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@book {Arbib-Manes:75,
AUTHOR = "Arbib, M. and Manes, L.",
TITLE = "Arrows, Structures and Functors:
The Categorical Imperative",
NOTE = "Home library",
PUBLISHER = "Academic Press",
YEAR = 1975}
AUTHOR = "J.W. Backus and J. Williams and E.W. Wimmers",
TITLE = "An Introduction to the programming Language {FL}",
YEAR = 1990,
EDITOR = "D.A. Turner",
BOOKTITLE = "Research Topics in Functional Programming",
PUBLISHER = "Addison Wesley",
PAGES = 219}
AUTHOR = "J. W. Backus",
TITLE = "Can Programming be liberated from the von {N}eumann Style?
A functional style and its algebra of programs",
JOURNAL = "Communications of the ACM",
YEAR = 1978,
VOLUME = 21,
PAGES = 613}
AUTHOR = "W. H. Burge",
TITLE = "Recursive Programming Techniques",
PUBLISHER = "Addison Wesley",
YEAR = 1975}
@inproceedings {Clement:86,
AUTHOR = "D. Clement and J. Despeyroux and T. Despeyroux and G. Kahn",
TITLE = "A simple Applicative Language: Mini {ML}",
YEAR = 1986,
PAGES = 13,
BOOKTITLE = "1986 ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming"}
@book {Gries:81,
AUTHOR = "D. Gries",
TITLE = "The Science of Programming",
PUBLISHER = "Springer",
YEAR = 1981}
AUTHOR = "P. Henderson",
TITLE = "Functional Programming: Application and Implementation",
PUBLISHER = "Prentice Hall",
YEAR = 1980}
AUTHOR = "Hofstadter, D.",
TITLE = "Metamagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of Mind and Pattern",
PUBLISHER = "Basic Books",
NOTES = "Needs deeper reading",
YEAR = 1985}
AUTHOR = "J. Hughes",
TITLE = "Why Functional Programming Matters",
YEAR = 1990,
EDITOR = "D.A. Turner",
BOOKTITLE = "Research Topics in Functional Programming",
PUBLISHER = "Addison Wesley",
PAGES = 17}
AUTHOR = "Reginald Braithwaite",
TITLE = "Why Why Functional Programming Matters Matters",
URL = {},
YEAR = 2007}
@book {Kelly-etal:86,
AUTHOR = "M.G. Kelly and N. Spies",
TITLE = "Forth --- a Text and Reference",
PUBLISHER = "Prentice-Hall",
YEAR = 86}
@book {Knuth:73,
AUTHOR = "D.E. Knuth",
TITLE = "The Art of Computer Programming",
PUBLISHER = "Addison Wesley",
YEAR = 1973}
AUTHOR = "P.M. Kogge",
TITLE = "The Architecture of Symbolic Computers",
PUBLISHER = "McGraw-Hill",
YEAR = 1991}
author = {Okasaki, Chris},
title = {Purely Functional Data Structures},
year = {1999},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press}}
@book {Paulson:92,
AUTHOR = "L.C. Paulson",
TITLE = "ML for the Working Programmer",
PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press",
YEAR = 1992}
@book {Peyton-Jones:87,
AUTHOR = "S. L. PeytonJones",
TITLE = "The Implementation of Functional Languages",
PUBLISHER = "Prentice Hall",
YEAR = 1987}
@book {Pierce:91,
AUTHOR = "B.C. Pierce",
TITLE = "Basic Category Theory for Computer Scientists",
YEAR = 1991}
AUTHOR = "M. {von Thun}",
TITLE = "Rationale for {Joy}, a functional language",
URL = {},
YEAR = 1994}
AUTHOR = "M. {von Thun}",
TITLE = "Overview of the language {Joy}",
URL = {},
YEAR = 1994}
AUTHOR = "M. {von Thun}",
TITLE = "An informal tutorial on {Joy}",
URL = "",
YEAR = 1994}
AUTHOR = "M. {von Thun}",
TITLE = "{Joy} compared with other functional languages",
URL = "",
YEAR = 1997}
AUTHOR = "M. {von Thun}",
TITLE = "Mathematical foundations of {Joy}",
URL = "",
YEAR = 1994}
AUTHOR = "M. {von Thun}",
TITLE = "Atomic programs of {Joy}",
URL = "",
YEAR = 1995}
AUTHOR = "M. {von Thun}",
TITLE = "The algebra of {Joy}",
URL = "",
YEAR = 1995}
AUTHOR = "M. {von Thun}",
TITLE = "A rewriting system for Joy",
URL = "",
YEAR = 1996}
AUTHOR = "M. {von Thun}",
TITLE = "Recursion Theory and {Joy}",
URL = "",
YEAR = 1994}
@inproceedings {Wadler:92,
AUTHOR = "Wadler, P.",
TITLE = "The Essence of Functional Programming",
BOOKTITLE = "19th Annual Symposium on
Principles of Programming Languages, Albuquerque",
YEAR = 1992}
author = {Wirth, Niklaus},
title = {Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs},
isbn = {978-0-13-022418-7},
publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
year = 1976}
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