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  • Save flyarrowplane/fb227849c0fc430ce6a9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save flyarrowplane/fb227849c0fc430ce6a9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Geekup with Geekettes


  1. Install Sublime Text 2 (any decent text editor will do)

##Setup Steps

  1. Fork the GitHub Repo onto your GitHub account. (Icon at the top of the screen)

  2. Open a command prompt

    Mac: Run the Terminal app

    Windows: Start > Run > cmd

  3. Clone the GitHub Repo. NOTE: We're putting it on the Desktop just for easy access


    cd ~/Desktop
    git clone


    cd %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
    git clone
  4. Now let's go into this directory/repo you cloned.

    cd geekup-with-geekettes

##Instagram Steps

  • If you have an Instagram account log into your account & navigate to

  • If you do not have an Instagram account log into this account. Username: Password: (You can see how we have already Registed a Client ID for this Instagram account.

  • Now we will Register new Client ID.

    Application Name: Geekettes Event
    Description: Awesome Geekettes coding event!
    Website URL: http://<USERNAME>
    Redirect URI(s): http://<USERNAME>
    Contact Email: Your Email
  • Under Security tab, uncheck the box called Disable implicit OAuth.

  • Copy your Client ID

##Sublime Steps

  • Open the geekup-with-geekettes repo in your text editor.

  • Open the file index.html

  • Paste your Client ID from Instagram API in the variable below.

    var client_id = "Add Your Instagram Client ID here";
  • Go to and enter your Instagram username and click go. Copy your user id.

  • Paste your Client ID from Instagram API in the variable below.

    var userid = "Add Your Instagram User ID here";
  • Enter your GitHub username in the variable below.

    var github_name = "Add Your GitHub username here";

##Terminal Steps Let's deploy/push your changes out to GitHub.

git add .
git commit -m "a description of your change"
git push origin gh-pages

Now you can click the login button and authenticate with Instagram.

##Sublime Steps

  • In index.html, there is an empty function called getData. Now that we have authenticate with Instagram, we want to get data from the API. Add this snippet of code to the get some basic profile data. Click here for snippet.

    function getData () {
      //Add Ajax calls here

So what does this do? This Ajax call gets the json data back from the Instagram API and calls the function createProfile(json) and passes the json data with it as well. This then creates the html for profile data. Now let's push up your code to see what the profile data looks like.

##Terminal Steps Let's deploy/push your changes out to GitHub.

git add .
git commit -m "a description of your change"
git push origin gh-pages

Now you should be able to see your profile data if you refresh the page.

##Sublime Steps

  • After the ajax you just added, add this snippet of code. This ajax call gets the most recent pictures from your profile. Click here for snippet.

    function getData () {
      // This Ajax call helps you authenticate your website with the Instagram API. 
          type: 'GET',
          url: '' + userid + '/?access_token=' + myToken,
          dataType: 'jsonp',
          success: function(json) {           
          error:  function(error) {

So what does this do? This Ajax call gets the json data back from the Instagram API and calls the function createPhotoGrid(json) and passes the json data with it as well. This then creates the html for a photo grid of your most recent photos. Now let's push up your code to see the photo grid.

##Terminal Steps Let's deploy/push your changes out to GitHub.

git add .
git commit -m "a description of your change"
git push origin gh-pages

Now you should be able to see your photo grid with all your recent photos from instagram if you refresh the page.

##Sublime Steps

  • After the ajax you just added, add this snippet of code. This ajax call gets you GitHub profile account data. Click here for snippet.

    function getData () {
      // This Ajax call helps you authenticate your website with the Instagram API. 
          type: 'GET',
          url: '' + userid + '/?access_token=' + myToken,
          dataType: 'jsonp',
          success: function(json) {           
          error:  function(error) {
      // This Ajax call gets your most recent pictures.
          type: 'GET',
          url: "" + userid + "/media/recent/?access_token=" + myToken,
          dataType: 'jsonp',
          success: function(json) {
          error:  function(error) {

So what does this do? This Ajax call gets the json data back from the GitHub API and calls the function githubHtml(json) and passes the json data with it as well. This then creates the html for the GitHub data. Now let's push up your code to see the GitHub data.

##Terminal Steps Let's deploy/push your changes out to GitHub.

git add .
git commit -m "a description of your change"
git push origin gh-pages

Now you should be able to see your GitHub profile data if you refresh the page.

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