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Created June 6, 2018 20:29
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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Prelude hiding (IO, getLine)
import qualified Prelude as P
import System.IO.Unsafe
-- * The Foreign Function Interface
-- | FFI values permit interfacing with foreign functions, such as low-level IO
-- operations, memory management operations, or bindings to other user-level
-- libraries written in, eg, C. FFI is opaque to the programmer.
newtype FFI a = FFI a
-- | The primitive operation that we will treat as the only blessed means of
-- evaluating FFI values. This would also be a magic builtin in a real language
-- implementation.
eval :: (FFI a) -> (a -> r) -> r
eval (FFI x) f = f x
-- * IO
-- | An IO value is either a finished computation or an unfinished FFI
-- computation.
newtype IO a = IO {
unIO :: forall r.
(a -> r)
-> (forall t. (FFI t) -> (t -> r) -> r)
-> r
instance Functor IO where
fmap f (IO m) = IO $ \u k ->
m (\x -> u (x `seq` f x)) k -- Note the strictness requirement here.
instance Applicative IO where
pure x = IO (\u _ -> u x)
(<*>) mf ma = mf >>= \f -> fmap f ma
-- | Implementation of monad multiplication to define the bind operation
-- because I am a hipster.
joinIO :: IO (IO a) -> IO a
joinIO io = IO $ \u k ->
unIO io (\x -> unIO x u k) k
instance Monad IO where
return = pure
(>>=) m f = joinIO $ fmap f m
-- | Lift an FFI value into the IO monad (the only way to actually use it).
runFFI :: FFI a -> IO a
runFFI ffi = IO $ \u k -> k ffi u
-- | Run an IO computation, which in general is not safe because it may not
-- terminate.
unsafeRunIO :: IO a -> a
unsafeRunIO io = unIO io id eval
-- * Builtins
-- The language standard library will provide a number of primitive builtin
-- functions via the FFI. Here we use @unsafePerformIO@ to simulate said
-- builtins.
-- | Primitive builtin operation to read a line from stdin.
_primGetLine :: FFI (() -> String)
_primGetLine = FFI $ \_ -> unsafePerformIO P.getLine
-- | Primitive builtin operation to write a line to stdout.
_primPutLine :: FFI (String -> ())
_primPutLine = FFI $ \str -> (unsafePerformIO (putStrLn str))
-- * Wrapped IO actions
-- The next two functions demonstrate how FFI functions can be wrapped and used
-- in the IO monad.
getLine :: IO String
getLine = (runFFI _primGetLine) <*> (return ())
putLine :: String -> IO ()
putLine str = (runFFI _primPutLine) <*> (return str)
-- * Demo
-- | Use our primitives!
testIO :: IO Int
testIO = do
putLine "Hello. What is your name?"
name <- getLine
putLine $ "Hello, " ++ name ++ ". How old are you?"
age <- getLine
putLine $ concat ["I just wanted to make sure that IO actions are " ++
"threaded correctly. Bye!" ]
return $ length name
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