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Last active May 18, 2019 07:37
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Z theorem
Require Import Relations.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From Autosubst Require Import Autosubst.
Hint Constructors clos_refl_trans.
Section ARS.
Variable A : Type.
Variable R : A -> A -> Prop.
Definition confluent :=
forall x y, clos_refl_trans _ R x y ->
forall z, clos_refl_trans _ R x z ->
exists w, clos_refl_trans _ R y w /\ clos_refl_trans _ R z w.
Definition semi_confluent :=
forall x y, R x y ->
forall z, clos_refl_trans _ R x z ->
exists w, clos_refl_trans _ R y w /\ clos_refl_trans _ R z w.
Theorem semi_confluent_impl_confluent :
semi_confluent ->
move => Hsemi ? ? /clos_rt_rt1n_iff.
elim => [ | ? ? ? HR ? IH ? /(Hsemi _ _ HR) [ ? [ /IH [ ? [ ] ] ] ] ]; eauto.
Theorem Z map :
(forall x y, R x y -> clos_refl_trans _ R y (map x)) ->
(forall x y, R x y -> clos_refl_trans _ R (map x) (map y)) ->
move => Zproperty1 Zproperty2.
have monotonicity : forall x y,
clos_refl_trans _ R x y ->
clos_refl_trans _ R (map x) (map y).
{ induction 1; eauto. }
apply: semi_confluent_impl_confluent => ? ? ? ? /clos_rt_rtn1_iff Hrt.
inversion Hrt; subst; eauto.
move: (H0) => /clos_rt_rtn1_iff /monotonicity ?.
eauto 6.
End ARS.
Section Lambda.
Inductive term :=
| Var of var
| Abs of {bind term}
| App of term & term.
Instance Ids_term : Ids term. derive. Defined.
Instance Rename_term : Rename term. derive. Defined.
Instance Subst_term : Subst term. derive. Defined.
Instance SubstLemmas_term : SubstLemmas term. derive. Qed.
Inductive red : term -> term -> Prop :=
| red_appl t1 t1' t2 : red t1 t1' -> red (App t1 t2) (App t1' t2)
| red_appr t1 t2 t2' : red t2 t2' -> red (App t1 t2) (App t1 t2')
| red_abs t t' : red t t' -> red (Abs t) (Abs t')
| red_beta t11 t2 : red (App (Abs t11) t2) t11.[t2/].
Hint Constructors red.
Lemma ered_appabs t11 t2 t :
t = t11.[t2/] ->
red (App (Abs t11) t2) t.
Proof. by move => ->. Qed.
Lemma red_abs_multi t t' :
clos_refl_trans _ red t t' ->
clos_refl_trans _ red (Abs t) (Abs t').
Proof. induction 1; eauto. Qed.
Lemma red_appl_multi t1 t1' t2 :
clos_refl_trans _ red t1 t1' ->
clos_refl_trans _ red (App t1 t2) (App t1' t2).
Proof. induction 1; eauto. Qed.
Lemma red_appr_multi t1 t2 t2' :
clos_refl_trans _ red t2 t2' ->
clos_refl_trans _ red (App t1 t2) (App t1 t2').
Proof. induction 1; eauto. Qed.
Corollary red_app_multi t1 t2 t1' t2' :
clos_refl_trans _ red t1 t1' ->
clos_refl_trans _ red t2 t2' ->
clos_refl_trans _ red (App t1 t2) (App t1' t2').
intros ? ?.
apply: (rt_trans _ _ _ (App t1' t2)).
- apply red_appl_multi; eauto.
- apply red_appr_multi; eauto.
Lemma red_abs_multi_inv_aux t0 t0' :
clos_refl_trans_1n _ red t0 t0' ->
forall t t',
t0 = Abs t ->
t0' = Abs t' ->
clos_refl_trans _ red t t'.
induction 1 => ? ?; inversion 1; inversion 1; subst; eauto.
inversion H. subst. eauto.
Corollary red_abs_multi_inv t t' :
clos_refl_trans _ red (Abs t) (Abs t') ->
clos_refl_trans _ red t t'.
Proof. move => /clos_rt_rt1n_iff /red_abs_multi_inv_aux. eauto. Qed.
Hint Resolve red_abs_multi red_appl_multi red_appr_multi red_app_multi.
Lemma red_rename t t' :
red t t' ->
forall r,
red (rename r t) (rename r t').
induction 1 => /= ?; eauto.
apply: ered_appabs.
Lemma red_rename_multi r t t' :
clos_refl_trans _ red t t' ->
clos_refl_trans _ red (rename r t) (rename r t').
Local Hint Resolve red_rename.
induction 1 => /=; eauto.
Lemma red_subst t t' :
red t t' ->
forall s,
red t.[s] t'.[s].
induction 1 => /= ?; eauto.
apply: ered_appabs.
Lemma red_subst_multi_aux t : forall s s',
(forall x, clos_refl_trans _ red (s x) (s' x)) ->
clos_refl_trans _ red t.[s] t.[s'].
induction t => /= ? ? Hs; eauto.
apply: red_abs_multi.
apply: IHt => [ [ | ? ] //= ].
exact: red_rename_multi.
Corollary red_subst_multi t t' s s' :
clos_refl_trans _ red t t' ->
(forall x, clos_refl_trans _ red (s x) (s' x)) ->
clos_refl_trans _ red t.[s] t'.[s'].
Local Hint Resolve red_subst.
move => Hrt ?.
apply: rt_trans.
- exact: red_subst_multi_aux.
- induction Hrt; eauto.
Fixpoint development t :=
match t with
| Var x => Var x
| Abs t => Abs (development t)
| App (Abs t11) t2 => (development t11).[development t2/]
| App t1 t2 => App (development t1) (development t2)
Lemma development_red_multi : forall t,
clos_refl_trans _ red t (development t).
Proof. elim => /= [ | | [ ] /= ]; eauto. Qed.
Hint Resolve development_red_multi.
Lemma development_rename : forall t r,
rename r (development t) = development (rename r t).
elim => /= [ // | ? ? ? | [ ? | ? | ? ? ] /= IHt1 ? IHt2 r ]; f_equal; eauto.
move: IHt2 (IHt1 r) => <-. inversion 1.
Lemma development_subst : forall t s s',
(forall x, s x = development (s' x)) ->
clos_refl_trans _ red (development t).[s] (development t.[s']).
elim => [ /= ? ? ? -> // | ? IH ? ? Hs | [ x | t11 | ? ? ] /= IHt1 t2 IHt2 s s' Hs ]; eauto.
- apply: red_abs_multi.
apply: IH => [ [ | ? ] //= ].
by rewrite /up /funcomp /scons Hs development_rename.
- move: (s' x) (Hs x) => [ ? | ? | ? ? ] /= ->; eauto.
- rewrite (_ : (development t11).[development t2/].[s] = (development t11).[up s].[(development t2).[s]/]).
{ apply: red_subst_multi => [ | [ | ? ] /= ]; eauto.
apply: red_abs_multi_inv. eauto. }
Theorem red_confluent : confluent _ red.
apply: (Z _ _ development); induction 1 => /=; eauto.
- inversion H; subst; eauto.
apply: rt_trans.
+ exact: rt_step.
+ apply: red_subst_multi => [ | [ | ? ] //= ].
exact: (red_abs_multi_inv _ _ IHred).
- case t1; eauto.
- by apply: red_subst_multi => [ | [ | ? ] /= ].
- inversion H; subst; eauto.
+ apply: red_subst_multi; eauto.
exact: (red_abs_multi_inv _ _ IHred).
+ apply: (rt_trans _ _ _ (App (development t11.[t0/]) (development t2))).
* apply: red_appl_multi.
by apply: development_subst => [ [ | ? ] ].
* case t11.[t0/] => /=; eauto.
- case t1 => ?; eauto.
by apply: red_subst_multi => [ | [ | ? ] /= ].
- by apply: development_subst => [ [ | ? ] ].
End Lambda.
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