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Two options for conditional ngrx effects
selectAndLoadStore$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$
.map(([action, storeState]) => [action.payload, storeState])
.switchMap(([storeName, storeState]) => {
const existsInStore = Boolean(storeState.urlNameMap[storeName]);
return Observable.if(
() => existsInStore,
Observable.of(new storeActions.SetSelectedStore(storeName)),
.map(store => new storeActions.LoadSelectedStoreSuccess(store))
selectAndLoadStore$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$
.map(([action, storeState]) => [action.payload, storeState])
.switchMap(([storeName, storeState]) => {
const existsInStore = Boolean(storeState.urlNameMap[storeName]);
let obs;
if (existsInStore) {
obs = Observable.of(new storeActions.SetSelectedStore(storeName));
} else {
obs = this.storeService.getByUrlName(storeName)
.map(store => new storeActions.LoadSelectedStoreSuccess(store));
return obs;
}); // @Effect()
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