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Forked from bagobor/
Last active March 24, 2022 14:55
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TreeGen for 3DSMax written by Ryan James Smith aka "Virtuosic" on polycount forums.
TreeGen for 3DSMax written by Ryan James Smith aka "Virtuosic" on polycount forums.
This is creative commons, edit and redistribute as you please, just remember to give original credit
also, if you add some cool stuff, email me at and let me know what you did so
i can be jealous i didn't think of it... Oh, and if you add something cool, sign your name below mine :D
macroscript TreeGenerator category:"Tree Generator" tooltip:"TreeGen Beta v0.97"
-- Declare Global Variables
global trunkspline
global trunkmesh
global branchArray = #()
global branchMeshArray = #()
global leavesArray = #() -- a container holding the leaf reference mesh(s)
global leafMeshArray = #() -- the array of copied leaf meshes that actually get placed on the tree
global canEdit = false
rollout TreeGen "TreeGen Beta v.097" width:648 height:440
spinner trunkHeight "" pos:[96,16] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,4096,350] scale:1
spinner trunkSides "" pos:[96,64] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,32,8] type:#integer scale:1
spinner TrunkBendAngle "" pos:[96,184] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[-180,180,0] type:#integer scale:1
spinner TrunkBendDir "" pos:[96,208] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[-360,360,0] type:#integer scale:1
spinner TrunkNoiseStrength "" pos:[96,232] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[-100,100,10] scale:1
spinner TrunkNoiseScale "" pos:[96,256] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,1000,50] type:#integer scale:1
spinner trunkNoiseSeed "" pos:[96,280] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,10000,4331] type:#integer scale:1
spinner trunkSegs "" pos:[96,88] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,128,12] type:#integer scale:1
spinner trunkRadius "" pos:[96,41] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,256,16] type:#float scale:1
spinner trunkPinch "" pos:[96,136] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,1,0.9] type:#float scale:0.01
spinner trunkPinchCurve "" pos:[96,160] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[-10,10,0.5] scale:0.1
spinner trunkTextureTile "" pos:[96,112] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,100,4] type:#float scale:0.1
spinner stretchAmount "" pos:[96,304] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,100,1] type:#float scale:0.01
spinner twistAmount "" pos:[96,328] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[-1000,1000,-180] type:#float scale:1
spinner trunkSpiral "" pos:[96,352] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[-2000,2000,1] type:#float scale:1
spinner branchPercent "" pos:[265,16] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,99.9,30] type:#float scale:0.1
spinner branchNumber "" pos:[265,40] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,100,8] type:#integer scale:1
spinner branchLength "" pos:[264,136] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,2000,350] type:#float scale:1
spinner branchSegs "" pos:[265,160] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,128,6] type:#float scale:1
spinner branchNoise "" pos:[264,184] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[-100,100,10] type:#float scale:1
spinner branchNoiseScale "" pos:[264,208] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,1000,50] type:#float scale:1
spinner branchNoiseSeed "" pos:[264,232] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,10000,1215] type:#float scale:1
spinner rotOffset "" pos:[264,256] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[-2000,2000,64] type:#float scale:1
spinner tiltAmount "" pos:[264,280] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[-90,90,-30] type:#float scale:1
spinner tiltVariation "" pos:[331,280] width:40 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,90,0] type:#float scale:1
spinner branchTwist "" pos:[265,352] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[-1000,1000,-90] type:#float scale:1
spinner branchRadius "" pos:[265,65] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,256,8] type:#float scale:1
spinner branchPinchCurve "" pos:[265,304] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,1,0] scale:0.01
spinner branchSides "" pos:[265,88] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,32,5] type:#integer scale:1
spinner branchUVScale "" pos:[265,112] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,100,4] type:#float scale:0.1
spinner branchStretch "" pos:[265,327] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,100,1] type:#float scale:0.01
spinner leavesPerBranch "" pos:[513,128] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,100,20] type:#integer scale:1
spinner leafRotStep "" pos:[513,176] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[-720,720,100] type:#float scale:1
spinner leafRotVariation "" pos:[584,176] width:40 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,180,0] type:#float scale:1
spinner LeafTilt "" pos:[513,200] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[-90,90,50] type:#float scale:1
spinner LeafTiltVariation "" pos:[584,200] width:40 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,90,0] type:#float scale:1
spinner leafScaleVariation "" pos:[584,224] width:40 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,10,0] type:#float scale:0.01
spinner leafScale "" pos:[513,224] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,100,1] type:#float scale:0.01
spinner leafBunch "" pos:[513,152] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[1,100,1] type:#float scale:0.1
spinner leafOffset "" pos:[513,248] width:48 height:16 enabled:false range:[0,100,0] type:#float scale:0.1
listbox lb_leafBranches "" pos:[393,16] width:240 height:4 readOnly:true
button btn_bakeTree "Bake Tree" pos:[161,384] width:216 height:48 enabled:false
button btn_addSelection "Add Selection" pos:[393,80] width:112 height:16
button btn_clearSelection "Clear " pos:[521,80] width:112 height:16
button btn_generateTree "Generate Tree" pos:[8,384] width:144 height:48
button btn_hideTrunk "Hide Trunk" pos:[392,280] width:240 height:24 enabled:false
button btn_hideBranches "Hide Branches" pos:[392,312] width:240 height:24 enabled:false
button btn_hideLeaves "Hide Leaves" pos:[392,344] width:240 height:24 enabled:false
materialButton btn_BarkMaterial "Choose Bark Material" pos:[391,392] width:241 height:32
label lbl325 "+ -" pos:[563,224] width:16 height:16
label lbl287 "+ -" pos:[563,200] width:16 height:16
label lbl288 "Leaf Tilt" pos:[473,200] width:40 height:16
label lbl348 "Leaf Offset" pos:[456,248] width:57 height:16
label lbl191 "Leaf Bunch %" pos:[443,152] width:69 height:16
label lbl285 "Leaf Rotation Step" pos:[422,176] width:90 height:16
label lbl286 "+ -" pos:[562,176] width:16 height:16
label lbl326 "Leaf Scale" pos:[464,224] width:49 height:16
label lbl220 "Base Branch Leaf Count" pos:[397,128] width:116 height:16
label lbl76 "Sides" pos:[225,88] width:40 height:16
label lbl77 "Radius" pos:[225,64] width:40 height:16
label lbl79 "Pinch Curve" pos:[207,304] width:58 height:16
label lbl59 "UV Tile" pos:[225,112] width:40 height:16
label lbl60 "Branch Stretch" pos:[193,328] width:72 height:16
label lbl61 "Branch Twist" pos:[199,352] width:66 height:16
label lbl143 "Tilt" pos:[248,280] width:16 height:16
label lbl142 "Base Branch Length" pos:[168,136] width:96 height:16
label lbl140 "Branch Start %" pos:[185,16] width:80 height:16
label lbl141 "# of Branches" pos:[185,40] width:80 height:16
label lbl_height "Height" pos:[56,16] width:40 height:16
label lbl111 "Radius" pos:[56,40] width:40 height:16
label lbl112 "Sides" pos:[56,64] width:40 height:16
label lbl113 "Height Segments" pos:[13,88] width:83 height:16
label lbl114 "UV Tile" pos:[56,112] width:40 height:16
label lbl115 "Pinch" pos:[56,136] width:40 height:16
label lbl116 "Pinch Curve" pos:[32,160] width:64 height:16
label lbl117 "Bend Angle" pos:[32,184] width:64 height:16
label lbl118 "Bend Direction" pos:[16,208] width:80 height:16
label lbl119 "Noise Strength" pos:[24,232] width:72 height:16
label lbl120 "Noise Scale" pos:[32,256] width:64 height:16
label lbl121 "Noise Seed" pos:[32,280] width:64 height:16
label lbl122 "Trunk Stretch" pos:[24,304] width:72 height:16
label lbl_twist "Twist" pos:[56,328] width:40 height:16
label lbl124 "Spiral" pos:[56,352] width:40 height:16
label lbl50 "+ -" pos:[313,280] width:16 height:16
label lbl51 "Branch Segments" pos:[176,160] width:88 height:16
label lbl73 "Branch Noise" pos:[200,184] width:64 height:16
label lbl74 "Branch Noise Scale" pos:[169,208] width:92 height:16
label lbl75 "Branch Noise Seed" pos:[172,232] width:89 height:16
label lbl_rotOffset "Rotation Offset" pos:[187,256] width:75 height:16
GroupBox grp1 "Trunk Controls" pos:[8,0] width:144 height:376
GroupBox grp4 "Branch Controls" pos:[160,0] width:216 height:376
GroupBox grp3 "Materials" pos:[383,376] width:256 height:56
GroupBox grp19 "Leaf Meshes" pos:[385,0] width:256 height:104
GroupBox grp5 "Leaf Controls" pos:[384,112] width:256 height:160
-- functions specific to this rollout
-- this function updates the mesh everytime one of the sliders is changed.
fn addPathConstraint spline obj =
pConstraint = Path_Constraint()
pConstraint.path = spline
obj.pos.controller = pConstraint
return pConstraint
fn simpleSpline splineLength splineSegs =
newSpline = SplineShape pos:[0,0,0]
addNewSpline newSpline
addKnot newSpline 1 #corner #line [0,0,0]
addKnot newSpline 1 #corner #line [0,0,splineLength]
updateShape newSpline
subdivideSegment newSpline 1 1 (splineSegs - 2) -- Use to determine how many verts our spline has
knots = numknots newSpline
for i = 1 to knots do -- iterate over each knot in spline
setKnotType newSpline 1 i #corner -- set each knot in the spline to type #corner
return newSpline
fn generateTrunk TreeGenUI =
ss = simpleSpline TreeGenUI.trunkHeight.value TreeGenUI.trunkSegs.value
trunkNoise = noisemodifier() -- noise Modifier
addModifier ss trunkNoise
trunkNoise.scale = TreeGenUI.TrunkNoiseScale.value
trunkNoise.strength = [TreeGenUI.TrunkNoiseStrength.value, TreeGenUI.TrunkNoiseStrength.value, 0]
trunkNoise.seed = TreeGenUI.trunkNoiseSeed.value
trunkBend = bend()--add Bend Modifier
addModifier ss trunkBend
trunkbend.angle = TreeGenUI.TrunkBendAngle.value -- Angle
trunkbend.direction = TreeGenUI.TrunkBendDir.value -- direction (degrees)
trunkTwist = Twist()
addmodifier ss trunkTwist
trunkTwist.Angle = TreeGenUI.trunkSpiral.value
editTrunkSpline = Edit_Spline()
addmodifier ss editTrunkSpline
return ss
fn generateTrunkMesh TreeGenUI=
-- Add cylinder to a scene and set it's basic params.
cyl = cylinder()
if TreeGen.btn_barkmaterial.material == undefined then
defaultMat = standardMaterial()
cyl.material = defaultMat
cyl.material = TreeGen.btn_barkmaterial.material
cyl.radius = TreeGenUI.trunkRadius.value
cyl.pos = [0,0,0]
cyl.sides = TreeGenUI.trunkSides.value
cyl.height = TreeGenUI.trunkHeight.value
cyl.heightsegments = (TreeGenUI.trunkSegs.value - 1)
--add a uvw map to the cylinder and tweak it's basic params.
cylUV = uvwmap()
addmodifier cyl cylUV
cylUV.maptype = 1
cylUV.vtile = TreeGenUI.trunkTextureTile.value
-- add a Taper modifier to the cylinder and tawek it's basic params
cylTaper = taper()
addmodifier cyl cylTaper
cylTaper.amount = -TreeGenUI.trunkPinch.value
cylTaper.curve = -TreeGenUI.trunkPinchCurve.value
-- add a Path Deform to the cylidner and tweak it's basic params.
cylDeform = SpacePathDeform()
addmodifier cyl cylDeform
cylDeform.path = trunkSpline
cylDeform.Stretch = TreeGenUI.stretchAmount.value
cylDeform.Twist = treeGenUI.twistAmount.value
trunkPoly = edit_poly()
addmodifier cyl trunkPoly
return cyl -- returns the node
fn generateBranchMesh branch height radius TreeGenUI =
-- Add cylinder to a scene and set it's basic params.
cyl = cylinder()
if TreeGen.btn_barkmaterial.material == undefined then
defaultMat = standardMaterial()
cyl.material = defaultMat
cyl.material = TreeGen.btn_barkmaterial.material
cyl.radius = radius
cyl.pos = [0,0,0]
cyl.sides = TreeGenUI.branchSides.value
cyl.height = height
cyl.heightsegments = (TreeGenUI.branchSegs.value - 1)
--add a uvw map to the cylinder and tweak it's basic params.
cylUV = uvwmap()
addmodifier cyl cylUV
cylUV.maptype = 1
cylUV.vtile = TreeGenUI.branchUVScale.value
-- add a Taper modifier to the cylinder and tawek it's basic params
cylTaper = taper()
addmodifier cyl cylTaper
cylTaper.amount = -1
cylTaper.curve = -TreeGenUI.branchPinchCurve.value
-- add a Path Deform to the cylidner and tweak it's basic params.
cylDeform = SpacePathDeform()
addmodifier cyl cylDeform
--cylDeform.Flip_deformation_axis = 1
cylDeform.path = branch
cylDeform.Twist = TreeGenUI.branchTwist.value
cylDeform.Stretch = TreeGenUI.branchStretch.value
return cyl -- returns the node
fn createBranches TreeGenUI =
branchArray = undefined
branchArray =#()
for i = 1 to TreeGenUI.branchNumber.value do -- This code will be used to create each branch.
-- Determine what percentage up the trunk this branch will be placed.
offset = ((100 - TreeGenUI.branchPercent.value)/TreeGenUI.branchNumber.value ) * (i - 1)
percentage = TreeGenUI.branchPercent.value - 100 + offset
newLength = TreeGenUI.branchLength.value * (percentage/100) * -1
newRadius = TreeGenUI.branchRadius.value * (percentage/100) * 1.5
branchSpline = simpleSpline newLength TreeGenUI.branchSegs.value -- create our spline for the branch
knotArray = for i = 2 to TreeGenUI.branchSegs.value collect i -- create an array of knots that exclude the knot attached to the trunk spline. This will ensure that the root knot does not get offset from the path by any noise modifiers.
setknotselection branchspline 1 knotArray
branchMesh = generateBranchMesh branchSpline newLength -newRadius TreeGenUI
branchMesh.parent = branchSpline
-- handles rotation of the branch
branchSpline.dir = [1,0,0]
zRot = eulerangles 0 0 ((360/TreeGenUI.branchNumber.value + TreeGenUI.rotOffset.value) * i)
tiltRot = eulerangles (TreeGenUI.tiltAmount.value + random -TreeGenUI.tiltVariation.value TreeGenUI.tiltVariation.value) 0 0
rotate branchSpline zRot
in coordsys local rotate branchSpline tiltRot
pConstraint = addPathConstraint trunkSpline branchSpline -- add a path constraint to our spline, and attach it to our trunk
pConstraint.percent = percentage -- apply percentag along trunk to constraint.
branchSplineNoise = noisemodifier() -- create a noise modifier for our spline
addModifier branchSpline branchSplineNoise
branchSplineNoise.scale = TreeGenUI.branchNoiseScale.value
branchSplineNoise.strength = [TreeGenUI.branchNoise.value, TreeGenUI.branchNoise.value, 0]
branchSplineNoise.seed = TreeGenUI.branchNoiseSeed.value
editBranchSpline = edit_spline()
addmodifier branchSpline editBranchSpline
append branchArray branchSpline -- add our new branch spline to the branch Array
append branchMeshArray branchMesh
--return branchArray
fn placeLeafMeshes TreeGenUI=
leafMeshArray = #()
if TreeGenUI.lb_leafBranches.items[1] != undefined do
for i = 1 to branchArray.count do
branchOffset = ((100 - TreeGenUI.branchPercent.value)/TreeGenUI.branchNumber.value ) * (i - 1)
branchPercentage = TreeGenUI.branchPercent.value - 100 + branchOffset
--newLength = TreeGen.branchLength.value * (percentage/100)
--NewLeafSize = LeafSize * (percentage/100)
leafMeshesOnBranch = ceil (TreeGenUI.leavesPerBranch.value * (branchPercentage/100)) * -1
for j = 1 to leafMeshesOnBranch as integer do -- This codeblock is executed for every leaf mesh... try to keep it clean and concise!
try newleaf = copy leavesArray[((mod (j-1) leavesArray.count) + 1) as integer]
messagebox "You can't add leaves from the active tree to the Leaf Meshes box, please select a different mesh"
leafConstraint = addPathConstraint branchArray[i] newleaf
leafConstraint.percent = ((100/leafMeshesOnBranch) * j)/TreeGenUI.leafBunch.value + TreeGenUI.leafOffset.value
leafConstraint.follow = true
leafConstraint.axis = 2
randomScale = random -TreeGen.leafScaleVariation.value TreeGen.leafScaleVariation.value
leafScaleVal = [randomScale, randomScale, randomScale]
newleaf.scale = ([TreeGenUI.leafScale.value, TreeGenUI.leafScale.value, TreeGenUI.leafScale.value] + leafScaleVal)
yRot = eulerangles 0 ((j*TreeGenuI.leafRotStep.value) + random -TreeGenUI.leafRotVariation.value TreeGenUI.leafRotVariation.value) 0
xRot = eulerangles (TreeGenUI.LeafTilt.value + random -TreeGenUI.LeafTiltVariation.value TreeGenUI.LeafTiltVariation.value) 0 0
in coordsys local rotate newleaf yRot
in coordsys local rotate newleaf xRot
append leafMeshArray newleaf
fn updateTrunk =
deselect selection
--For the Trunk Spline
if isvalidnode trunkSpline == true then
delete TrunkSpline
TrunkSpline = undefined
else trunkSpline = undefined
trunkSpline = generateTrunk TreeGen
-- For the Trunk's Mesh
if isvalidnode trunkMesh == true then
delete trunkMesh
trunkMesh = undefined
else trunkMesh = undefined
trunkMesh = generateTrunkMesh TreeGen
--For the Branches
if isvalidnode branchArray[1] == true and isvalidnode branchMeshArray[1] == true then
for i in branchArray do
( if isvalidnode i == true do delete i )
for i in branchMeshArray do
( if isvalidnode i == true do delete i )
branchMeshArray = #()
branchArray = #()
branchArray = #()
branchMeshArray = #()
createBranches TreeGen
-- For the Leaves
if isvalidnode leafMeshArray[1] == true then
for i in leafMeshArray do
( if isvalidnode i == true do delete i )
leafMeshArray = #()
else leafMeshArray = #()
placeLeafMeshes TreeGen
--For the Horde!
fn bakeTree =
trunkBake = snapshot trunkMesh
for i in branchMeshArray do
branchBake = snapshot i
branchbake.pos = [0,0,0]
branchBake.parent = trunkbake
for i = 1 to leafMeshArray.count do
leafBake = snapshot leafMeshArray[i]
leafBake.parent = trunkbake
delete branchArray
delete trunkMesh
delete branchMeshArray
delete leafMeshArray
delete trunkSpline
trunkSpline = undefined
trunkMesh = undefined
leafMeshArray = #()
branchArray = #()
branchMeshArray = #()
on trunkHeight changed val do
on trunkSides changed val do
on TrunkBendAngle changed val do
on TrunkBendDir changed val do
on TrunkNoiseStrength changed val do
on TrunkNoiseScale changed val do
on trunkNoiseSeed changed val do
on trunkSegs changed val do
on trunkRadius changed val do
on trunkPinch changed val do
on trunkPinchCurve changed val do
on trunkTextureTile changed val do
on stretchAmount changed val do
on twistAmount changed val do
on trunkSpiral changed val do
on branchPercent changed val do
on branchNumber changed val do
on branchLength changed val do
on branchSegs changed val do
on branchNoise changed val do
on branchNoiseScale changed val do
on branchNoiseSeed changed val do
on rotOffset changed val do
on tiltAmount changed val do
on tiltVariation changed val do
on branchTwist changed val do
on branchRadius changed val do
on branchPinchCurve changed val do
on branchSides changed val do
on branchUVScale changed val do
on branchStretch changed val do
on leavesPerBranch changed val do
on leafRotStep changed val do
on leafRotVariation changed val do
on LeafTilt changed val do
on LeafTiltVariation changed val do
on leafScaleVariation changed val do
on leafScale changed val do
on leafBunch changed val do
on leafOffset changed val do
on btn_bakeTree pressed do
for i = 1 to 40 do treegen.controls[i].enabled = false
btn_hideTrunk.enabled = false
btn_hideBranches.enabled = false
btn_hideLeaves.enabled = false
btn_bakeTree.enabled = false
btn_generateTree.enabled = true
canEdit = false
on btn_addSelection pressed do
for i in selection do
if superclassof i != geometryclass then messagebox ( as string + " needs to be a geometry object... clearly it is not. Pull yourself together, dude")
leavesArray = #()
leavesArray = for i in selection collect i
lb_leafBranches.items = for i in leavesArray collect
if canEdit == true do for i = 32 to 40 do treegen.controls[i].enabled = true
if canEdit == true do updateTrunk()
on btn_clearSelection pressed do
leavesArray = #()
lb_leafBranches.items = #()
for i = 32 to 40 do treegen.controls[i].enabled = false
if canEdit == true do updateTrunk()
on btn_generateTree pressed do
canEdit = true
for i = 1 to 31 do treegen.controls[i].enabled = true
TreeGen.btn_generateTree.enabled = false
btn_hideTrunk.enabled = true
btn_hideBranches.enabled = true
btn_hideLeaves.enabled = true
btn_bakeTree.enabled = true
if treeGen.lb_leafBranches.items[1] != undefined then for i = 32 to 40 do treegen.controls[i].enabled = true
on btn_hideTrunk pressed do
hide trunkMesh
on btn_hideBranches pressed do
hide branchmesharray
on btn_hideLeaves pressed do
hide leafmesharray
on btn_BarkMaterial picked mtl do
createDialog TreeGen
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