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import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
* PngEncoder takes a Java Image object and creates a byte string which can be saved as a PNG file.
* The Image is presumed to use the DirectColorModel.
* <p>Thanks to Jay Denny at KeyPoint Software
* who let me develop this code on company time.</p>
* <p>You may contact me with (probably very-much-needed) improvements,
* comments, and bug fixes at:</p>
* <p><code></code></p>
* <p>This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</p>
* <p>This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.</p>
* <p>You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* A copy of the GNU LGPL may be found at
* <code></code></p>
* @author J. David Eisenberg
* @version 1.5, 19 Oct 2003
* --------
* 19-Nov-2002 : CODING STYLE CHANGES ONLY (by David Gilbert for Object Refinery Limited);
* 19-Sep-2003 : Fix for platforms using EBCDIC (contributed by Paulo Soares);
* 19-Oct-2003 : Change private fields to protected fields so that
* PngEncoderB can inherit them (JDE)
* Fixed bug with calculation of nRows
public class PngEncoder extends Object {
String tag="PngEncoder";
/** Constant specifying that alpha channel should be encoded. */
public static final boolean ENCODE_ALPHA = true;
/** Constant specifying that alpha channel should not be encoded. */
public static final boolean NO_ALPHA = false;
/** Constants for filter (NONE) */
public static final int FILTER_NONE = 0;
/** Constants for filter (SUB) */
public static final int FILTER_SUB = 1;
/** Constants for filter (UP) */
public static final int FILTER_UP = 2;
/** Constants for filter (LAST) */
public static final int FILTER_LAST = 2;
/** IHDR tag. */
protected static final byte IHDR[] = {73, 72, 68, 82};
/** IDAT tag. */
protected static final byte IDAT[] = {73, 68, 65, 84};
/** IEND tag. */
protected static final byte IEND[] = {73, 69, 78, 68};
/** The png bytes. */
protected byte[] pngBytes;
/** The prior row. */
protected byte[] priorRow;
/** The left bytes. */
protected byte[] leftBytes;
/** The image. */
protected Bitmap image;
/** The width. */
protected int width, height;
/** The byte position. */
protected int bytePos, maxPos;
/** CRC. */
protected CRC32 crc = new CRC32();
/** The CRC value. */
protected long crcValue;
/** Encode alpha? */
protected boolean encodeAlpha;
/** The filter type. */
protected int filter;
/** The bytes-per-pixel. */
protected int bytesPerPixel;
/** The compression level. */
protected int compressionLevel;
private int depth=8;
private HashMap<Integer,Integer> palette_map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
* Class constructor
public PngEncoder() {
this(null, false, FILTER_NONE, 0);
* Class constructor specifying Image to encode, with no alpha channel encoding.
* @param image A Java Image object which uses the DirectColorModel
* @see java.awt.Image
public PngEncoder(Bitmap image) {
this(image, false, FILTER_NONE, 0);
* Class constructor specifying Image to encode, and whether to encode alpha.
* @param image A Java Image object which uses the DirectColorModel
* @param encodeAlpha Encode the alpha channel? false=no; true=yes
* @see java.awt.Image
public PngEncoder(Bitmap image, boolean encodeAlpha) {
this(image, encodeAlpha, FILTER_NONE, 0);
* Class constructor specifying Image to encode, whether to encode alpha, and filter to use.
* @param image A Java Image object which uses the DirectColorModel
* @param encodeAlpha Encode the alpha channel? false=no; true=yes
* @param whichFilter 0=none, 1=sub, 2=up
* @see java.awt.Image
public PngEncoder(Bitmap image, boolean encodeAlpha, int whichFilter) {
this(image, encodeAlpha, whichFilter, 0);
* Class constructor specifying Image source to encode, whether to encode alpha, filter to use,
* and compression level.
* @param image A Java Image object
* @param encodeAlpha Encode the alpha channel? false=no; true=yes
* @param whichFilter 0=none, 1=sub, 2=up
* @param compLevel 0..9
* @see java.awt.Image
public PngEncoder(Bitmap image, boolean encodeAlpha, int whichFilter, int compLevel) {
this.image = image;
this.encodeAlpha = encodeAlpha;
if (compLevel >= 0 && compLevel <= 9) {
this.compressionLevel = compLevel;
public void setDepth(int depth) {
* Set the image to be encoded
* @param image A Java Image object which uses the DirectColorModel
* @see java.awt.Image
* @see java.awt.image.DirectColorModel
public void setImage(Bitmap image) {
this.image = image;
pngBytes = null;
* Creates an array of bytes that is the PNG equivalent of the current image, specifying
* whether to encode alpha or not.
* @param encodeAlpha boolean false=no alpha, true=encode alpha
* @return an array of bytes, or null if there was a problem
public byte[] pngEncode(boolean encodeAlpha) {
byte[] pngIdBytes = {-119, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10};
if (image == null) {
return null;
width = image.getWidth();
height = image.getHeight();
* start with an array that is big enough to hold all the pixels
* (plus filter bytes), and an extra 200 bytes for header info
pngBytes = new byte[((width + 1) * height * 3) + 200];
* keep track of largest byte written to the array
maxPos = 0;
bytePos = writeBytes(pngIdBytes, 0);
//hdrPos = bytePos;
// Compress image data
// if this is a 4bit / 16 colour image it also creates the relvant palette
byte[] compressedimage = compressImageData();
// Write the Palette
bytePos = writeBytes(createPebblePalette(), bytePos);
//dataPos = bytePos;
pngBytes = resizeByteArray(pngBytes, maxPos);
return pngBytes;
* Creates an array of bytes that is the PNG equivalent of the current image.
* Alpha encoding is determined by its setting in the constructor.
* @return an array of bytes, or null if there was a problem
public byte[] pngEncode() {
return pngEncode(encodeAlpha);
* Set the alpha encoding on or off.
* @param encodeAlpha false=no, true=yes
public void setEncodeAlpha(boolean encodeAlpha) {
this.encodeAlpha = encodeAlpha;
* Retrieve alpha encoding status.
* @return boolean false=no, true=yes
public boolean getEncodeAlpha() {
return encodeAlpha;
* Set the filter to use
* @param whichFilter from constant list
public void setFilter(int whichFilter) {
this.filter = FILTER_NONE;
if (whichFilter <= FILTER_LAST) {
this.filter = whichFilter;
* Retrieve filtering scheme
* @return int (see constant list)
public int getFilter() {
return filter;
* Set the compression level to use
* @param level 0 through 9
public void setCompressionLevel(int level) {
if (level >= 0 && level <= 9) {
this.compressionLevel = level;
* Retrieve compression level
* @return int in range 0-9
public int getCompressionLevel() {
return compressionLevel;
* Increase or decrease the length of a byte array.
* @param array The original array.
* @param newLength The length you wish the new array to have.
* @return Array of newly desired length. If shorter than the
* original, the trailing elements are truncated.
protected byte[] resizeByteArray(byte[] array, int newLength) {
byte[] newArray = new byte[newLength];
int oldLength = array.length;
System.arraycopy(array, 0, newArray, 0, Math.min(oldLength, newLength));
return newArray;
* Write an array of bytes into the pngBytes array.
* Note: This routine has the side effect of updating
* maxPos, the largest element written in the array.
* The array is resized by 1000 bytes or the length
* of the data to be written, whichever is larger.
* @param data The data to be written into pngBytes.
* @param offset The starting point to write to.
* @return The next place to be written to in the pngBytes array.
protected int writeBytes(byte[] data, int offset) {
maxPos = Math.max(maxPos, offset + data.length);
if (data.length + offset > pngBytes.length) {
pngBytes = resizeByteArray(pngBytes, pngBytes.length + Math.max(1000, data.length));
System.arraycopy(data, 0, pngBytes, offset, data.length);
return offset + data.length;
* Write an array of bytes into the pngBytes array, specifying number of bytes to write.
* Note: This routine has the side effect of updating
* maxPos, the largest element written in the array.
* The array is resized by 1000 bytes or the length
* of the data to be written, whichever is larger.
* @param data The data to be written into pngBytes.
* @param nBytes The number of bytes to be written.
* @param offset The starting point to write to.
* @return The next place to be written to in the pngBytes array.
protected int writeBytes(byte[] data, int nBytes, int offset) {
maxPos = Math.max(maxPos, offset + nBytes);
if (nBytes + offset > pngBytes.length) {
pngBytes = resizeByteArray(pngBytes, pngBytes.length + Math.max(1000, nBytes));
System.arraycopy(data, 0, pngBytes, offset, nBytes);
return offset + nBytes;
* Write a two-byte integer into the pngBytes array at a given position.
* @param n The integer to be written into pngBytes.
* @param offset The starting point to write to.
* @return The next place to be written to in the pngBytes array.
protected int writeInt2(int n, int offset) {
byte[] temp = {(byte) ((n >> 8) & 0xff), (byte) (n & 0xff)};
return writeBytes(temp, offset);
* Write a four-byte integer into the pngBytes array at a given position.
* @param n The integer to be written into pngBytes.
* @param offset The starting point to write to.
* @return The next place to be written to in the pngBytes array.
protected int writeInt4(int n, int offset) {
byte[] temp = {(byte) ((n >> 24) & 0xff),
(byte) ((n >> 16) & 0xff),
(byte) ((n >> 8) & 0xff),
(byte) (n & 0xff)};
return writeBytes(temp, offset);
* Write a single byte into the pngBytes array at a given position.
* @param b The integer to be written into pngBytes.
* @param offset The starting point to write to.
* @return The next place to be written to in the pngBytes array.
protected int writeByte(int b, int offset) {
byte[] temp = {(byte) b};
return writeBytes(temp, offset);
* Write a PNG "IHDR" chunk into the pngBytes array.
protected void writeHeader() {
int startPos;
startPos = bytePos = writeInt4(13, bytePos);
bytePos = writeBytes(IHDR, bytePos);
width = image.getWidth();
height = image.getHeight();
bytePos = writeInt4(width, bytePos);
bytePos = writeInt4(height, bytePos);
bytePos = writeByte(depth, bytePos); // bit depth
// bytePos = writeByte((encodeAlpha) ? 6 : 2, bytePos); // direct model
bytePos = writeByte(3, bytePos); // Palette
bytePos = writeByte(0, bytePos); // compression method
bytePos = writeByte(0, bytePos); // filter method
bytePos = writeByte(0, bytePos); // no interlace
crc.update(pngBytes, startPos, bytePos - startPos);
crcValue = crc.getValue();
bytePos = writeInt4((int) crcValue, bytePos);
* Perform "sub" filtering on the given row.
* Uses temporary array leftBytes to store the original values
* of the previous pixels. The array is 16 bytes long, which
* will easily hold two-byte samples plus two-byte alpha.
* @param pixels The array holding the scan lines being built
* @param startPos Starting position within pixels of bytes to be filtered.
* @param width Width of a scanline in pixels.
protected void filterSub(byte[] pixels, int startPos, int width) {
int i;
int offset = bytesPerPixel;
int actualStart = startPos + offset;
int nBytes = width * bytesPerPixel;
int leftInsert = offset;
int leftExtract = 0;
for (i = actualStart; i < startPos + nBytes; i++) {
leftBytes[leftInsert] = pixels[i];
pixels[i] = (byte) ((pixels[i] - leftBytes[leftExtract]) % 256);
leftInsert = (leftInsert + 1) % 0x0f;
leftExtract = (leftExtract + 1) % 0x0f;
* Perform "up" filtering on the given row.
* Side effect: refills the prior row with current row
* @param pixels The array holding the scan lines being built
* @param startPos Starting position within pixels of bytes to be filtered.
* @param width Width of a scanline in pixels.
protected void filterUp(byte[] pixels, int startPos, int width) {
int i, nBytes;
byte currentByte;
nBytes = width * bytesPerPixel;
for (i = 0; i < nBytes; i++) {
currentByte = pixels[startPos + i];
pixels[startPos + i] = (byte) ((pixels[startPos + i] - priorRow[i]) % 256);
priorRow[i] = currentByte;
* Write the image data into the pngBytes array.
* This will write one or more PNG "IDAT" chunks. In order
* to conserve memory, this method grabs as many rows as will
* fit into 32K bytes, or the whole image; whichever is less.
* @return the compress image data or 0 length array on error
protected byte[] compressImageData() {
int rowsLeft = height; // number of rows remaining to write
int startRow = 0; // starting row to process this time through
int nRows; // how many rows to grab at a time
byte[] scanLines; // the scan lines to be compressed
int scanPos; // where we are in the scan lines
int startPos; // where this line's actual pixels start (used for filtering)
byte[] compressedLines; // the resultant compressed lines
int nCompressed; // how big is the compressed area?
bytesPerPixel = 1;// (encodeAlpha) ? 4 : 3;
Deflater scrunch = new Deflater(compressionLevel);
ByteArrayOutputStream outBytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
DeflaterOutputStream compBytes = new DeflaterOutputStream(outBytes, scrunch);
try {
while (rowsLeft > 0) {
// Pebble
// Assume the image is small (i.e. has been resized before sending to no more that 168)
nRows = height;
int[] pixels = new int[width * nRows];
image.getPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, startRow, width, nRows);
if (depth==8) {
scanLines = new byte[width * nRows * bytesPerPixel + nRows];
} else {
int pixels_per_byte = 8 / depth;
int scanLineLength = (width + (pixels_per_byte-width%pixels_per_byte))/pixels_per_byte;
Log.d(tag,"new scanLineLength=" + scanLineLength);
scanLines = new byte[scanLineLength * nRows * bytesPerPixel + nRows];
int palette_count=0;
int max = 8 /depth;
int count = 1;
byte output=0x00;
int max_cols= (int) Math.pow(2,depth);
scanPos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < width * nRows; i++) {
if (i % width == 0) {
scanLines[scanPos++] = (byte) filter;
if (depth==8) {
// For 6 bit (64 Colours), get 2 bit value for each of ARGB
// in Pebble dp1-4 Alpha is the just the top bit
byte pix = (byte) 0x00;
// Alpha isn't working yet
// pix = (byte) (pix | ((byte)(Color.alpha(pixels[i])/64))<<6);
pix = (byte) (pix | ((byte)([i])/64))<<4);
pix = (byte) (pix | ((byte)([i])/64))<<2);
pix = (byte) (pix | ((byte)([i])/64)));
} else {
// For 4 bit (16 Colours) from Palette
// Each pixel is mapped to the relevant palette entry
// Assumes we already have a 16 colour image
// Create the palette as we go
Integer pvalue = 0;
if (depth==1) {
if (pixels[i] == Color.BLACK) {
pvalue = 0;
} else {
pvalue = 1;
} else {
pvalue= palette_map.get(pixels[i]);
if (pvalue == null) {
pvalue = palette_count;
palette_map.put(pixels[i], palette_count);
// Warn if the palette is too big
if (palette_count >= max_cols) {
Log.d(tag, "Bad colour image - more than " + max_cols + " colours! (" + palette_count + ")");
pvalue = 0;
int shift = 8 - (count * depth);
byte pix = (byte)pvalue.intValue();
output = (byte) (output | (pix<<shift));
if (count==max) {
else {
if ((i!=0) && ((i+1)%width==0)) {
} else {
* Write these lines to the output area
compBytes.write(scanLines, 0, scanPos);
startRow += nRows;
rowsLeft -= nRows;
compressedLines = outBytes.toByteArray();
return compressedLines;
catch (IOException e) {
return new byte[0];
private void writeImageData(byte[] compressedLines) {
* Write the compressed bytes
int nCompressed = compressedLines.length;
bytePos = writeInt4(nCompressed, bytePos);
bytePos = writeBytes(IDAT, bytePos);
bytePos = writeBytes(compressedLines, nCompressed, bytePos);
crc.update(compressedLines, 0, nCompressed);
crcValue = crc.getValue();
bytePos = writeInt4((int) crcValue, bytePos);
* Write a PNG "IEND" chunk into the pngBytes array.
protected void writeEnd() {
bytePos = writeInt4(0, bytePos);
bytePos = writeBytes(IEND, bytePos);
crcValue = crc.getValue();
bytePos = writeInt4((int) crcValue, bytePos);
private byte[] createPebblePalette() {
// PLTE = len + header + data + crc
int cols=64;
int max_cols= (int) Math.pow(2,depth);
if (depth!=8) {
int data_len=cols*3;
int len=4+4+data_len+4;
byte[] pal = new byte[len];
// Add the length
byte[] lenb=intToInt4Bytes(data_len);
// Add the chunk type
// Create the palette and add
if ((depth==2)||(depth==4)) {
int pos=8;
// Here we assume the palette_map has been updated already which is yukky
Log.d(tag,"Pebble Pallete was depth "+depth+", size " + palette_map.size());
Iterator<Integer> it = palette_map.keySet().iterator();
StringBuffer strbuf = new StringBuffer();
while (it.hasNext()) {
int c =;
int i = palette_map.get(c);
Log.d(tag,"PLTE c=" + c + " i="+i);
if (i<max_cols) {
} else {
Log.d(tag,"Skipping pallette item > 16");
} else if (depth==1){
int pos=8;
} else if (depth==8){
int pos=8;
byte[] colours = {0, 85, (byte) 170, (byte) 255};
for (byte r: colours) {
for (byte g:colours) {
for (byte b:colours) {
// Calc CRC and add
CRC32 palcrc = new CRC32();
palcrc.update(pal, 4, 4+data_len);
long palcrcl = palcrc.getValue();
byte[] palcrcb = intToInt4Bytes((int)palcrcl);
return pal;
private byte[] intToInt4Bytes(int n) {
byte[] temp = {(byte) ((n >> 24) & 0xff),
(byte) ((n >> 16) & 0xff),
(byte) ((n >> 8) & 0xff),
(byte) (n & 0xff)};
return temp;
private static int ConvertTo6Bit(int value) {
if (value < 43) return 0;
if (value < 129) return 85;
if (value < 213) return 170;
else return 255;
final protected static char[] hexArray = "0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray();
public static String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes) {
char[] hexChars = new char[bytes.length * 2];
for ( int j = 0; j < bytes.length; j++ ) {
int v = bytes[j] & 0xFF;
hexChars[j * 2] = hexArray[v >>> 4];
hexChars[j * 2 + 1] = hexArray[v & 0x0F];
return new String(hexChars);
import android.os.*;
import com.jabistudio.androidjhlabs.filter.DiffusionFilter;
import com.jabistudio.androidjhlabs.filter.GrayscaleFilter;
import com.jabistudio.androidjhlabs.filter.QuantizeFilter;
import com.jabistudio.androidjhlabs.filter.ScaleFilter;
import com.jabistudio.androidjhlabs.filter.util.AndroidUtils;
import junit.framework.Test;
public class TestPngEncoder{
public static String tag="TestPngEncoder";
public TestPngEncoder() {
public static int calculateInSampleSize(
BitmapFactory.Options options, int reqWidth, int reqHeight) {
// Raw height and width of image
final int height = options.outHeight;
final int width = options.outWidth;
int inSampleSize = 1;
if (height > reqHeight || width > reqWidth) {
final int halfHeight = height / 2;
final int halfWidth = width / 2;
// Calculate the largest inSampleSize value that is a power of 2 and keeps both
// height and width larger than the requested height and width.
while ((halfHeight / inSampleSize) > reqHeight
&& (halfWidth / inSampleSize) > reqWidth) {
inSampleSize *= 2;
return inSampleSize;
public void doEncode(String in_filename, String out_filename, int depth, boolean dither) {
File path = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(
Log.d(tag,"Loading image to be converted");
String infile= path.getAbsolutePath()+File.separator+in_filename;
// Load the bitmap with sampling to reduce the size in memory
// See
// First decode with inJustDecodeBounds=true to check dimensions
final BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
BitmapFactory.decodeFile(infile, options);
// Calculate inSampleSize
// Where 100,100 is the target size (but will NOT be the actual image size)
options.inSampleSize = calculateInSampleSize(options, 100, 100);
// Decode bitmap with inSampleSize set
options.inJustDecodeBounds = false;
Bitmap b= BitmapFactory.decodeFile(infile, options);
Log.d(tag,"Loading Running filters");
// Get the bitmap is int array
int[] ba=AndroidUtils.bitmapToIntArray(b);
int width=144;
int height=168;
// Scale bitmap to real target size e.g. 144,168
ScaleFilter sf = new ScaleFilter(width,height);
int[] sa=sf.filter(ba,b.getWidth(),b.getHeight());
int baf[]=null;
int num_cols=64;
if (depth==8) {
QuantizeFilter qf = new QuantizeFilter();
baf = qf.filter(sa, width, height);
if (depth==4) {
num_cols = 16;
QuantizeFilter qf = new QuantizeFilter();
baf = qf.filter(sa, width, height);
if (depth==2) {
GrayscaleFilter gf = new GrayscaleFilter();
int[] gsf = gf.filter(sa,width,height);
DiffusionFilter df = new DiffusionFilter();
baf = df.filter(gsf, width, height);
if (depth==1) {
DiffusionFilter df = new DiffusionFilter();
baf = df.filter(sa, width, height);
Bitmap newBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(baf, width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
// Encode the Bitmap , no alpha (not working yet), no png filter, max compression
// Note this is sllllooowwwwww
PngEncoder p = new PngEncoder(newBitmap,false,0,9);
byte[] o = p.pngEncode();
Log.d(tag,"Encoding done");
// Save final output to file if necessary
try {
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(path.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + out_filename);
out.write(o, 0, o.length);
Log.d(tag, "File write done");
} catch (IOException ex) {
Log.d(tag,"Unable to save new png " + ex);
public static void main(String[] args) {
TestPngEncoder tpe = new TestPngEncoder();
// Create a B&W dithered image
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