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Created April 8, 2014 13:15
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Sao Paulo SIR model in PyMC 2
from pymc import *
# Deterministic duration of infection (2 weeks)
delta = 14.
gamma = 1./delta
def sir():
# Early case-detection probability
theta = Beta('theta', 1, 1, value=[0.5, 0.9])
def constrain_theta(theta=theta):
# Ensure late detection higher than early detection
if theta[0] > theta[1]:
return -np.inf
return 0
# Changepoint for detection
switch = DiscreteUniform('switch', 0, periods, value=12)
def p_case(s=switch, t=theta):
# Detection rates
out = np.empty(periods)
out[:s] = theta[0]
out[s:] = theta[1]
return out
# Unknown true number of cases
cases = DiscreteUniform('cases', I, I+100, value=I+10)
# Observation likelihood
case_obs = Binomial('case_obs', cases, p_case, value=I, observed=True)
# True numbers of susceptibles
susceptibles = Lambda('susceptibles', lambda cases=cases: np.sum(cases) - np.cumsum(cases))
# Constrain to expected range of R0 for measles
R0 = Normal('R0', 15, 4, value=15)
# Calculate initial transmission rate from R0
beta = Lambda('beta', lambda R0=R0: R0 * gamma)
# Effective reproduction number
Rt = Lambda('Rt', lambda R0=R0, s=susceptibles: R0 * s / N)
# Force of infection
lam = Lambda('lam', lambda beta=beta, cases=cases: beta * cases)
# 2-week infection probabilities
p = Lambda('p', lambda lam=lam: 1. - np.exp(-lam / N))
# Probability of observation a function of infection and detection
p_obs = Lambda('p_obs', lambda p=p, p_case=p_case: (p*p_case)[:-1])
# Infection likelihood
new_cases = Binomial('new_cases', susceptibles[:-1], p_obs, value=I[1:], observed=True)
return locals()
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