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This script is used to manage AWS CloudFormation stacks.
It allows the user to:
- Set the AWS region
- Check the account ID
- List all the stacks that start with "AWSAccelerator" and have StackStatus either "UPDATE_COMPLETE" or "CREATE_COMPLETE"
- Sort these stacks according to their CreationTime
- Remove termination protection from these stacks.
- Delete these stacks one by one
- name: Workload1-VPC
account: Workload1
region: us-east-1
internetGateway: true
enableDnsHostnames: true
enableDnsSupport: true
instanceTenancy: default
# Install in Centos 7:
# It is possible to modify the 'sys' and 'system' user passwords
[oracle@host ~]$ sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
# SQL> alter user sys identified by syspw;
# SQL> alter user system identified by systempw;
# Test connecting to the default SID using an Oracle DB Client
# Connect to SID=ORCLCDB as sys using the SYSDBA role
fortran01 / automate_machinestats_nondomain.ps1
Last active October 20, 2023 18:43
# cd to C:\machine_stats\windows
Set-Location C:\machine_stats\windows
# Prompt for the username of the service account to use to connect to the target hosts
$Username = Read-Host "Enter the username of the service account to use to connect to the target hosts"
# Create the machine-stats wrapper script C:\machine_stats\windows\run_default.ps1 to run runner.ps1
$Content = "C:\machine_stats\windows\runner.ps1 ```
-UserName $Username ```
-ServersPath `"C:\machine_stats\windows\servers.txt`" ```
# # Check if running as an administrator
# $currentUser = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())
# $adminRole = [Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator
# if (-not ($currentUser.IsInRole($adminRole))) {
# Write-Error "You must run this script as an administrator because we need to set the trusted hosts list for WinRM."
# exit 1
# }
# # Prompt for the Tidal workspace URL (e.g.,
# $url = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Tidal workspace URL (e.g.,"
Server Name Server Version Feature Parity Category Impacted Object Impacted Object Details Issue Recommendation Additional Reading SQL Server 2017 UnsupportedFeature pubs SQL Server Service Broker provides native support for messaging and queuing applications in the SQL Server Database Engine. Service Broker feature is not supported in Azure SQL Database. Service Broker feature is not supported in Azure SQL Database. Consider migrating to Azure SQL Managed Instance that supports service broker within the same instance. Alternatively, migrate to SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machine. ()
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: Unclosed quoted field in line 3.
"Server Name","Server Version","Database Name","Issue","Source Compatibility Level","Impact","Target Compatibility Level","Compatibility Category","Recommendation","More Info","Impacted Object Type","Impacted Object","Impacted Object Details"
"","SQL Server 2017","pubs","Service Broker feature is not supported in Azure SQL Database","140","SQL Server Service Broker provides native support for messaging and queuing applications in the SQL Server Database Engine. Service Broker feature is not supported in Azure SQL Database.","140","BreakingChange","Service Broker feature is not supported in Azure SQL Database. Consider migrating to Azure SQL Managed Instance that supports service broker within the same instance. Alternatively, migrate to SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machine.","()","Database","pubs",""
"","SQL Server 2017","pubs","Service Broker feature is not supported in Azure SQL Database","140","SQL Server Service Broker provides native support for messaging and queuing applications
Server Name Server Version Status Description SQL Server 2017 Success Assessment was successfully completed: 0 issues and 1 recommendations
Server Name Server Version Database Name Status Description SQL Server 2017 nwnd Success Assessment was successfully completed: 0 issues and 0 recommendations SQL Server 2017 pubs Success Assessment was successfully completed: 3 issues and 0 recommendations
Data Migration Assistant - Assessment Report:
The analysis of your source SQL Server databases is complete. Based on your source server and which target server you plan to migrate, the below list can contain compatibility issues, breaking changes, behavior changes and deprecated features. While these issues may not prevent you from migrating to the target SQL Server platform, some of the breaking changes and deprecated features may disrupt your applications. We recommend addressing these compatibility issues before moving your database to production. We also analyzed the databases and tables in your source server to provide a report on new SQL Server feature recommendations that might be applicable to your database environment. Implementing the below suggested recommendations would enhance your SQL Server experience and may also bring potential cost-savings and better performance.
Source: SQL Server
Target: Azure SQL Database
Duration: 0h 0m 16s