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  • Save fnichol/7a4023efc7cdedd947fead5b39d1e6dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save fnichol/7a4023efc7cdedd947fead5b39d1e6dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Build an initial `hab` binary for the `x86_64-linux-kernel2` package target
# Change directory to the root of your `habitat-sh/habitat` repo checkout
# cd /path/to/habiatat-sh/habitat
# Cleanup any existing Studio instances--keep it clean to be safe!
hab studio rm
# Enter the studio with the `core` key and prevent a Supervisor from starting
env HAB_ORIGIN=core HAB_STUDIO_SUP=false hab studio enter
# Build a static `hab` CLI for the `x86_64-linux-kernel2` target
env BUILD_PKG_TARGET=x86_64-linux-kernel2 \
/src/components/plan-build/bin/ components/hab
# For convenience, copy the static `hab` binary into the results directory.
# Note that we don't use `hab pkg path` to get the path, as future releases of
# Habitat would filter this installed package out. Remember that we built this
# binary with an `x86_64-linux` toolchain. This is fine for initial
# bootstrapping however, and an important reason why the `hab` binary is
# statically compiled.
(source ./results/last_build.env \
&& cp "/hab/pkgs/$pkg_ident/bin/hab" ./results/hab-x86_64-linux-kernel2)
# All done, exit the Studio
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fnichol commented Jul 19, 2018

At the moment, you can verify that the binary has the proper package target by trying to install a package with debug logging turned on:

env RUST_LOG=debug ./results/hab-x86_64-linux-kernel2 install core/jq-static`

You'll most likely see a bunch of "rejected PackageInstall candidate" messages which show active_target=x86_64-linux-kernel2 at the end of that line.

Clearly we'll want to have better user feedback with a few of these tools so it's easier to know what the underlying package target is for any binary.

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