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Last active April 24, 2019 14:22
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How (and how not) to make testable code in Haskell
module TheRightWay where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
myProgram :: Monad m => m String -> (String -> m Int) -> Int -> m String
myProgram readLine parseInt n = do
line <- readLine
n' <- parseInt line
return . show $ n + n'
read' :: (MonadPlus m, Read a) => String -> m a
read' str = case reads str of
[(x,"")] -> pure x;
_ -> empty
safe :: Int -> MaybeT IO String
safe = myProgram (liftIO getLine) read'
yolo :: Int -> IO String
yolo = myProgram getLine (pure . read)
test :: Int -> Maybe String
test = myProgram (pure "mock string") read'
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes,
TypeApplications #-}
module TheWrongWay where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import GHC.TypeLits
class Eff (label :: Symbol) (m :: * -> *) (a :: *) (b :: *) where
eff :: a -> m b
myProgram :: forall m.
(Monad m, Eff "readLine" m () String, Eff "parseInt" m String Int) =>
Int -> m String
myProgram n = do
line <- eff @"readLine" @_ @_ @String ()
n' <- eff @"parseInt" line
return . show $ n + n'
instance Eff "readLine" (MaybeT IO) () String where
eff _ = liftIO getLine
instance Eff "parseInt" (MaybeT IO) String Int where
eff str = case reads str of
[(x,"")] -> pure x
_ -> empty
safe :: Int -> MaybeT IO String
safe = myProgram @(MaybeT IO)
instance Eff "readLine" IO () String where
eff _ = getLine
instance Eff "parseInt" IO String Int where
eff str = pure (read str)
yolo :: Int -> IO String
yolo = myProgram @IO
newtype MockIO a = MockIO (Maybe a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, Alternative, MonadPlus)
instance Eff "readLine" MockIO () String where
eff _ = pure "mock string"
instance Eff "parseInt" MockIO String Int where
eff str = case reads str of
[(x,"")] -> pure x
_ -> empty
test :: Int -> MockIO String
test = myProgram @MockIO
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