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Last active June 15, 2018 01:37
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// Based on
namespace GoogleARCore.Examples.ComputerVision{//元のコードにはないが、追加しないとエラーになる
using System;
using GoogleARCore;
//using GoogleARCore.TextureReader; //元のコードではこれがあるが、コメントアウトしないとエラーになる
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
public class FeaturePointColors_save : MonoBehaviour
// Scale output image dimensions for performance
const int k_DimensionsInverseScale = 2;
public GameObject cubePrefab;
public int poolSize;
byte[] m_PixelByteBuffer = new byte[0];
int m_PixelBufferSize;
Material[] m_PixelMaterials;
GameObject[] m_PixelObjects;
Color[] m_PixelColors;
//added by Limes
private const int k_MaxPointCount = 61440;
//private int[] indices = new int[k_MaxPointCount];
float intervalTime=1.0f;
float elapsedTime;
int pointsInViewCount_ref = 0;
void Awake(){
if (cubePrefab.GetComponent<Renderer>() == null) {
Debug.LogError("No renderer on pixel prefab!");
enabled = false;
var textureReader = GetComponent<TextureReader>();
textureReader.ImageFormat = TextureReaderApi.ImageFormatType.ImageFormatColor;
textureReader.OnImageAvailableCallback += OnImageAvailable;
var landscape = ScreenIsLandscape();
var scaledScreenWidth = Screen.width / k_DimensionsInverseScale;
var scaledScreenHeight = Screen.height / k_DimensionsInverseScale;
// It's arbitrary whether the output image should be portrait or landscape, as long as
// you know how to interpret it for each potential screen orientation.
textureReader.ImageWidth = landscape ? scaledScreenWidth : scaledScreenHeight;
textureReader.ImageHeight = landscape ? scaledScreenHeight : scaledScreenWidth;
m_PixelObjects = new GameObject[poolSize];
m_PixelMaterials = new Material[poolSize];
for (var i = 0; i < poolSize; ++i) {
var pixelObj = Instantiate(cubePrefab, transform);
m_PixelObjects[i] = pixelObj;
m_PixelMaterials[i] = pixelObj.GetComponent<Renderer>().material;
static bool ScreenIsLandscape() {
return Screen.orientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft || Screen.orientation == ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight;
void OnImageAvailable(TextureReaderApi.ImageFormatType format, int width, int height, IntPtr pixelBuffer, int bufferSize){
if (format != TextureReaderApi.ImageFormatType.ImageFormatColor)
// Adjust buffer size if necessary.
if (bufferSize != m_PixelBufferSize || m_PixelByteBuffer.Length == 0){
m_PixelBufferSize = bufferSize;
m_PixelByteBuffer = new byte[bufferSize];
m_PixelColors = new Color[width * height];
// Move raw data into managed buffer.
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(pixelBuffer, m_PixelByteBuffer, 0, bufferSize);
// Interpret pixel buffer differently depending on which orientation the device is.
// We need to get pixel colors into a friendly format - an array
// laid out row by row from bottom to top, and left to right within each row.
var bufferIndex = 0;
for (var y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (var x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
int r = m_PixelByteBuffer[bufferIndex++];
int g = m_PixelByteBuffer[bufferIndex++];
int b = m_PixelByteBuffer[bufferIndex++];
int a = m_PixelByteBuffer[bufferIndex++];
var color = new Color(r / 255f, g / 255f, b / 255f, a / 255f);
int pixelIndex;
switch (Screen.orientation) {
case ScreenOrientation.LandscapeRight:
pixelIndex = y * width + width - 1 - x;
case ScreenOrientation.Portrait:
pixelIndex = (width - 1 - x) * height + height - 1 - y;
case ScreenOrientation.LandscapeLeft:
pixelIndex = (height - 1 - y) * width + x;
pixelIndex = x * height + y;
m_PixelColors[pixelIndex] = color;
void FeaturePointCubes() {
foreach (var pixelObj in m_PixelObjects) {
var index = 0;
var pointsInViewCount = 0;
var camera = Camera.main;
var scaledScreenWidth = Screen.width / k_DimensionsInverseScale;
while (index < Frame.PointCloud.PointCount && pointsInViewCount < poolSize) {
// If a feature point is visible, use its screen space position to get the correct color for its cube
// from our friendly-formatted array of pixel colors.
var point = Frame.PointCloud.GetPoint(index);
var screenPoint = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(point);
if (screenPoint.x >= 0 && screenPoint.x < camera.pixelWidth &&
screenPoint.y >= 0 && screenPoint.y < camera.pixelHeight) {
var pixelObj = m_PixelObjects[pointsInViewCount];
pixelObj.transform.position = point;
var scaledX = (int)screenPoint.x / k_DimensionsInverseScale;
var scaledY = (int)screenPoint.y / k_DimensionsInverseScale;
m_PixelMaterials[pointsInViewCount].color = m_PixelColors[scaledY * scaledScreenWidth + scaledX];
//added by Limes
pointsInViewCount_ref = pointsInViewCount;
bool savePointCloudInfo(int index){
string path = "";
string pointcloudDataPath;
using (AndroidJavaClass jcEnvironment = new AndroidJavaClass ("android.os.Environment"))
using (AndroidJavaObject joExDir = jcEnvironment.CallStatic<AndroidJavaObject> ("getExternalStorageDirectory")) {
path = joExDir.Call<string>("toString");
pointcloudDataPath = path + "/pointcloud";
if (!Directory.Exists(pointcloudDataPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(pointcloudDataPath);
string filepath = pointcloudDataPath + "/"+DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm")+".csv";
StreamWriter sw= new StreamWriter(filepath, true);
for(int i=0;i<index;i++){
string tmp = i.ToString()+","+m_PixelObjects[i].transform.position.x.ToString()+","+m_PixelObjects[i].transform.position.y.ToString()+","+m_PixelObjects[i].transform.position.z.ToString()+","+m_PixelMaterials[i].color.r.ToString()+","+m_PixelMaterials[i].color.g.ToString()+","+m_PixelMaterials[i].color.b.ToString()+","+m_PixelMaterials[i].color.a.ToString();
return true;
void FixedUpdate(){
elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
if(elapsedTime > intervalTime){
elapsedTime = 0;
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