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Last active November 4, 2019 08:32
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Inductive X : Prop :=
| A : X
| B : X.
Definition proof_irrelevant := forall (P:Prop) (p1 p2:P), p1 = p2.
Goal A=B -> proof_irrelevant.
intros H P p1 p2.
pose (fun x => match x with A => p1 | B => p2 end).
assert (p1 = p A). reflexivity.
assert (p2 = p B). reflexivity.
rewrite H0. rewrite H1. now rewrite H.
Goal X <-> True.
split. auto. intros. exact A.
Definition U := forall P:Prop, P -> X.
Definition not_X x := match x with A => B | B => A end.
Definition Raux (u:U) : X := not_X (u U u).
Section use_g.
Variable g : (U->X) -> U.
Variable g_eq : forall (a:U->X) (u:U), g a U u= a u.
Definition R : U := g Raux.
Lemma not_has_fixpoint : R U R = not_X (R U R).
unfold R. apply g_eq.
Theorem classical_proof_irrelevance : A=B.
assert (R U R = A \/ R U R = B).
destruct (R U R). now left. now right.
destruct H; rewrite <- H; rewrite not_has_fixpoint; now rewrite H.
End use_g.
Section use_em1. (* うまくいかない方法 *)
Hypothesis EM : forall P:Prop, P \/ ~ P.
Definition g1 : (U->X) -> U.
intros. intros P.
destruct (EM (P=U)); intros.
- rewrite H0 in H1. exact (H H1).
- exact A.
Goal forall (a:U->X) (u:U), g1 a U u= a u.
intros. unfold g1. unfold eq_ind.
destruct (EM (U=U)).
End use_em1.
Section use_em2.
Record retract (P1 P2: Prop) :=
{i : P1 -> P2; j : P2 -> P1; inv : forall a:P1, j (i a) = a}.
Check retract.
Print retract.
Check Build_retract.
Theorem retract_id A : retract A A.
Proof. now refine {| i := (fun x => x) ; j := (fun x => x) |}. Defined.
Hypothesis EM : forall P:Prop, P \/ ~ P.
Definition g (h: U -> X) :U.
unfold U. intros P.
destruct (EM (retract (P -> X) (U -> X))) as [H1|H1].
- destruct (EM (retract (U-> X) (U -> X))) as [H2|H2].
+ exact (j _ _ H1 (i _ _ H2 h)).
+ elim H2. apply retract_id.
- intros. exact A.
Theorem g_eq : forall h x, g h U x= h x.
intros. unfold g.
destruct (EM (retract (U->X) (U->X))).
- now rewrite (inv _ _ r).
- contradiction n. apply retract_id.
Goal proof_irrelevant.
apply Unnamed_thm.
apply (classical_proof_irrelevance g g_eq).
(* 以下、うまくいかない方法 *)
Goal forall h x, g h U x= h x.
intros. unfold g.
pose (retract_id (U->X)).
Admitted. (* 等式の証明の中でEMをdestructしないといけない *)
Definition g2 (h: U -> X) :U.
unfold U. intros P.
destruct (EM ((P -> X) = (U -> X))).
- rewrite <- H in h. exact h.
- intros. exact A.
Goal forall h x, g2 h U x= h x.
intros. unfold g2.
destruct (EM ((U->X) = (U->X))).
- unfold eq_ind_r. unfold eq_ind. unfold eq_sym.
Admitted. (* eqではうまくいかない *)
Definition g3 (h: U -> X) :U.
unfold U. intros P.
destruct (EM (retract (P -> X) (U -> X))).
- exact (j _ _ H h).
- intros. exact A.
Goal forall h x, g3 h U x= h x.
intros. unfold g3.
destruct (EM (retract (U -> X) (U -> X))).
Admitted. (* gの定義でiとj両方使わないとうまくいかない *)
Definition g4 (h: U -> X) :U.
unfold U. intros P.
destruct (EM (retract (P -> X) (U -> X))).
- pose (retract_id (U -> X)).
exact (j _ _ H (i _ _ r h)).
- intros. exact A.
Goal forall h x, g4 h U x= h x.
intros. unfold g4. unfold retract_id. simpl.
destruct (EM (retract (U->X) (U->X))).
Admitted. (* gの定義でEMを1回しか使わないとうまくいかない *)
Definition g5 (h: U -> X) :U.
unfold U. intros P.
destruct (EM (retract (U -> X) (P -> X))).
- destruct (EM (retract (P -> X) (P -> X))).
+ exact (j _ _ H0 (i _ _ H h)).
+ elim H0. apply retract_id.
- intros. exact A.
Goal forall h x, g5 h U x= h x.
intros. unfold g5.
destruct (EM (retract (U->X) (U->X))).
- now rewrite (inv _ _ r).
- elim n. apply retract_id.
Qed. (* g5はうまくいく *)
End use_em2.
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