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Gabriel Hondet gabrielhdt

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Set : Type.
injective El : (Set -> Type).
N : Type.
s : N -> N.
z : N.
T : (N -> Type).
cons! : (n : N -> (Set -> ((T n) -> (T (s n))))).
gabrielhdt / encoding.lp
Created July 21, 2022 14:32
Proof search using unification hints
constant symbol Set: TYPE;
injective symbol El : Set → TYPE;
notation El prefix 1;
constant symbol o : Set;
injective symbol Prf : El o → TYPE;
notation Prf prefix 1;
constant symbol &-> : Set → Set → Set;
notation &-> infix right 7;
gabrielhdt / suc-alg.lp
Created July 3, 2021 08:56
// Levels as in agda syntax
constant symbol L : TYPE;
symbol Z : L;
symbol S : L → L;
symbol ∪ : L → L → L; notation ∪ infix right 10;
symbol ⋄ : L → L;
// Nat to count succesors
constant symbol ℕ : TYPE;
gabrielhdt / format_comments.awk
Created June 2, 2020 12:11
comment formatter
#!/bin/gawk -f
## This script flushes left and indents correctly documentation of caml code.
## We modify `RS` and `FS` so awk parses the file function by function
## (separated by newlines) along with their documentation. We then call the
## external program `par` on the comments and print the rest unchanged.
# Record separator is gawk empty lines
RS = "";
FS = "\n";
# State variables,
package_name = tmp
root_path = tmp