Following instructions are provided without any warranty, and may even get you in trouble legally. The instructions are provided for testing, learning, preventing e-waste, and should be use with care. We (including contributers + commentators) are not responsible for any damage to your device(s) or any legal issues.
Instructions have been moved to :)
Hi all. Firstly, many thanks for doing this. It is greatly appreciated! Managed to get this going on an ASUS RC-AX58U V2 running a Merlin fork: RT-AX58U_V2_3004_388.8_2 and an ASUS RC-AX88U running Merlin firmware RT-AX88U_3004_388.8_2.
Downloaded the:
File available at:
Copied the file into my:
Folder using WinSCP. One thing not mentioned regarding this is that when setting up WinSCP, you need to choose the session file protocol:
I didn’t know that although do now and as these routers are Linux based, this will also work when accessing a Raspberry Pi.
Other things worth mentioning. Although I got this working, I can’t select any Wireless channels above 140 on 5G on my RC-AX88U. No idea why and the only way that I can select above channels 128 is to set this to 20/40/80 MHz Not running 160Mhz on WIFI6 as 80MHz is fast enough. Wonder if anyone can access channels above 140 on an RT-AX-88U? BTW, can access all 5G channels including 149 on my RC-AX58U V2 with this script running.