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Mirosław Stanek frogermcs

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public class MLModelTest {
public ActivityTestRule<ModelTestActivity> mainActivityActivityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(ModelTestActivity.class);
public void testClassificationUI() {
ModelTestActivity activity = mainActivityActivityRule.getActivity();
public class ModelTestActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private ImageView ivPreview;
private TextView tvClassification;
private ModelClassificator modelClassificator;
protected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
from PIL import Image
VAL_BATCH_DIR = "validation_batch"
!mkdir {VAL_BATCH_DIR}
# Export batch to *.jpg files with specific naming convention.
# Make sure they are exported in the full quality, otherwise the inference
# process will return different results.
for n in range(32):
public class ModelClassificator {
private static final int MAX_CLASSIFICATION_RESULTS = 3;
private static final float CLASSIFICATION_THRESHOLD = 0.2f;
private final Interpreter interpreter;
private final List<String> labels;
private final ModelConfig modelConfig;
public ModelClassificator(Context context,
ModelConfig modelConfig) throws IOException {
public class ClassificationFrameProcessor implements FrameProcessor {
private final ModelClassificator modelClassificator;
private final ClassificationListener classificationListener;
public ClassificationFrameProcessor(ModelClassificator modelClassificator,
ClassificationListener classificationListener) {
this.modelClassificator = modelClassificator;
this.classificationListener = classificationListener;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity
implements ClassificationFrameProcessor.ClassificationListener {
private CameraView cameraView;
private TextView tvClassification;
private ClassificationFrameProcessor classificationFrameProcessor;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Output, CoreML
(CPU) Prediction for Golden Retriever: golden retriever 0.611853480339
(GPU) Prediction for laptop: notebook 0.515091240406
Output, TensorFlow
Prediction for Golden Retriever: golden retriever 0.61186796
Prediction for laptop: notebook 0.51475537
TF_INPUT_TENSOR = 'input:0'
TF_OUTPUT_TENSOR = 'MobilenetV2/Predictions/Reshape_1:0'
with tf.Session(graph = g) as sess:
tf_laptop_out =, feed_dict={TF_INPUT_TENSOR: img_laptop_tf})
tf_golden_out =, feed_dict={TF_INPUT_TENSOR: img_golden_tf})
tf_laptop_out = tf_laptop_out.flatten()
tf_golden_out = tf_golden_out.flatten()
laptop_idx = np.argmax(tf_laptop_out)
golden_idx = np.argmax(tf_golden_out)
# Load TensorFlow frozen model
TF_FROZEN_MODEL = "mobilenet_v2_1.0_224_frozen.pb"
with open(TF_FROZEN_MODEL, 'rb') as f:
serialized_model =
graph_definition = tf.GraphDef()
with tf.Graph().as_default() as g:
tf.import_graph_def(graph_definition, name='')
# Prepare images for TensorFlow requirements
#Convert to expected type: float
img_laptop_tf = np.array(img_laptop).astype(np.float32)
# Setup expected input shape: [1,224,224,3]
img_laptop_tf = np.expand_dims(img_laptop_tf, axis = 0)
# Convert to expected values ranges: [0, 1]
img_laptop_tf = (1.0/255.0) * img_laptop_tf
print( 'Image shape:', img_laptop_tf.shape)