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Created October 25, 2014 14:06
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Common Lisp utilities for parsing a sequence
(in-package :cl-user)
(defpackage parser-utils
(:use :cl)
(:import-from :alexandria
(:export :with-array-parsing
(in-package :parser-utils)
(define-condition parsing-end-unexpectedly (simple-error)
((state :initarg :state
:initform nil))
(:report (lambda (condition stream)
(format stream "Parsing ended unexpectedly~:[~;~:* at ~A~]"
(slot-value condition 'state)))))
(define-condition no-next-state (simple-error) ())
(defmacro with-array-parsing ((elem p seq &optional (start 0) end) &body body)
(with-gensyms (g-end no-next-state last)
(let ((eof-exists nil))
`(let ((,p ,start)
(,g-end (locally (declare #+sbcl (sb-ext:muffle-conditions sb-ext:compiler-note))
(or ,end (length ,seq))))
(declare (ignorable ,p ,g-end ,elem))
(macrolet ((goto (tag &optional (amount 1))
(incf ,',p ,amount)
,@(if (eql amount 0)
`((when (= ,',p ,',g-end)
(go :eof))
(setq ,',elem (aref ,',seq ,',p))))
(go ,tag))))
(when (= ,p ,g-end)
(go :eof))
(setq ,elem (aref ,seq ,p))
,@(loop for (tagpart . rest) on body
for (tag . part) = tagpart
if (eq tag :eof)
append (progn
(setf eof-exists t)
(go ,last)))
(list tag
`(macrolet ((redo (&optional (amount 1))
`(goto ,',tag ,amount))
(gonext (&optional (amount 1))
`(goto ,',(or (caar rest) no-next-state)
(error 'parsing-end-unexpectedly :state ',tag))))
(error 'no-next-state)
,@(if eof-exists
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