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Last active June 1, 2017 22:36
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A tool used for CSS-fading in a site without any client-side scripting
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:html/dom.dart';
import 'package:html/parser.dart';
import 'package:markdown/markdown.dart' as md;
main(args) {
var mdSource = new File(args.single).readAsStringSync();
var html = md.markdownToHtml(mdSource);
var doc = parseFragment(html);
for (var e in doc.children) {
/// Number of steps in which to build the page.
const _keyframesCount = 20;
/// Mapping from class names to the index of the `keyframes` definition.
final Map<String, int> _classToKeyframes = {};
/// Index of the first generated class name, so that we start with something
/// like `_2s` instead of `_0`.
int _index = 100;
final Random _rand = new Random();
final _whitespace = new RegExp(r'\s');
final _wordBoundary = new RegExp(r'\b');
/// Builds the CSS.
String _buildCss() {
final StringBuffer css = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 1; i <= _keyframesCount; i++) {
var classes = <String>[];
_classToKeyframes.forEach((cl, kf) {
if (kf != i) return;
css.write('{animation: appear$i 6s}');
for (int i = 1; i <= _keyframesCount; i++) {
return css.toString();
/// Build each `@keyframe` declaration.
String _buildKeyframes(int i) {
return '''
@keyframes appear$i {
0% {color: white;}
${i+2}% {color: white;}
${i+30}% {color: inherit;}
.replaceAll(new RegExp(r'\n'), '')
.replaceAll(new RegExp(r'\s+'), ' ');
/// Recursively walk the tree and wrap `<span>` around each word. Assign
/// a new class to each span.
void _recursiveWalk(Element e) {
var nodes = new List<Node>();
for (var node in e.nodes) {
if (node is Element) {
} else if (node is Text) {
for (var word in node.text.split(_wordBoundary)) {
if (word.isEmpty) continue;
if (word == '&nbsps;') {
nodes.add(new Text('&nbsp;'));
if (word.contains('\n') && word.trim().isEmpty) {
nodes.add(new Text(" "));
var className = '_${_index.toRadixString(36)}';
var span = new Element.tag('span')
..text = word
_classToKeyframes[className] = _rand.nextInt(_keyframesCount) + 1;
_index += 1;
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