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Created May 2, 2019 00:47
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declare module 'preact-fluid/Animate' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type AnimateProps = {
component: JSX.Element;
animation?: {
active?: boolean;
duration?: number;
timingFunction?: string;
delay?: string;
iterationCount?: number;
direction?: string;
fillMode?: string;
playState?: string;
onStart?: (...args: any[]) => any;
onComplete?: (...args: any[]) => any;
onIteration?: (...args: any[]) => any;
attrs?: object;
* Wrapper for animating the external component
* @example ./../../docs/components/
class Animate extends Component<AnimateProps, {}> {
static defaultProps: {
animation: {};
attrs: {};
handleAnimationStart: () => void
handleAnimationComplete: () => void
handleAnimationIteration: () => void
componentWillMount (): void
componentDidMount (): void
render (): JSX.Element
export default Animate
declare module 'preact-fluid/AppBar' {
import { Component, ComponentChild } from 'preact'
export interface AppBarProps {
title?: string
left?: any[]
titleStyle?: {}
logo?: any
logoStyle?: {}
leftSection?: ComponentChild
rightSection?: ComponentChild
primary?: boolean
secondary?: boolean
* A toolbar that’s used for branding, navigation, search, and actions.
* @example ./../../docs/components/
class AppBar extends Component<AppBarProps, {}> {
static contextTypes: {
theme: any;
render (): JSX.Element
export default AppBar
declare module 'preact-fluid/Button' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type ButtonProps = {
size?: 'small' | 'normal' | 'large';
rounded?: boolean;
primary?: boolean;
secondary?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
onClick?: (...args: any[]) => any;
* This button is used to add dimension to mostly flat layouts and emphasizes important functions on your page.
* @example ./../../docs/components/
class Button extends Component<ButtonProps, {}> {
static defaultProps: {
primary: boolean;
secondary: boolean;
clicked: boolean;
static contextTypes: {
theme: any;
render (): JSX.Element
export default Button
declare module 'preact-fluid/Card' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type CardProps = {
style?: string;
onClick?: (...args: any[]) => any;
* Cards are content containers to display information
* @example ./../../docs/components/
class Card extends Component<CardProps, {}> {
static contextTypes: {
theme: any;
render (): JSX.Element
export default Card
declare module 'preact-fluid/CardBody' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type CardBodyProps = {
style?: object;
* Cards header displays title information
class CardBody extends Component<CardBodyProps, {}> {
static contextTypes: {
theme: any;
render (): JSX.Element
export default CardBody
declare module 'preact-fluid/CardFooter' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type CardFooterProps = {
style?: object;
* Cards header displays title information
class CardFooter extends Component<CardFooterProps, {}> {
static contextTypes: {
theme: any;
render (): JSX.Element
export default CardFooter
declare module 'preact-fluid/CardHeader' {
import { Component } from "preact";
export type CardHeaderProps = {
style?: object;
* Cards header displays title information
class CardHeader extends Component<CardHeaderProps, {}> {
static contextTypes: {
theme: any;
render(): JSX.Element;
export default CardHeader;
declare module 'preact-fluid/CardImage' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
* Cards header displays title information
class CardImage extends Component {
static propTypes: {
* Custom styles
style: any;
static contextTypes: {
theme: any;
renderOverlay: (overlay: any) => '' | JSX.Element
render (): JSX.Element
export default CardImage
declare module 'preact-fluid/Cell' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export interface CellProps {
width?: string
height?: string
left?: string
top?: string
center?: boolean
area?: string
middle?: boolean
overflow?: boolean
style?: string
* Cards are content containers to display information
* @example ./../../docs/components/
class Cell extends Component<CellProps, {}> {
render (): JSX.Element
export default Cell
declare module 'preact-fluid/Checkbox' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type CheckboxProps = {
style?: string;
onChange?: (...args: any[]) => any;
grid?: object;
cell?: object;
onClick?: (...args: any[]) => any;
* A checkbox is used to verify which options you want selected.
* @example ./../../../docs/components/Form/
class Checkbox extends Component<CheckboxProps, {}> {
static defaultProps: {
checked: boolean;
disabled: boolean;
grid: {
columns: string;
gap: string;
cell: {
middle: boolean;
static contextTypes: {
theme: any;
readonly label: '' | JSX.Element
handleOptionChange: (input: any) => void
render (): JSX.Element
export default Checkbox
declare module 'preact-fluid/Dropdown' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type DropdownProps = {
component?: JSX.Element;
openDropdown?: (...args: any[]) => any;
closeDropdown?: (...args: any[]) => any;
toggleDropdown?: (...args: any[]) => any;
style?: object;
* Simple Dropdown component
* @example ./../../docs/components/
class Dropdown extends Component<DropdownProps, {}> {
static defaultProps: {
component: string;
static contextTypes: {
theme: any;
handleClickOutside: (event: any) => void
toggleDropdown: () => void
closeDropdown: () => void
openDropdown: () => void
renderDropDown: () => JSX.Element
componentDidMount (): void
componentWillUnmount (): void
render (): JSX.Element
export default Dropdown
declare module 'preact-fluid/Grid' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export interface GridProps {
flow?: 'row' | 'column' | 'dense' | 'row dense' | 'column dense' | 'inherit' | 'initial' | 'unset'
autoRows?: string
rows?: string
columns?: string
gap?: string
areas?: string[]
justifyContent?: string
alignItems?: string
style?: string
* Layout layout
* @example ./../../docs/components/
class Grid extends Component<GridProps, {}> {
render (): JSX.Element
export default Grid
declare module 'preact-fluid/Icon' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type IconProps = {
name: string;
color?: string;
size?: 'xsmall' | 'small' | 'normal' | 'large' | 'xlarge';
onClick?: (...args: any[]) => any;
* This component will render font awesome icons only, include font awesome in your project.
* @example ./../../docs/components/
class Icon extends Component<IconProps, {}> {
static defaultProps: {}
render (): JSX.Element
export default Icon
declare module 'preact-fluid/Icon' {
export {};
declare module 'preact-fluid/Image' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type ImageProps = {
style?: string;
onClick?: (...args: any[]) => any;
* Progressive Image Loading with a blur effect option to reduce the page load time
* @example ./../../docs/components/
class Image extends Component<ImageProps, {}> {
handleImageLoaded: () => void
handleImageErrored: () => void
renderResponsiveImages: (images?: any[]) => JSX.Element[]
placeholderOnLoad: (element: any) => void
renderPlaceholder: (placeholder: any) => '' | JSX.Element
render (): JSX.Element
export default Image
declare module 'preact-fluid' {
import Animate from 'preact-fluid/Animate'
import AppBar from 'preact-fluid/AppBar'
import Button from 'preact-fluid/Button'
import CardBody from 'preact-fluid/CardBody'
import Card from 'preact-fluid/Card'
import CardFooter from 'preact-fluid/CardFooter'
import CardHeader from 'preact-fluid/CardHeader'
import CardImage from 'preact-fluid/CardImage'
import Cell from 'preact-fluid/Cell'
import Checkbox from 'preact-fluid/Checkbox'
import Dropdown from 'preact-fluid/Dropdown'
import Grid from 'preact-fluid/Grid'
import Icon from 'preact-fluid/Icon'
import Image from 'preact-fluid/Image'
import Link from 'preact-fluid/Link'
import List from 'preact-fluid/List'
import ListFooter from 'preact-fluid/ListFooter'
import ListHeader from 'preact-fluid/ListHeader'
import ListItem from 'preact-fluid/ListItem'
import ListSection from 'preact-fluid/ListSection'
import Modal from 'preact-fluid/Modal'
import ModalPortal from 'preact-fluid/ModalPortal'
import Notify from 'preact-fluid/Notify'
import NotifyPanel from 'preact-fluid/NotifyPanel'
import NotifyPortal from 'preact-fluid/NotifyPortal'
import Radio from 'preact-fluid/Radio'
import RadioGroup from 'preact-fluid/RadioGroup'
import TextField from 'preact-fluid/TextField'
import Tooltip from 'preact-fluid/Tooltip'
let _export: {
Animate: typeof Animate,
AppBar: typeof AppBar,
Button: typeof Button,
CardBody: typeof CardBody,
Card: typeof Card,
CardFooter: typeof CardFooter,
CardHeader: typeof CardHeader,
CardImage: typeof CardImage,
Cell: typeof Cell,
Checkbox: typeof Checkbox,
Dropdown: typeof Dropdown,
Grid: typeof Grid,
Icon: typeof Icon,
Image: typeof Image,
Link: typeof Link,
List: typeof List,
ListFooter: typeof ListFooter,
ListHeader: typeof ListHeader,
ListItem: typeof ListItem,
ListSection: typeof ListSection,
Modal: typeof Modal,
ModalPortal: typeof ModalPortal,
Notify: typeof Notify,
NotifyPanel: typeof NotifyPanel,
NotifyPortal: typeof NotifyPortal,
Radio: typeof Radio,
RadioGroup: typeof RadioGroup,
TextField: typeof TextField,
Tooltip: typeof Tooltip
export = _export
declare module 'preact-fluid/keyframes' {
const _default: {
buttonEffect: string;
loading: string;
export default _default
declare module 'preact-fluid/List' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type ListProps = {
style?: object;
* List groups are a flexible and powerful component for displaying not only simple lists of elements, but complex ones with custom content.
* @example ./../../docs/components/
class List extends Component<ListProps, {}> {
static contextTypes: {
theme: any;
render (): JSX.Element
export default List
declare module 'preact-fluid/ListFooter' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type ListFooterProps = {
style?: object;
* List Footer -
class ListFooter extends Component<ListFooterProps, {}> {
static contextTypes: {
theme: any;
render (): JSX.Element
export default ListFooter
declare module 'preact-fluid/ListHeader' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type ListHeaderProps = {
style?: object;
* List header
class ListHeader extends Component<ListHeaderProps, {}> {
static contextTypes: {
theme: any;
readonly content: any
render (): JSX.Element
export default ListHeader
declare module 'preact-fluid/ListItem' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type ListItemProps = {
style?: object;
* List Item
class ListItem extends Component<ListItemProps, {}> {
static contextTypes: {
theme: any;
readonly left: '' | JSX.Element
readonly right: '' | JSX.Element
handleClick: () => void
render (): JSX.Element
export default ListItem
declare module 'preact-fluid/ListSection' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type ListSectionProps = {
style?: object;
* List Section
class ListSection extends Component<ListSectionProps, {}> {
static contextTypes: {
theme: any;
render (): JSX.Element
export default ListSection
declare module 'preact-fluid/Modal' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type ModalProps = {
style?: object;
export type ModalState = {
content: boolean;
* Description
* @example ./../../docs/components/
class Modal extends Component<ModalProps, ModalState> {
static defaultProps: {}
static contextTypes: {
theme: any;
show: (content: any) => void
hide: () => void
constructor (props: any);
render (): JSX.Element
export default Modal
declare module 'preact-fluid/ModalPortal' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
* Modal Portal Component
class ModalPortal extends Component<{}, {}> {
render: () => any
constructor (props: any);
componentDidMount (): void
componentWillUnmount (): void
componentDidUpdate (): void
export default ModalPortal
declare module 'preact-fluid/Notify' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type NotifyProps = {
id?: string;
style?: object;
title?: string;
autoDismiss?: number;
message?: string;
type?: 'success' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'info';
onClick?: (...args: any[]) => any;
iconName?: string;
iconSize?: 'xsmall' | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'xlarge';
iconColor?: string;
onAdd?: (...args: any[]) => any;
onDismiss?: (...args: any[]) => any;
export type NotifyState = {
notifications: undefined[];
* Notification system for application with customizable features
* @example ./../../docs/components/
class Notify extends Component<NotifyProps, NotifyState> {
static defaultProps: {
type: string;
style: {};
title: any;
message: any;
autoDismiss: number;
iconName: string;
iconColor: string;
iconSize: string;
readonly guid: string
add: (notification: any) => void
dismiss: (notification: any) => void
renderNotification: () => JSX.Element[]
constructor (props: any);
render (): JSX.Element
export default Notify
declare module 'preact-fluid/NotifyPanel' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type NotifyPanelProps = {
style?: object;
title?: string;
autoDismiss?: any;
message?: string;
type?: 'success' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'info';
onClick?: (...args: any[]) => any;
iconName?: string;
iconSize?: 'xsmall' | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'xlarge';
iconColor?: string;
* Notification panel
class NotifyPanel extends Component<NotifyPanelProps, {}> {
static defaultProps: {
type: string;
static contextTypes: {
theme: any;
readonly iconColor: any
close: () => void
onClick: () => void
render (): JSX.Element
export default NotifyPanel
declare module 'preact-fluid/NotifyPortal' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
* Notification Portal Component
class NotifyPortal extends Component<{}, {}> {
render: () => any
constructor (props: any);
componentDidMount (): void
componentWillUnmount (): void
componentDidUpdate (): void
export default NotifyPortal
declare module 'preact-fluid/Radio' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type RadioProps = {
style?: string;
onChange?: (...args: any[]) => any;
grid?: object;
cell?: object;
effect?: 'default' | 'circle' | 'drop';
bgColor?: string;
highlightColor?: string;
* Radio are switches used for selection
* @example ./../../../docs/components/Form/
class Radio extends Component<RadioProps, {}> {
static defaultProps: {
grid: {
columns: string;
gap: string;
cell: {
middle: boolean;
effect: string;
checked: boolean;
static contextTypes: {
theme: any;
readonly label: '' | JSX.Element
handleOptionChange: (input: any) => void
render (): JSX.Element
export default Radio
declare module 'preact-fluid/RadioGroup' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type RadioGroupProps = {
style?: string;
defaultSelected?: string;
onChange?: (...args: any[]) => any;
horizontal?: boolean;
grid?: object;
cell?: object;
hideLabel?: boolean;
disabled?: boolean;
* Radio are switches used for selection from multiple options
* @example ./../../../docs/components/Form/
class RadioGroup extends Component<RadioGroupProps, {}> {
static defaultProps: {
defaultSelected: any;
style: string;
horizontal: boolean;
grid: {
columns: string;
cell: {
middle: boolean;
hideLabel: boolean;
disabled: boolean;
readonly label: '' | JSX.Element
readonly selectedValue: any
handleOnChange: (input: any) => void
renderRadio: (child: any, index: any) => JSX.Element
render (): JSX.Element
export default RadioGroup
declare module 'preact-fluid/styles' {
declare const StyledTooltip: import("styled-components").StyledComponentClass<JSX.HTMLAttributes, any, JSX.HTMLAttributes>;
export { StyledTooltip };
declare module 'preact-fluid/TextField' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type TextFieldProps = {
style?: string;
onChange?: (...args: any[]) => any;
grid?: object;
cell?: object;
* TextField allow users to input text.
* @example ./../../../docs/components/Form/
class TextField extends Component<TextFieldProps, {}> {
static defaultProps: {
style: string;
grid: {
columns: string;
cell: {
middle: boolean;
hideLabel: boolean;
static contextTypes: {
theme: any;
readonly label: '' | JSX.Element
onChange: (input: any) => void
renderErrorMessage: (errorText: any) => '' | JSX.Element
render (): JSX.Element
export default TextField
declare module 'preact-fluid/theme' {
const _default: {
primaryColor: string;
primaryColorDark: string;
primaryColorLight: string;
secondaryColor: string;
secondaryColorDark: string;
secondaryColorLight: string;
linkColor: string;
linkColorDark: string;
darkColor: string;
lightColor: string;
grayColor: string;
grayColorLight: string;
grayColorDark: string;
borderColor: string;
borderColorDark: string;
bgColor: string;
bgColorDark: string;
bgColorLight: string;
controlSuccessColor: string;
controlWarningColor: string;
controlErrorColor: string;
codeColor: string;
highlightColor: string;
notifyBgColor: string;
listActiveColor: string;
export default _default
declare module 'preact-fluid/Tooltip' {
import { Component } from 'preact'
export type TooltipProps = {
title: object;
position?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right';
effect?: 'fade' | 'expand';
width?: string;
style?: object;
* Description
* @example ./../../docs/components/
class Tooltip extends Component<TooltipProps, {}> {
static defaultProps: {
title: string;
effect: string;
position: string;
width: any;
static contextTypes: {
theme: any;
render (): JSX.Element
export default Tooltip
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