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Ferran Maylinch fmaylinch

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title: Sample Lesson
author: Ferran Maylinch
# Minimum app version needed for this lesson
minAppVersion: "1.0"
- title: Sample Exercise
import static com.mongodb.QueryOperators.*;
public List<Coupon> findBuyersByMktc(String mktc, Date start, Date end)
final DBCursor cursor = coupons.find(obj()
.append(FIELD_MKTC, mktc)
.append(FIELD_PURCHASED_ON, obj(GTE, start).append(LT, end)));
import java.util.*;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("I'm an example");
title: "Intro to Jess and JavaScript"
author: "Ferran Maylinch"
lessonVersion: "1.0"
minAppVersion: "1.4"
- title: "Intro to Jess"

From callbacks to promises to observable streams

In this article I’ll explain about the relationship between callbacks, promises and observable streams (AKA reactive programming).

Some of the examples in this document are written in this jsbin for you to try.

This document was written using the wonderful Markdown editor

Callbacks - sync and async

package sample;
import java.util.*; // Allow us to use classes from java.util package (List, Map, etc.) without their full name
* Summary of the building blocks of a programming language.
* (Note: this is a class comment)
public class ProgrammingBuildingBlocks {
package tech.bts.javaexamples;
* Basic exercises to practice variable declarations and assignments.
public class BasicsExercises {
public static void main(String[] args) {
import java.util.*;
public class Example {
// TODO: Exercise:
// Write a function that given a list of words and a number n, returns list of the words longer than n.
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> words;
import java.util.*; // This is necessary to use collections like List, Set, Map
public class Collections {
public static void main(String... args) {
// Wrapper classes ( use them between angle brackets < > )
// Integer, Double, Boolean
// Long, Character, Float