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Last active April 18, 2023 02:40
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# Purpose: Generate demographic data
# Author: Gary A. Stafford and GitHub Copilot
# Date: 2023-04-14
# Usage: python3 100
# Command-line argument(s): rec_count (number of records to generate as an integer)
# Write an application that creates a file containing demographic data.
# The application should accept a command line argument that specifies the number of records to generate.
# The application should write the demographic data to a file called 'demographic_data.csv'.
# The application should contain the following functions:
# - main() function that calls the other functions
# - function that returns a random first name
# - function that returns a random last name
# - function that returns a random date of birth
# - function that returns a random gender
# - function that returns a random religious affiliation
# - function that returns a random race
import random
import argparse
import csv
from datetime import date, timedelta
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate demographic data")
"rec_count", type=int, help="The number of records to generate", default=100
rec_count = parser.parse_args().rec_count
# Write a function that generates a list of common feminine first names in the United States.
# List should be in alphabetical order.
# Each name should be unique.
# Return random first name.
def get_first_name_feminine():
first_name_feminine = [
"Alice", "Amanda", "Amy", "Angela", "Ann", "Anna", "Barbara", "Betty",
"Brenda", "Carol", "Carolyn", "Catherine", "Christine", "Cynthia", "Deborah", "Debra",
"Diane", "Donna", "Doris", "Dorothy", "Elizabeth", "Frances", "Gloria", "Heather",
"Helen", "Janet", "Jennifer", "Jessica", "Joyce", "Julie", "Karen", "Kathleen", "Kimberly",
"Laura", "Linda", "Lisa", "Margaret", "Maria", "Marie", "Martha", "Mary", "Melissa",
"Michelle", "Nancy", "Pamela", "Patricia", "Rebecca", "Ruth", "Sandra", "Sarah", "Sharon",
"Shirley", "Stephanie", "Susan", "Teresa", "Virginia",
return random.choice(first_name_feminine)
# Write a function that generates a list of common masculine first names in the United States.
# List should be in alphabetical order.
# Each name should be unique.
# Return random first name.
def get_first_name_masculine():
first_names_masculine = [
"Adams", "Alexander", "Allen", "Anderson", "Bailey", "Baker", "Barnes", "Bell",
"Bennett", "Brooks", "Brown", "Bryant", "Butler", "Campbell", "Carter", "Clark",
"Coleman", "Collins", "Cook", "Cooper", "Cox", "Davis", "Edwards", "Evans",
"Flores", "Foster", "Garcia", "Gonzales", "Gonzalez", "Gray", "Green", "Griffin",
"Hall", "Harris", "Henderson", "Hernandez", "Hill", "Howard", "Hughes", "Jackson",
"James", "Jenkins", "Johnson", "Jones", "Kelly", "King", "Lee", "Lewis", "Long",
"Lopez", "Martin", "Martinez", "Miller", "Mitchell", "Moore", "Morgan", "Morris",
"Murphy", "Nelson", "Parker", "Patterson", "Perez", "Perry", "Peterson", "Phillips",
"Powell", "Price", "Ramirez", "Reed", "Richardson", "Rivera", "Roberts", "Robinson",
"Rodriguez", "Rogers", "Ross", "Russell", "Sanchez", "Sanders", "Scott", "Simmons",
"Smith", "Stewart", "Taylor", "Thomas", "Thompson", "Torres", "Turner", "Walker",
"Ward", "Washington", "Watson", "White", "Williams", "Wilson", "Wood", "Wright", "Young"
return random.choice(first_names_masculine)
# Write a function that returns a person's gender.
# Return a random gender.
# Accept a random value between 0 and 1 as an input parameter.
# The function must return one of the following values based on the %:
# 53% Male, 40% Female, 6% Other, 1% Transgender
def get_gender(rnd_value):
if rnd_value < 0.53:
return "Male"
elif rnd_value < 0.93:
return "Feamle"
elif rnd_value < 0.99:
return "Other"
return "Transgener"
# Write a function that returns a feminine or masculine first name.
# Return random first name.
# Accept a random value between 0 and 1 as an input parameter.
# The function must return one of the following values based on the %:
# 53% chance of being feminine, 40% chance of being masculine
def get_first_name(rnd_value):
if rnd_value < 0.53:
return get_first_name_masculine()
elif rnd_value < 0.93:
return get_first_name_feminine()
elif rnd_value < 0.97:
return get_first_name_masculine()
return get_first_name_feminine()
# Write a function that generates a list of common last names in the United States.
# List should be in alphabetical order.
# Each name should be unique.
# Return random last name.
def get_last_name():
last_names = [
"Adams", "Alexander", "Allen", "Anderson", "Bailey", "Baker", "Barnes", "Bell",
"Bennett", "Brooks", "Brown", "Bryant", "Butler", "Campbell", "Carter", "Clark",
"Coleman", "Collins", "Cook", "Cooper", "Cox", "Davis", "Edwards", "Evans", "Flores",
"Foster", "Garcia", "Gonzales", "Gonzalez", "Gray", "Green", "Griffin", "Hall",
"Harris", "Henderson", "Hernandez", "Hill", "Howard", "Hughes", "Jackson", "James",
"Jenkins", "Johnson", "Jones", "Kelly", "King", "Lee", "Lewis", "Long", "Lopez",
"Martin", "Martinez", "Miller", "Mitchell", "Moore", "Morgan", "Morris", "Murphy",
"Nelson", "Parker", "Patterson", "Perez", "Perry", "Peterson", "Phillips", "Powell",
"Price", "Ramirez", "Reed", "Richardson", "Rivera", "Roberts", "Robinson", "Rodriguez",
"Rogers", "Ross", "Russell", "Sanchez", "Sanders", "Scott", "Simmons", "Smith", "Stewart",
"Taylor", "Thomas", "Thompson", "Torres", "Turner", "Walker", "Ward", "Washington", "Watson",
"White", "Williams", "Wilson", "Wood", "Wright", "Young",
return random.choice(last_names)
# Write a function that returns a martial status.
# Return random martial status.
# Accept a random value between 0 and 1 as an input parameter.
# The function must return one of the following values based on the %:
# 50% Married, 33% Single, 17% Unknown
def get_martial_status(rnd_value):
if rnd_value < 0.50:
return "Married"
elif rnd_value < 0.83:
return "Single"
return "Unknown"
# Write a function that returns a person's race.
# Return random race.
# Accept a random value between 0 and 1 as an input parameter.
# The function must return one of the following values based on the %:
# 58% White, 19% Hispanic, 12% Black, 6% Asian, 4% Multiracial
def get_race(rnd_value):
if rnd_value < 0.58:
return "White"
elif rnd_value < 0.77:
return "Hispanic"
elif rnd_value < 0.89:
return "Black"
elif rnd_value < 0.95:
return "Asian"
return "Multiracial"
# Write a function that returns a person's religious affiliation.
# Return random regilion.
# Accept a random value between 0 and 1 as an input parameter.
# The function must return one of the following values based on the %:
# 70% Christian, 20% Agnostic, 3% Atheist, 2% Jewish,
# 2% Other, 1% Muslim, 1% Hindu, 1% Buddhist
def get_regilion(rnd_value):
if rnd_value < 0.7:
return "Christian"
elif rnd_value < 0.9:
return "Agnostic"
elif rnd_value < 0.93:
return "Atheist"
elif rnd_value < 0.95:
return "Jewish"
elif rnd_value < 0.97:
return "Other"
elif rnd_value < 0.98:
return "Muslim"
elif rnd_value < 0.99:
return "Hindu"
return "Buddhist"
# Write a function that returns a person's gender.
# Return a random gender.
# Accept a random value between 0 and 1 as an input parameter.
# The function must return one of the following values based on the %:
# 53% Male, 40% Female, 6% Other, 1% Transgender
def get_gender(rnd_value):
if rnd_value < 0.53:
return "Male"
elif rnd_value < 0.93:
return "Feamle"
elif rnd_value < 0.99:
return "Other"
return "Transgener"
# Write a function that generates a normal distribution of ages.
# Using normalvariate() from the random module
# with a mean of 40 and a standard deviation of 10.
# Return random age as an integer.
def get_age():
return int(random.normalvariate(40, 10))
# Write a function that generates a normal distribution of date of births.
# with a mean year of 1975 and a standard deviation of 10.
# Return random date of birth as a string in the format YYYY-MM-DD
def get_dob():
day_of_year = random.randint(1, 365)
year_of_birth = int(random.normalvariate(1975, 10))
dob = date(int(year_of_birth), 1, 1) + timedelta(day_of_year - 1)
dob = dob.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
return dob
# Create a function to write the demographic records to a csv file called 'demographic_data.csv'.
# Use an input parameter to specify the number of records to write.
# The csv file must have a header row and be comma delimited.
# String values must be enclosed in double quotes.
def write_data(rec_count):
id = 0
with open("output/demographic_data.csv", "w", newline="") as csv_file:
csv_writer = csv.writer(
csv_file, delimiter=",", quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC
for i in range(rec_count):
rnd_gender = random.random()
id += 1
first_name = get_first_name(rnd_gender)
last_name = get_last_name()
dob = get_dob()
gender = get_gender(rnd_gender)
martial_status = get_martial_status(random.random())
race = get_race(random.random())
religion = get_regilion(random.random())
if __name__ == "__main__":
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