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Created October 6, 2019 09:12
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Plaan — № 13
<header role="banner" class="sr-only">
<h1>Plan de salle du «&nbsp;Cercle des poètes disparus&nbsp;»</h1>
<main role="main" id="main">
<ul role="presentation" class="no-list no-margin" id="shadow">
<li role="presentation"></li>
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<li role="presentation"></li>
<li role="presentation"></li>
<li role="presentation"></li>
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<li role="presentation"></li>
<li role="presentation"></li>
<li role="presentation"></li>
<li role="presentation"></li>
<li role="presentation"></li>
<li role="presentation"></li>
<li role="presentation"></li>
<li role="presentation"></li>
<li role="presentation"></li>
<li role="presentation"></li>
<li role="presentation"></li>
<li role="presentation"></li>
<li role="presentation"></li>
<li role="presentation"></li>
<li role="presentation"></li>
<li role="presentation"></li>
<li role="presentation"></li>
<ul class="no-list no-margin" id="plan">
<li style="--x:1; --y:2; --span:2;">M. Keating</li>
<li style="--x:7; --y:4;">Neil Perry</li>
<li style="--x:2; --y:4;">Todd Anderson</li>
<li style="--x:5; --y:4;">Knox Overstreet</li>
<li style="--x:4; --y:4;">Charlie Dalton</li>
<li style="--x:3; --y:3;">Richard Cameron</li>
<li style="--x:2; --y:2;">Steven Meeks</li>
<li style="--x:5; --y:3;">Gerard Pitts</li>
<li style="--x:2; --y:3;">Hopkins</li>
<li style="--x:5; --y:1;">Stick</li>
<aside role="complementary" id="settings" class="no-padding">
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<span aria-hidden="true">&#9881;</span>&nbsp;Réglages
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<a download="plaan.json" class="no-margin">Exporter</a>
<p class="no-margin">
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item => {
const name = item.textContent;
const x ='--x');
const y ='--y');
const details = createDetails(name, x, y);
item.innerHTML = '';
item.addEventListener('click', event => {
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const opened = document.querySelectorAll('details[open]');
opened.forEach( detail => {
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const label ='-');
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let result = {
name: name
if (value !== null) {
result = JSON.parse(value);
if (result[axis] !== undefined) {`--${axis}`, result[axis]);
input.value = result[axis];
input.addEventListener('input', event => {
const position =;
const stored = localStorage.getItem(label[0]);
if (stored !== null) {
result = JSON.parse(stored);
result[axis] = position;`--${axis}`, position);
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link.href = 'data:text/json,' + JSON.stringify(localStorage);
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JSON.parse(, (label, value) => {
const result = JSON.parse(value);
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if (result.y !== undefined) {'--y', result.y);
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