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Last active September 21, 2016 07:42
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Print list.
Fixpoint In {A} (a:A) (l:list A) : Prop :=
match l with
| nil => False
| cons b m => b = a \/ In a m
Print nil.
Print or.
Print eq.
Context {atom : Type}.
Inductive prop1 : Type :=
| atom_prop1 : atom -> prop1.
Print prop1.
Check atom.
Print atom.
Inductive SC_proves1 : list prop1 -> prop1 -> Prop :=
| SC_init1 Γ P : In P Γ -> SC_proves1 Γ P.
Print False.
Inductive prop : Type :=
| atom_prop : atom -> prop
| bot_prop : prop
| top_prop : prop
| and_prop : prop -> prop -> prop
| or_prop : prop -> prop -> prop
| impl_prop : prop -> prop -> prop.
Notation "⊥" := bot_prop.
Notation "⊤" := top_prop.
Infix "∧" := and_prop (left associativity, at level 52).
Infix "∨" := or_prop (left associativity, at level 53).
Infix "⊃" := impl_prop (right associativity, at level 54).
Definition not_prop (P : prop) := P ⊃ ⊥.
Notation "¬ P" := (not_prop P) (at level 51).
Infix "∈" := In (right associativity, at level 55).
Notation "x → y" := (x -> y) (at level 99, y at level 200, right associativity).
Open Scope list_scope.
Reserved Notation "Γ ⇒ P" (no associativity, at level 61).
Inductive SC_proves : list prop -> prop -> Prop :=
| SC_init P Γ : P ∈ Γ → Γ ⇒ P
| SC_bot_elim P Γ : ⊥ ∈ Γ → Γ ⇒ P
| SC_top_intro Γ : Γ ⇒ ⊤
| SC_and_intro Γ P Q : Γ ⇒ P → Γ ⇒ Q → Γ ⇒ P ∧ Q
| SC_and_elim Γ P Q R : P ∧ Q ∈ Γ → P :: Q :: Γ ⇒ R → Γ ⇒ R
| SC_or_introl Γ P Q : Γ ⇒ P → Γ ⇒ P ∨ Q
| SC_or_intror Γ P Q : Γ ⇒ Q → Γ ⇒ P ∨ Q
| SC_or_elim Γ P Q R : P ∨ Q ∈ Γ → P :: Γ ⇒ R → Q :: Γ ⇒ R → Γ ⇒ R
| SC_impl_intro Γ P Q : P :: Γ ⇒ Q → Γ ⇒ P ⊃ Q
| SC_impl_elim Γ P Q R : P ⊃ Q ∈ Γ → Γ ⇒ P → Q :: Γ ⇒ R → Γ ⇒ R
where "Γ ⇒ P" := (SC_proves Γ P).
Notation "⇒ P" := (nil ⇒ P) (no associativity, at level 61).
Theorem PP : forall P, ⇒ P⊃P.
apply SC_impl_intro.
apply SC_init.
simpl. apply or_introl. reflexivity. Qed.
Theorem and_comm : forall P Q, ⇒ P∧Q ⊃ Q∧P.
apply SC_impl_intro.
apply SC_and_intro.
+ apply (SC_and_elim _ P Q _).
- simpl. apply or_introl. reflexivity.
- apply SC_init. simpl. apply or_intror. apply or_introl. reflexivity.
+ apply (SC_and_elim _ P Q _).
- simpl. apply or_introl. reflexivity.
- apply SC_init. simpl. apply or_introl. reflexivity.
Theorem or_comm : forall P Q, ⇒ P∨Q ⊃ Q∨P.
apply SC_impl_intro.
apply (SC_or_elim (P ∨ Q :: nil) P Q (Q ∨ P)).
+ simpl. apply or_introl. reflexivity.
+ apply SC_or_intror. apply SC_init. simpl. apply or_introl. reflexivity.
+ apply SC_or_introl. apply SC_init. simpl. apply or_introl. reflexivity.
Theorem PQP : forall P Q, ⇒ P ⊃ Q⊃P.
apply SC_impl_intro.
apply SC_impl_intro.
apply SC_init.
simpl. apply or_intror. apply or_introl. reflexivity.
Theorem syllogism : forall P Q R, P⊃Q :: Q⊃R :: nil ⇒ P⊃R.
apply SC_impl_intro.
apply (SC_impl_elim _ P Q R).
+ simpl. apply or_intror. apply or_introl. reflexivity.
+ apply SC_init. simpl. apply or_introl. reflexivity.
+ apply (SC_impl_elim _ Q R R).
- simpl. apply or_intror. apply or_intror. apply or_intror. apply or_introl. reflexivity.
- apply SC_init. simpl. apply or_introl. reflexivity.
- apply SC_init. simpl. apply or_introl. reflexivity.
Theorem exp : forall P, ⇒ ⊥⊃P.
apply SC_impl_intro.
apply SC_bot_elim.
simpl. apply or_introl. reflexivity.
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