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Created December 8, 2022 11:51
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From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import Bool.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Class poSet := PoSet {
base : finType;
le : rel base;
refl : forall x, le x x;
trans : forall x y z,le x y -> le y z -> le x z;
antisym : forall x y,le x y /\ le y x -> x = y
Infix "≺" := le(at level 40).
Coercion poSet_set (P : poSet) :=
let: PoSet P' _ _ _ _ := P in P'.
Section defs.
Variable T : poSet.
Definition is_upb (B : {set T}) x :=
forall y, y \in B -> y ≺ x.
Definition is_lowb (B : {set T}) x :=
forall y, y \in B -> x ≺ y.
Definition is_sup (B : {set T}) x :=
is_upb B x /\ forall y, is_upb B y -> x ≺ y.
Definition is_inf (B : {set T}) x :=
is_lowb B x /\ forall y, is_lowb B y -> y ≺ x.
Section AB.
Variable (A B : {set T}).
Theorem sup_sub a b :
is_sup A a -> is_sup B b -> A \subset B -> a ≺ b.
rewrite /is_sup /is_upb => [[Ha1 Ha2] [Hb1 Hb2]] H.
apply Ha2 => y Hy.
apply Hb1.
move /subsetP : H; apply; auto.
Theorem inf_sub a b :
is_inf A a -> is_inf B b -> A \subset B -> b ≺ a.
rewrite /is_sup /is_upb => [[Ha1 Ha2] [Hb1 Hb2]] H.
apply Ha2 => y Hy.
apply Hb1.
move /subsetP : H; apply; auto.
End AB.
Definition is_upb_ (B : {set T}) x :=
[forall y, (y \in B) ==> y ≺ x].
Definition is_lowb_ (B : {set T}) x :=
[forall y, (y \in B) ==> x ≺ y].
Definition is_sup_ (B : {set T}) x :=
(is_upb_ B x) && [forall y, (is_upb_ B y) ==> x ≺ y].
Definition is_inf_ (B : {set T}) x :=
(is_lowb_ B x) && [forall y, (is_lowb_ B y) ==> y ≺ x].
End defs.
Class lattice := Lattice {
carrier : poSet;
meet : carrier -> carrier -> carrier;
join : carrier -> carrier -> carrier;
Hm : forall x y, is_inf [set x; y] (meet x y);
Hj : forall x y, is_sup [set x; y] (join x y);
Coercion lattice_set (P : lattice) :=
let: Lattice P' _ _ _ _ := P in (poSet_set P').
Section identities.
Variable L : lattice.
Lemma meet_le x y :
meet x y = x <-> x ≺ y.
move : (Hm x y).
unfold is_inf, is_lowb => [[H1 H2]].
split => H.
rewrite <- H.
apply H1.
apply /set2P; right; auto.
apply antisym; split.
- apply H1. apply /set2P; left; auto.
- apply H2 => z.
move /set2P; case => ->; auto.
apply refl.
Lemma join_le x y :
join x y = x <-> y ≺ x.
move : (Hj x y).
unfold is_sup, is_upb => [[H1 H2]].
split => H.
rewrite <- H.
apply H1.
apply /set2P; right; auto.
apply antisym; split.
- apply H2 => z.
move /set2P; case => ->; auto.
apply refl.
- apply H1. apply /set2P; left; auto.
Lemma meet_join x y :
meet x (join x y) = x.
apply meet_le.
move : (Hj x y) => [H1 H2].
apply H1.
apply /set2P; left; auto.
Lemma join_meet x y :
join x (meet x y) = x.
apply join_le.
move : (Hm x y) => [H _].
apply H.
apply /set2P; left; auto.
Lemma meetR x :
meet x x = x.
apply meet_le. apply refl.
Lemma meetA x y z :
meet x (meet y z) = meet (meet x y) z.
move : (Hm x (meet y z)) => [H1x_yz H2x_yz].
move : (Hm y z) => [H1yz H2yz].
move : (Hm (meet x y) z) => [H1xy_z H2xy_z].
move : (Hm x y) => [H1xy H2xy].
remember (meet x (meet y z)) as x_yz.
remember (meet (meet x y) z) as xy_z.
apply antisym; split.
have Hyz : x_yz ≺ meet y z. {
apply H1x_yz. apply /set2P; right; auto.
have Hx : x_yz ≺ x. {
apply H1x_yz; apply /set2P; left; auto.
have Hy : x_yz ≺ y. {
apply trans with (meet y z); auto.
apply H1yz. apply /set2P.
left; auto.
have Hz : x_yz ≺ z. {
apply trans with (meet y z); auto.
apply H1yz. apply /set2P.
right; auto.
apply H2xy_z => a.
unfold is_lowb.
move /set2P; case => ->; auto.
apply H2xy => b.
move /set2P; case => ->; auto.
- have Hyz : xy_z ≺ meet x y. {
apply H1xy_z. apply /set2P; left; auto.
have Hx : xy_z ≺ z. {
apply H1xy_z; apply /set2P; right; auto.
have Hy : xy_z ≺ x. {
apply trans with (meet x y); auto.
apply H1xy. apply /set2P.
left; auto.
have Hz : xy_z ≺ y. {
apply trans with (meet x y); auto.
apply H1xy. apply /set2P.
right; auto.
apply H2x_yz => a.
move /set2P; case => ->; auto.
apply H2yz => b.
move /set2P; case => ->; auto.
Lemma meetC x y :
meet x y = meet y x.
apply antisym; split.
- move : (Hm x y) => [H1 _].
move : (Hm y x) => [_ H2].
apply H2 => a.
move /set2P;case => ->;
apply H1; apply /set2P; [right|left]; auto.
- move : (Hm y x) => [H1 _].
move : (Hm x y) => [_ H2].
apply H2 => a.
move /set2P;case => ->;
apply H1; apply /set2P; [right|left]; auto.
Lemma joinR x :
join x x = x.
apply join_le. apply refl.
Lemma joinA x y z :
join x (join y z) = join (join x y) z.
move : (Hj x (join y z)) => [H1x_yz H2x_yz].
move : (Hj y z) => [H1yz H2yz].
move : (Hj (join x y) z) => [H1xy_z H2xy_z].
move : (Hj x y) => [H1xy H2xy].
remember (join x (join y z)) as x_yz.
remember (join (join x y) z) as xy_z.
apply antisym; split.
- have Hyz : join x y ≺ xy_z. {
apply H1xy_z. apply /set2P; left; auto.
have Hx : z ≺ xy_z. {
apply H1xy_z; apply /set2P; right; auto.
have Hy : x ≺ xy_z. {
apply trans with (join x y); auto.
apply H1xy. apply /set2P.
left; auto.
have Hz : y ≺ xy_z. {
apply trans with (join x y); auto.
apply H1xy. apply /set2P.
right; auto.
apply H2x_yz => a.
move /set2P; case => ->; auto.
apply H2yz => b.
move /set2P; case => ->; auto.
have Hyz : join y z ≺ x_yz. {
apply H1x_yz. apply /set2P; right; auto.
have Hx : x ≺ x_yz. {
apply H1x_yz; apply /set2P; left; auto.
have Hy : y ≺ x_yz. {
apply trans with (join y z); auto.
apply H1yz. apply /set2P.
left; auto.
have Hz : z ≺ x_yz. {
apply trans with (join y z); auto.
apply H1yz. apply /set2P.
right; auto.
apply H2xy_z => a.
unfold is_lowb.
move /set2P; case => ->; auto.
apply H2xy => b.
move /set2P; case => ->; auto.
Lemma joinC x y :
join x y = join y x.
apply antisym; split.
- move : (Hj y x) => [H1 _].
move : (Hj x y) => [_ H2].
apply H2 => a.
move /set2P;case => ->;
apply H1; apply /set2P; [right|left]; auto.
- move : (Hj x y) => [H1 _].
move : (Hj y x) => [_ H2].
apply H2 => a.
move /set2P;case => ->;
apply H1; apply /set2P; [right|left]; auto.
End identities.
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