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Created May 4, 2018 14:06
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{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures, TypeOperators, TypeFamilies,
MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, PolyKinds,
FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances, ConstraintKinds,
ScopedTypeVariables, TypeInType #-}
module Data.Type.Set (Set(..), Union, Unionable, union, quicksort, append,
Sort, Sortable, (:++), Split(..), Cmp, Filter, Flag(..),
Nub, Nubable(..), AsSet, asSet, IsSet, Subset(..),
Delete(..), Proxy(..), remove, Remove, (:\),
Member(..), NonMember, MemberP(..)) where
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Type.Bool
import Data.Type.Equality
import GHC.Types
data Proxy (p :: k) = Proxy
-- Value-level 'Set' representation, essentially a list
data Set (n :: [k]) :: GHC.Types.* where
{--| Construct an empty set -}
Empty :: Set '[]
{--| Extend a set with an element -}
Ext :: e -> Set s -> Set (e ': s)
instance Show (Set '[]) where
show Empty = "{}"
instance (Show e, Show' (Set s)) => Show (Set (e ': s)) where
show (Ext e s) = "{" ++ show e ++ (show' s) ++ "}"
class Show' t where
show' :: t -> String
instance Show' (Set '[]) where
show' Empty = ""
instance (Show' (Set s), Show e) => Show' (Set (e ': s)) where
show' (Ext e s) = ", " ++ show e ++ (show' s)
instance (Eq e, Eq (Set s)) => Eq (Set (e ': s)) where
(Ext e m) == (Ext e' m') = e == e' && m == m'
{-| At the type level, normalise the list form to the set form -}
type AsSet s = Nub (Sort s)
{-| At the value level, noramlise the list form to the set form -}
asSet :: (Sortable s, Nubable (Sort s)) => Set s -> Set (AsSet s)
asSet x = nub (quicksort x)
{-| Predicate to check if in the set form -}
type IsSet s = (s ~ Nub (Sort s))
{-| Useful properties to be able to refer to someties -}
type SetProperties f = (Union f '[] ~ f, Split f '[] f,
Union '[] f ~ f, Split '[] f f,
Union f f ~ f, Split f f f,
Unionable f '[], Unionable '[] f)
{-- Union --}
{-| Union of sets -}
type Union s t = Nub (Sort (s :++ t))
union :: (Unionable s t) => Set s -> Set t -> Set (Union s t)
union s t = nub (quicksort (append s t))
type Unionable s t = (Sortable (s :++ t), Nubable (Sort (s :++ t)))
{-| List append (essentially set disjoint union) -}
type family (:++) (x :: [k]) (y :: [k]) :: [k] where
'[] :++ xs = xs
(x ': xs) :++ ys = x ': (xs :++ ys)
append :: Set s -> Set t -> Set (s :++ t)
append Empty x = x
append (Ext e xs) ys = Ext e (append xs ys)
{-| Delete elements from a set -}
type family (m :: [k]) :\ (x :: k) :: [k] where
'[] :\ x = '[]
(x ': xs) :\ x = xs
(y ': xs) :\ x = y ': (xs :\ x)
class Remove s t where
remove :: Set s -> Proxy t -> Set (s :\ t)
instance Remove '[] t where
remove Empty Proxy = Empty
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Remove (x ': xs) x where
remove (Ext _ xs) Proxy = xs
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (((y : xs) :\ x) ~ (y : (xs :\ x)), Remove xs x)
=> Remove (y ': xs) x where
remove (Ext y xs) (x@Proxy) = Ext y (remove xs x)
{-| Splitting a union a set, given the sets we want to split it into -}
class Split s t st where
-- where st ~ Union s t
split :: Set st -> (Set s, Set t)
instance Split '[] '[] '[] where
split Empty = (Empty, Empty)
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Split s t st => Split (x ': s) (x ': t) (x ': st) where
split (Ext x st) = let (s, t) = split st
in (Ext x s, Ext x t)
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Split s t st => Split (x ': s) t (x ': st) where
split (Ext x st) = let (s, t) = split st
in (Ext x s, t)
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (Split s t st) => Split s (x ': t) (x ': st) where
split (Ext x st) = let (s, t) = split st
in (s, Ext x t)
{-| Remove duplicates from a sorted list -}
type family Nub t where
Nub '[] = '[]
Nub '[e] = '[e]
Nub (e ': e ': s) = Nub (e ': s)
Nub (e ': f ': s) = e ': Nub (f ': s)
{-| Value-level counterpart to the type-level 'Nub'
Note: the value-level case for equal types is not define here,
but should be given per-application, e.g., custom 'merging' behaviour may be required -}
class Nubable t where
nub :: Set t -> Set (Nub t)
instance Nubable '[] where
nub Empty = Empty
instance Nubable '[e] where
nub (Ext x Empty) = Ext x Empty
instance Nubable (e ': s) => Nubable (e ': e ': s) where
nub (Ext _ (Ext e s)) = nub (Ext e s)
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} (Nub (e ': f ': s) ~ (e ': Nub (f ': s)),
Nubable (f ': s)) => Nubable (e ': f ': s) where
nub (Ext e (Ext f s)) = Ext e (nub (Ext f s))
{-| Construct a subsetset 's' from a superset 't' -}
class Subset s t where
subset :: Set t -> Set s
instance Subset '[] '[] where
subset xs = Empty
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Subset s t => Subset s (x ': t) where
subset (Ext _ xs) = subset xs
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Subset s t => Subset (x ': s) (x ': t) where
subset (Ext x xs) = Ext x (subset xs)
{-| Type-level quick sort for normalising the representation of sets -}
type family Sort (xs :: [k]) :: [k] where
Sort '[] = '[]
Sort (x ': xs) = ((Sort (Filter FMin x xs)) :++ '[x]) :++ (Sort (Filter FMax x xs))
data Flag = FMin | FMax
type family Filter (f :: Flag) (p :: k) (xs :: [k]) :: [k] where
Filter f p '[] = '[]
Filter FMin p (x ': xs) = If (Cmp x p == LT) (x ': (Filter FMin p xs)) (Filter FMin p xs)
Filter FMax p (x ': xs) = If (Cmp x p == GT || Cmp x p == EQ) (x ': (Filter FMax p xs)) (Filter FMax p xs)
type family DeleteFromList (e :: elem) (list :: [elem]) where
DeleteFromList elem '[] = '[]
DeleteFromList elem (x ': xs) = If (Cmp elem x == EQ)
(x ': DeleteFromList elem xs)
type family Delete elem set where
Delete elem (Set xs) = Set (DeleteFromList elem xs)
{-| Value-level quick sort that respects the type-level ordering -}
class Sortable xs where
quicksort :: Set xs -> Set (Sort xs)
instance Sortable '[] where
quicksort Empty = Empty
instance (Sortable (Filter FMin p xs),
Sortable (Filter FMax p xs), FilterV FMin p xs, FilterV FMax p xs) => Sortable (p ': xs) where
quicksort (Ext p xs) = ((quicksort (less p xs)) `append` (Ext p Empty)) `append` (quicksort (more p xs))
where less = filterV (Proxy::(Proxy FMin))
more = filterV (Proxy::(Proxy FMax))
{- Filter out the elements less-than or greater-than-or-equal to the pivot -}
class FilterV (f::Flag) p xs where
filterV :: Proxy f -> p -> Set xs -> Set (Filter f p xs)
instance FilterV f p '[] where
filterV _ p Empty = Empty
instance (Conder ((Cmp x p) == LT), FilterV FMin p xs) => FilterV FMin p (x ': xs) where
filterV f@Proxy p (Ext x xs) = cond (Proxy::(Proxy ((Cmp x p) == LT)))
(Ext x (filterV f p xs)) (filterV f p xs)
instance (Conder (((Cmp x p) == GT) || ((Cmp x p) == EQ)), FilterV FMax p xs) => FilterV FMax p (x ': xs) where
filterV f@Proxy p (Ext x xs) = cond (Proxy::(Proxy (((Cmp x p) == GT) || ((Cmp x p) == EQ))))
(Ext x (filterV f p xs)) (filterV f p xs)
class Conder g where
cond :: Proxy g -> Set s -> Set t -> Set (If g s t)
instance Conder True where
cond _ s t = s
instance Conder False where
cond _ s t = t
{-| Open-family for the ordering operation in the sort -}
type family Cmp (a :: k) (b :: k) :: Ordering
{-| Membership of an element in a set, with an acommanying
value-level function that returns a bool -}
class Member a s where
member :: Proxy a -> Set s -> Bool
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Member a (a ': s) where
member _ (Ext x _) = True
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} Member a s => Member a (b ': s) where
member a (Ext _ xs) = member a xs
type family MemberP a s :: Bool where
MemberP a '[] = False
MemberP a (a ': s) = True
MemberP a (b ': s) = MemberP a s
type NonMember a s = MemberP a s ~ False
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