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Created October 2, 2012 08:03
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Save gaurav/3817213 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A file to split a DwC-A file into triples
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.10.0;
=head1 NAME -- Delimited file to RDF
=head1 SYNOPSIS < input.txt > output.rdf
This script is basically the core of a DwC-A to
RDF converter. It uses information core/extension
nodes in meta.xml (see
for more details) to convert a tab delimited file
into an RDF file.
use RDF::Helper;
# Put all the conversion information here.
my $encoding = undef; # Not implemented yet.
my $fieldsTerminatedBy = "\t";
my $linesTerminatedBy = "\n";
my $fieldsEnclosedBy = undef; # Not implemented yet.
my $ignoreHeaderLines = 0;
my $rowType = "";
my @fields = (
undef, # Use this field as a primary id.
# Check the input.
my %primary_key_check;
die "encoding not yet supported! Use utf8 please." if defined $encoding;
die "fieldsEnclosedBy is not yet supposed!" if defined $fieldsEnclosedBy;
die "The first field must be a primary key index!" unless(not defined $fields[0]);
# Conversion time!
my $rdf = RDF::Helper->new(
BaseInterface => 'RDF::Trine',
namespaces => {
'rdf' => '',
'dwc' => '',
'gbifterms' => '',
'gbifnub' => ''
ExpandQNames => 1
say <<'HEADER';
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix dwc: <> .
@prefix gbifterms: <> .
@prefix gbifnub_id: <> .
@prefix gbifnub_name: <> .
say STDERR "Started conversion.";
my $count_resources = 0;
my $count_triples = 0;
local $/ = $linesTerminatedBy; # Line terminator
<> if $ignoreHeaderLines; # Skip a line.
while(<>) {
my $line = $_;
my @records = split($fieldsTerminatedBy, $line);
my $index = $records[0];
die "Duplicate id: $index" if exists $primary_key_check{$index};
$primary_key_check{$index} = 1;
my $resource = 'gbifnub_id:' . $index;
# $rdf->assert_resource($resource, 'rdf:type', $rowType);
say "<$resource> rdf:type <$rowType> ;\n";
my $count = 0;
foreach my $x (@records) {
# Skip the first record.
if($count == 0) {
die "Invalid first field" unless defined $x;
my $term_name = $fields[$count];
my $term_value = convert_term_value($term_name, $x);
next unless defined $term_value;
say "\t<$term_name> $term_value;";
say ".";
say STDERR "Processed '$records[3]' (#$index).";
# print $rdf->serialize(format => 'rdfxml');
say STDERR "Conversion completed, $count_resources resources processed, $count_triples created.";
sub convert_term_value {
my ($term_name, $term_value) = @_;
given($term_name) {
when('') {
return undef if $term_value eq '';
return "<gbifnub_id:$term_value>";
when('') {
return undef if $term_value eq '';
return "\"$term_value\"";
when('') {
return undef if $term_value eq '';
return "\"$term_value\"";
# when('',
# when('',
# when('',
# when('',
# when('',
# when('',
# when('',
# when('',
# when('',
# when('',
# when('',
# when('',
# when('',
# when(''
return "\"$term_value\"";
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