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Created August 18, 2016 05:43
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Dynamic background displayer
window.fully = (function(win, doc) {
function viewer(options) {
win._cb = function(obj) {
var image = doc.getElementById(options.elementId);
image.src = '//' + obj.query.results.json.images.url;
if (image.complete) {
addClassName(image, 'active', true);
} else {
image.onload = function() {
addClassName(image, 'active', true);
function player(options) {
var tv;
var video = doc.getElementById(options.elementId);
var screen = video.parentNode;
var videos = options.videos;
win.onresize = vidRescale;
win.onYouTubePlayerAPIReady = function() {
tv = new YT.Player(options.elementId, {
events: {
onReady: onPlayerReady,
onStateChange: onPlayerStateChange
playerVars: {
autoplay: 0, autohide: 1, modestbranding: 0, rel: 0, showinfo: 0,
controls: 0, disablekb: 1, enablejsapi: 0, iv_load_policy: 3
video = screen.childNodes[1];
addEvent(video, 'click', function(event) {
function onPlayerReady() {
videoId: videos[Math.floor(Math.random() * (videos.length - 1 + 1))],
suggestedQuality: 'hd720'
function onPlayerStateChange(e) {
if ( === 1) {
addClassName(video, 'active', true);
} else if ( === 0) {
function vidRescale() {
var w = win.innerWidth + 400;
var h = win.innerHeight + 400;
if (w / h > 16 / 9) {
tv.setSize(w, w / 16 * 9);
} else {
tv.setSize(h / 9 * 16, h);
} = (win.innerWidth - video.offsetWidth) / 2 + 'px';
function injectScript(c){var a=doc.createElement("script"),b=doc.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];a.async=!0;a.src=c;b.parentNode.insertBefore(a,b)};
function addClassName(a,c,b) {if(a.className) {var e=a.className.split(" ");if(b) {b=c.toUpperCase();for(var d=0;d<e.length;d++)e[d].toUpperCase()==b&&(e.splice(d,1),d--)}e[e.length]=c;a.className=e.join(" ")}else a.className=c}
function addEvent(a,c,b) {"object"!=typeof a&&(a=doc.getElementById(a));a&&(a.attachEvent?(a["e"+c+b]=b,a[c+b]=function() {a["e"+c+b](win.event)},a.attachEvent("on"+c,a[c+b])):a.addEventListener(c,b,!1))};
return function(options) {
&& win.matchMedia('(max-device-width: 960px)').matches
|| win.screen.width <= 960 ? viewer : player)(options);
})(window, document);
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