Jenkins Scalability

We were always running out of Jenkins capacity, resulting in some builds waiting hours to run. Developers need quicker feedback.

Jenkins Uptime

Jenkins would go down, slaves would be stale and builds would fail, resulting in sometimes days wasted. Slaves might need to be rebuilt or some hard-drive space cleared. It is always something.

Machine Configuration Reproducibility

Machine provisioning and deployments were being done manually, with people sshing into machines and running commands off a wiki page. This is time consuming and error prone.


We planned the next generation of our automation infrastructure and came up with this list of requirements.

  • Automatically test everything before it gets to master
  • Automated Job configurations must be stored in git
  • Jenkins must be able to scale automatically. We want to have as much capacity as we need, but not keep extra machines running all the time. Save $$$$$, don't waste time!
  • The system must be robust. Issues should not persist. If there is a weird issue, re-run or kill machines, don't waste my time making me look into it.
  • All machines must be provisioned and deployed to using some configuration management. This includes Jenkins.

We identified these tools:


Note: This includes code examples. They are just rough examples, to be used for reference. Read the Ansible and Jenkins Job Builder documentation for more information. Our Jenkins is used as an example here, but this all can be generalized for your individual applications.

Jenkins Master and Slave AMIs Using Ansible

The Open Source community is awesome and there are roles that can bootstrap your setup. See ansible-role-jenkins.

This is just a brief reference on AMI creation using Ansible, not a comprehensive guide:

- name: create instance
  hosts: localhost
    ec2_ami: ami-123456
    key: jenkins
    - ec2_create
    - name: create instance
        module: ec2
        image: "{{ ec2_ami }}"
        key_name: "{{ key_name }}"
        wait: yes
      register: ec2
    - name: add host
      local_action: add_host
        hostname: "{{ }}"
        ansible_ssh_host: "{{ item[ip_key] }}"
        ansible_ssh_user: ec2-user
        groupname: jenkins
      with_items: ec2.instances
    - name: wait for instance
        module: wait_for
        host: "{{ item[ip_key] }}"
        port: "22"
        delay: "60"
        timeout: "320"
        state: "started"
      with_items: ec2.instances

- name: configure jenkins master
  hosts: jenkins
  remote_user: ec2-user
    - configure
    - role: ansible-role-jenkins
        - git
        - ssh
        - ec2
    - shell: echo "Install other libraries needed for your system and push config files"
    - pip: name="github-pr"

- name: save ec2 ami
  hosts: localhost
    - ec2_save
    - local_action:
        module: ec2_ami
        instance_id: "{{ groups['jenkins'][0] }}"
        wait: yes
        name: "Jenkins AMI"
        description: "Jenkins AMI"
      register: ami

- name: teardown ec2 instance
  hosts: localhost
    - ec2_teardown
    - local_action:
        module: ec2
        state: 'absent'
        instance_ids: "{{ item }}"
      with_items: groups['jenkins']

Jenkins Master Deployment with Ansible

This is just a brief reference on AutoScaling Group Deployment using Ansible, not a comprehensive guide:

- name: Deploy Jenkins to AutoScaling Group
  hosts: localhost
    ec2_ami: "{{ ami_id }}"
    - name: create config file
      template: src="./templates/config.xml.j2" dest="{{ playbook_dir }}/tmp/config.xml"
    - name: upload config file
      s3: mode=put bucket="dataxu-jenkins" object="config.xml" src="tmp/config.xml"
    - name: configure launch config
        name: 'jenkins_{{ ami_id }}'
        image_id: '{{ ami_id }}'
        key_name: "jenkins"
        instance_type: "c3.xlarge"
        user_data: "aws s3 cp s3://dataxu-jenkins/config.xml ~/config.xml"

    - name: configure autoscaling group and rolling-replace instances
        name: 'jenkins-asg'
        desired_capacity: '1'
        min_size: '1'
        max_size: '1'
        launch_config_name: 'jenkins_{{ ami_id }}'
        replace_all_instances: yes
        replace_batch_size: 1

Now we have an instance of Jenkins running in AWS.

If you want elastic builds, be sure to configure the ec2 module during the deployment or manually on the running instance after. The benefits of this plugin are:

  • Builds should not wait around too long, instead of just sitting in line, a new slave will spin up and take the job.
  • If you usually have a lot of slaves, you can save some money by making them ephemeral.
  • Slaves should stay in a cleaner state. If one is in a bad state, delete it. A fresh one should always spin up from the AMI you generated.

We also connect to our internal LDAP for authenticating and permissioning users to run jobs.

Configuring Jenkins Jobs

Now, Jenkins Job Builder goes to work. Create a git repository named something like, jenkins-jobs. Keep your job configurations in here in /jobs/ and a config at the top level, jenkins.ini

Install JJB locally and create your first job, to test and reconfigure Jenkins Jobs:

- job:
    name: jenkins-jobs_master
    node: master
      - git:
          url: ''
            - 'master'
      - shell: |
          virtualenv my_env
          . ./my_env/bin/activate
          pip install jenkins-job-builder
          jenkins-jobs -l debug test jobs
          jenkins-jobs --conf jenkins.ini update jobs

Test this locally and deploy it with the above commands. Now, if you look to jenkins, there should be a jenkins-jobs_master you can run manually.

Automatically Triggering Jenkins

We use Github-Webhooks to automaically trigger Jenkins based on events in GitHub. Run github-webhooks on an aws instance that is internet-accessible. You should limit access to this instance to be just from github and your internal infrastructure. See github's documentation on whitelisting.

Once the instance is online, you need to test github's connection to it and start sending events. Go to and configure a hook to send to it. Additional documentation here.

We configure Github-Webhooks to try to trigger a repo's master job on every master commit.

  - match:
      owner: "dataxu"
      branch: "master"
      job: "{repo}_master"

Now, make a commit to your jenkins-jobs repository, add a new job and commit to master. See that your jenkins-jobs_master job is triggered and that jenkins is updated.

Great, now you have automated Jenkins Configuration! Let's trigger jobs to run against Pull Requests to your jenkins-jobs repo. Create the following job:

- job:
    name: jenkins-jobs_pr
    node: master
      - string:
          name: 'fork'
      - string:
          name: 'branch'
      - git:
          url: '${fork}/jenkins-jobs.git'
            - '${branch}'
      - shell: |
          virtualenv my_env
          . ./my_env/bin/activate
          pip install jenkins-job-builder
          jenkins-jobs -l debug test jobs

And add the following to your github-webhooks configuration:

    - match:
          - opened
          - synchronize
        job: "{repo}_pr"
            fork: "{owner}"
            branch: "{branch}"

Now you have a Jenkins infrastructure that allows you to easily create and review job configurations and test any incoming changes before they reach master. If you installed and configured the ec2 plugin, you will also have jenkins slaves that scale up and down as you need them.

Read up on how to use jenkins-job-builder you can set up your jenkins jobs to:

  • Email developers on failure
  • Report the status of the commit back to github using Github Status API
  • Use a common template for building all java, python, ruby projects - This can really save time during the development of new projects.

Creating AMIs and Deploying with Jenkins

Refer back to the Jenkins AMI and Deployment sections. They are simple ansible playbook that were run locally. Let's make jobs that create and deploy AMIs. First, put your ansible playbook in a git repo as jenkins_create_ami.yml and jenkins_deploy_ami.yml. Let's call the repo, ansible-playbooks. Now we can create generic jobs that use those playbooks using job-templates.

- job-template:
    name: "{app}_create_ami"
      - string:
          name: 'fork'
          default: dataxu
      - string:
          name: 'branch'
          default: master
      - git:
          url: '${{fork}}/ansible-playbooks.git'
            - '${{branch}}'
      - shell: |
          virtualenv my_env
          . ./my_env/bin/activate
          pip install ansible
          ansible-playbook {app}_create_ami.yml

- job-template:
    name: "{app}_deploy_ami"
      - string:
          name: 'ami_id'
      - string:
          name: 'fork'
          default: dataxu
      - string:
          name: 'branch'
          default: master
      - git:
          url: '${{fork}}/ansible-playbooks.git'
            - '${{branch}}'
      - shell: |
          virtualenv my_env
          . ./my_env/bin/activate
          pip install ansible
          ansible-playbook {app}_deploy_ami.yml -e ami_id=${{ami_id}}

- job-group:
    name: ami-jobs
      - "{app}_create_ami"
      - "{app}_deploy_ami"

- project:
    name: my-app
    app: jenkins
      - 'ami-jobs'

Now we can run jenkins_create_ami and jenkins_deploy_ami jobs in jenkins to create a new jenkins ami and deploy it.

Flow Jobs

Jenkins Build Flow Plugin has been deprecated in favor of the Workflow Plugin. This example is how we use it now. New implementations using the Workflow Plugin may be similar.

This job will run a job we have for build/unit test, create an AMI, test that AMI and then deploy that AMI whenever there is a commit to the myapp master branch.

- job:
    name: 'myapp_master'
    project-type: flow
    needs-workspace: 'true'
      - git:
          url: ''
            - 'master'
    dsl: |
        build('myapp_build', branch: 'master')
        ami_job = build('myapp_create_ami')
        artifact = ami_job.getArtifacts()[0].getHref()
        url = ami_job.getEnvironment()['BUILD_URL']
        ami_name = new URL("${url}artifact/${artifact}/*view*/").getText().tokenize()
        ami_id = ami_name[1]
        build('myapp_test_ami', ami_id: ami_id)
        build('myapp_deploy_ami', ami_id: ami_id)

Automating the Merge

Note: We are just just reaching this phase and are using this for a limited number of repositories.

If you have enough confidence in your tests, a pull request has passed all necessary testing could be merged immediately. We created a tool to look up pull requests in GitHub, github-pr. We report back to Github using the Status API, so we can look up the status using github-pr.

$ github-pr list -r dataxu/myapp --table
  #  State    Status    Merge    Base          Head           Title
---  -------  --------  -------  ------------  -------------  -----------------------
794  open     success   clean    master        some-branch    added something awesome
$ github-pr merge -r dataxu/myapp -n 794

We can use this script to do a number of things in an automated in a job that runs nightly.

  • Look up all successful branches, merge them into an integration branch for testing before merging to master
  • Merge Pull Requests
  • Add labels to pull requests
  • Comment the status back to pull requests


Everything runs through Jenkins. We automatically trigger builds on commits to master and to pull requests. By running Ansible, we can configure jobs to automatically create AMIs and deploy those AMIs. Job flows can be used to hook jobs together. Job configurations are stored in SCM, so we are aware and can approve of all changes before merging them.

By setting standard jobs that exist, we don't need to reinvent the wheel every time there is a new project, we just need to fill in the gaps.

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