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Created December 2, 2021 15:04
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(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(def input
(->> "day_2/input.txt"
(def sample-input "forward 5
down 5
forward 8
up 3
down 8
forward 2")
(defn parse-input [input]
(->> input
(map (fn [s] (str/split s #" ")))
(map (fn [[direction amount]] [(keyword direction) (parse-long amount)]))))
(def parsed-sample-input (parse-input sample-input))
(def parsed-input (parse-input input))
(def inital-position {:horizontal 0
:depth 0
:aim 0})
(defn next-position [current-position [instruction amount]]
(case instruction
:forward (update current-position :horizontal + amount)
:down (update current-position :depth + amount)
:up (update current-position :depth - amount)))
(defn final-product [{:keys [horizontal depth]}]
(* horizontal depth))
(defn part-1 [input]
(->> input
(reduce next-position inital-position)
(part-1 parsed-sample-input)
;; => 150
(part-1 parsed-input)
;; => 1727835
(defn next-position-2 [current-position [instruction amount]]
(case instruction
:forward (-> current-position
(update :horizontal + amount)
(update :depth + (* amount (:aim current-position))))
:down (update current-position :aim + amount)
:up (update current-position :aim - amount)))
(defn part-2 [input]
(->> input
(reduce next-position-2 inital-position)
(part-2 parsed-sample-input)
;; => 900
(part-2 parsed-input)
;; => 1544000595
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