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Created May 31, 2016 08:43
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/* es6-yfied */
export default class AudioFX {
constructor(src, options = {}, onload = () => {}) {
let formats = options.formats || [];
let format = this.choose(formats);
this.pool = [];
src = src + (format ? '.' + format : '');
if (this.hasAudio) {
for (let n = 0 ; n < (options.pool || 1) ; n++) {
let audio = this.create(src, options, n === 0 ? onload : null);
} else {
} = (this.pool.length === 1) ? this.pool[0] : this.pool;
play() {
let audio = this.find(this.pool);
if (audio) {; }
stop() {
for (let n = 0 ; n < this.pool.length ; n++) {
let audio = this.pool[n];
audio.currentTime = 0;
choose(formats) {
for (let n = 0 ; n < formats.length ; n++) {
if (this.hasAudio && this.hasAudio[formats[n]]) {
return formats[n];
find(audios) {
for (let n = 0 ; n < audios.length ; n++) {
let audio = audios[n];
if (audio.paused || audio.ended) {
return audio;
audioSupported(audio, type) {
let s = audio.canPlayType(type);
return (s === 'probably') || (s === 'maybe');
detectCapabilities() {
let audio = document.createElement('audio');
if (audio && audio.canPlayType) {
this.hasAudio = {
ogg: this.audioSupported(audio, 'audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"'),
mp3: this.audioSupported(audio, 'audio/mpeg;'),
m4a: this.audioSupported(audio, 'audio/x-m4a;') || this.audioSupported(audio, 'audio/aac;'),
wav: this.audioSupported(audio, 'audio/wav; codecs="1"'),
loop: (typeof audio.loop === 'boolean') // some browsers (FF) dont support loop yet
} else {
this.hasAudio = false;
create(src, options, onload) {
let audio = document.createElement('audio');
if (onload) {
let ready = function() {
audio.removeEventListener('canplay', ready, false);
audio.addEventListener('canplay', ready, false);
if (options.loop && !this.hasAudio.loop) {
audio.addEventListener('ended', function() {
audio.currentTime = 0;;
}, false);
audio.volume = options.volume || 0.1;
audio.autoplay = options.autoplay;
audio.loop = options.loop;
audio.src = src;
return audio;
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