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franleplant /
Last active August 9, 2016 17:21
React into

Introduccion a React (español)



Nota es2015

Vamos a estar usando indiscriminadamente conceptos de es2015, si alguien no sabe algo me lo pregunta y lo discutimos

franleplant / index.js
Last active July 28, 2016 21:57
Calc avg score from UTN FRD website
const strmap = {
"diez": 10,
"nueve": 9,
"ocho": 8,
"siete": 7,
"seis": 6,
"cuatro": 4,
"tres": 3,
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
type State = String;
type DeltaValue = BTreeMap<char, BTreeSet<State>>;
type Delta = BTreeMap<State, DeltaValue>;
fn main() {
let mut delta: Delta = BTreeMap::new();
let rules = [
(("q0".to_string(), 'a'), "q1".to_string()),
franleplant /
Last active January 16, 2024 12:52
Delegacion de dominios de

IMPORTANTE mi recomendacion es evitar en lo posible ya que es tenido diversos problemas con su servicio, la renovacion es incomoda, me han disputado y quitado dominios que he tenido y pagado por años, tenes que sacar clave fiscal para crear un dominio. Si no tienen problemas teniendo un dominio que no sea entonces usen Godaddy u otra cosa.

Dicho esto, si no te es posible escaparle al segui leyendo.

Si te sirvio esta informacion considera aportar para apoyar mi trabajo via Bitcoin 1MBakrHeKFxks4SbhY7MdnhDEQnkDnPoJK Desde ya muchas gracias

Como delegar?

Mi recomendacion es usar un DNS hosted como Route 53 de AWS. DNS hosted significa que es un servidor de DNS, conectado a la base de datos distribuida que es DNS, hostead / administrado por otro, en este caso AWS. Hay otras alternativas solo que yo solo use Route 53. Busquen Hosted DNS en internet para ver alternativas. Route 53 es realmente muy barato, algo asi como 1 dolar por mes mas 0.2 dolares por hosted zone (domi

franleplant / 0_reuse_code.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
Here are some things you can do with Gists in GistBox.
// Use Gists to store code you would like to remember later on
console.log(window); // log the "window" object to the console
franleplant /
Created February 9, 2015 14:17
Blog ideas!

Unique Javascript Code Style!


  • It will enable automatic formatting tools (like go's fmt)
  • It will take away trivial questions to be answered by developers (should i put a space before () in a function declaration?)
  • It will boost productivity
  • It will make js development easier by not buthering devs about it
  • It will make js code homogeneous (in this matter)
franleplant / index.js
Created January 14, 2015 13:36
Composability vs "inheritance" in Flux's Stores
The intention behind this example is to demonstrate how to **compose**
instead of **inherit**, this simplifies the code by using EventEmmitter
as a service instead of using the pattern know as Prototypal inheritance
which is know to have several draw backs, since it **does not work
like clasical inheritance**
Example Extracted from
franleplant /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
Interesting Cli commands
  • ctrl z and fg suspend the current process (for example vim) and un suspend it. Useful to move back and forth from Vim and the command line, and possible from other programas and the comand line.

  • lsof -n | grep TCP list all processes that are using TCP

  • dirs, popd, pushd for using a stack of directories to easily switch between them

  • grep and return surrounding lines with flags -A number (after), -B number (before) and -C number (before and after)

  • pstree to check process hierachie

  • killall notify-osd kill GTK notifications in KDE

franleplant /
Created December 29, 2014 14:19
Colors I like

Shouting pink


franleplant / .gitconfig
Created November 27, 2014 17:15
Global Git Configs
name = franleplant
email =
editor = vim
excludesfile = ~/.gitignore