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#^{:doc "P11 (*) Modified run-length encoding."
:test (do (test= (encode-modified '(a a a a b c c a a d e e e e))
'((4 a) b (2 c) (2 a) d (4 e)))
(test= (encode-modified []) [])
(test= (encode-modified [1]) [1]))}
; ---------------
; ---------------
;;; 同じディレクトリ内で先頭3文字が一致するファイルを友達とみなし、順番に開いたりするもの
(require 'cl)
(defun get-friend-files ()
(let ((list (file-name-all-completions (substring (buffer-name) 0 3) "./"))
(file-name-list '()))
;; 自分自身は必ずみつかるので、listの内容が2つ以上なら友達をソートして返す。
(defun gcode-lookup ()
"カーソル位置のシンボルをGoogle Codeで検索(lisp決め打ち)"
(format "\\.%s$&hl=ja&num=20"
(thing-at-point 'symbol) "lisp" "lisp")))
(define-key slime-mode-map [(control ?c) (control ?d) ?g] 'gcode-lookup))
;; 未完成
(define mapleave #f)
(define mapret #f)
(define mapstop #f)
(define (mapf finalf loopf . lists)
(let/cc leave
(set! mapleave leave)
(let ((acc () )
(stop? #t)
(defmacro message-to-poland (obj &optional (mesg nil mesg-sup?) &rest arg)
(cond (arg `(,mesg ,obj (message-to-poland ,@arg)))
(mesg-sup? `(,mesg ,obj))
('T `,obj)))
(set-macro-character #\[ (lambda (stream char)
(declare (ignore char))
`(message-to-poland ,@(read-delimited-list #\] stream 'T))))
(require :contextl)
(defpackage :8oclock (:use :cl :contextl))
(in-package :8oclock)
(defclass announce ()
((date :initarg :date :accessor date :type string)
(mesg :initarg :mesg :accessor mesg)
(footer :initarg :footer :accessor footer)
(times :initarg :times :accessor times)
(require :sb-bsd-sockets)
(require :cl-ppcre)
(defpackage :dnsbl
(:use :cl)
(:export :spam-champuru-p))
(in-package :dnsbl)
(defconstant +champuru-server+ "")
g000001 / gist:21487
Created November 1, 2008 07:43
;; 5:37am Tuesday,28 October 2008
(defpackage :goo (:use :cl :compat-utils))
(in-package :goo)
(defmacro op (fn &rest args)
`(lambda (_) (,fn ,@args)))
(defalias d. cl:defconstant)
(defalias dv cl:defvar)
(defun urand-list (n &optional (byte 8))
(with-open-file (in "/dev/urandom" :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,byte))
(loop :repeat n :collect (read-byte in nil nil))))
(urand-list 3 256)
;=> (60911427192963316011544747287595784556349539712748006065011672149122741877820
; 75457469479310454168834878462254762462403698881818960517980139665538208344748
; 108658200307104181631682704758907704792362235556132495755053705541055592739152)
(defun amop-lookup ()
(format ""
(let* ((name (thing-at-point 'symbol))
(pos (position ?: name)))
(if pos
(subseq name (1+ pos))