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Created April 20, 2021 18:24
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Jack Car rental
using Distributions
using LinearAlgebra
using Plots
const Amounts = Array{Int,1} # Type alias for car numbers for both states and actions
abstract type MDP end # Abstract type for Markov Decision Problem (TODO: move to separate file)
struct CarProblem <: MDP # concrete mdp problem (here: Sutton/Barto, p. 81)
function CarProblem(mcars, mret, γ, R, P)
S = reshape([[i,j] for i in 0:mcars, j in 0:mcars ], (mcars+1)^2, )
A = [[i,-i] for i in -mret:1:mret]
return new(γ, S, A, R, P)
# Assumptions
MAX_CARS = 20 # Maximum number of cars at each location
MAX_MOVE = 5 # Maximum number of cars moved overnight
COST_MOVE = -2 # costs for moving one cars
PRICE_RENT = 10 # sales from renting one car
CUT_OFF = 50 # cut off point for poission distribution (note: 10 to 15 likely suffices)
λs = [3,3,4,2] # paramaters for poisson distribution
# moves cars using current state and action a
function _move(s,a)
# Determine move in, move out
i_out = findfirst(x -> x < 0, a)
# a = [0,0]
if isnothing(i_out)
s′, n_move = s, 0
return (s′, n_move)
i_in = i_out == 1 ? 2 : 1
# Determine next state (i.e. # of cars in loc1/loc2 after moving)
s′ = [0,0]
n_move = min(s[i_out], abs(a[i_out]))
s′[i_out] = s[i_out] - n_move
s′[i_in] = min(MAX_CARS, s[i_in] + n_move)
return (s′, n_move)
# Convenience function: sample from poisson distribution with given λ
Pλ(λ) = rand(Poisson(λ))
# Handles customer arrival and moving of cars
function update(s, a)
# Move Cars
s′, n_move = _move(s,a)
# Sample # customers at loc1 / loc2
requests₁ = min(s′[1], Pλ(3))
requests₂ = min(s′[2], Pλ(4))
# Determine reward from renting/moving
sales = (requests₁ + requests₂)*PRICE_RENT
costs = COST_MOVE * n_move
reward = sales + costs # Cost is negative
# Determine next state (state after moving - rented cars + returned cars)
returns₁, returns₂ = Pλ(3), Pλ(2)
s′[1] = min(MAX_CARS, s′[1] - requests₁ + returns₁)
s′[2] = min(MAX_CARS, s′[2] - requests₂ + returns₂)
return s′, reward
function R(s,a)
s′, r = update(s,a)
return r
function make_probs(λs, cutoff)
l1, l2, l3, l4 = λs
# Determine probability of 0 to CUT_OFF being requested / returned
p_req₁ = pdf(Poisson(l1), 0:cutoff)
p_req₁[end] += 1 - cdf(Poisson(l1), CUT_OFF)
p_ret₁ = pdf(Poisson(l2), 0:cutoff)
p_ret₁[end] += 1 - cdf(Poisson(l2), CUT_OFF)
p_req₂ = pdf(Poisson(l3), 0:cutoff)
p_req₂[end] += 1 -cdf(Poisson(l3), CUT_OFF)
p_ret₂ = pdf(Poisson(l4), 0:cutoff)
p_ret₂[end] += 1 - cdf(Poisson(l4), CUT_OFF)
# Calculate all combinations of joint probabilities e.g. request = 2, return = 5
joint_p₁ = [p₁*p₂ for p₁ in p_req₁, p₂ in p_ret₁]
joint_p₂ = [p₁*p₂ for p₁ in p_req₂, p₂ in p_ret₂]
return joint_p₁, joint_p₂
P_JOINT₁, P_JOINT₂ = make_probs(λs, CUT_OFF)
function T(s, a, s′)
# Determine state after moving (intermediate step)
sₘ, _ = _move(s,a)
# Determine Δ in # of cars from final state s′ and intermediate state sm
# Example:
# res₁ = -3; sum of cars requested + cars returned = - 3, i.e. 3 more cars requested than returned
# res₂ = +2; sum of cars requested + cars returned = 2, i.e. 2 more cars returned than requested
res₁, res₂ = s′ - sₘ
# Calculate possible combinations how to get res₁ / res₂
idx₁ = [-i+j == res₁ for i in 0:CUT_OFF, j in 0:CUT_OFF]
idx₂ = [-i+j == res₂ for i in 0:CUT_OFF, j in 0:CUT_OFF]
if sum(idx₁) == 0
println(s, s′)
if sum(idx₂) == 0
println(s, s′)
# Calculate joint probability of occurence in loc1 and loc2
p = sum([p1*p2 for p1 in P_JOINT₁[idx₁], p2 in P_JOINT₂[idx₂]])
#p = sum(P_JOINT₁[idx₁]) * sum(P_JOINT₂[idx₂])
return p
function lookahead(P::CarProblem, V, s, a)
S, R, T, γ = P.S, P.R, P.P, P.γ
return R(s,a) + γ*sum(T(s,a,s′)*V[i] for (i, s′) in enumerate(S))
# Policy Evaluation via solving system of linear equations
function policy_evaluation(P, π)
S, R, T, γ = P.S, P.R, P.P, P.γ
R′ = [R(s, π(s)) for s in S]
T′ = [T(s, π(s), s′) for s in S, s′ in S]
return (I - γ*T′)\R′
# Policy definitions
struct ValueFunctionPolicy
# Helper function findmax (see Kochenderfer)
function Base.findmax(F::Function, xs)
f_max = -Inf
x_max = first(xs)
for x in xs
v = F(x)
if v > f_max
f_max = v
x_max = x
return f_max, x_max
function greedy(P::CarProblem, V, s)
v, a = findmax(a -> lookahead(P, V, s, a), P.A)
return (a=a, v=v)
function (π::ValueFunctionPolicy)(s)
P, V = π.P, π.V
return greedy(P, V,s).a
struct PolicyIteration
function solve(M::PolicyIteration, P::CarProblem)
π, S = M.π, P.S
for k in 1:M.k_max
println("Iteration: ", k)
V = policy_evaluation(P, π,)
π′ = ValueFunctionPolicy(P, V)
if all(π(s) == π′(s) for s in S)
π = π′
return π
# Define problem
p = CarProblem(MAX_CARS, MAX_MOVE, 0.9, R, T)
# Initialize Policy
V₀ = zeros(size(p.S))
π = ValueFunctionPolicy(p, V₀)
# Initialize Policy Iteration
M = PolicyIteration(π, 10)
# Solve
π_best = solve(M,p)
V = π_best.V
heatmap(reshape(V, MAX_CARS +1, MAX_CARS + 1))
# Above implementation is wrong and very slow
# wrong: sum(T(s,a,s´) for s´ in p.S) != 1
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