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Created February 29, 2016 16:42
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// C functions for heavy duty
// gcc -shared -fPIC -O3 optimize.c -lgsl -lm -lgslcblas -o
// icc -fast -I/home/gcam/china/gsl -L/home/gcam/china/gsl/.libs -shared -fPIC optimize.c -lgsl -lgslcblas -o
// gcc -I/home/gcam/china/gsl -L/home/gcam/china/gsl/.libs -shared -fPIC optimize.c -lgsl -o
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_roots.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_cdf.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_integration.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
int linearIndex2d(int x, int nX, int y){ return x + nX*y; }
int linearIndex3d(int x, int nX, int y, int nY, int z){ return x + nX*(y + nY*z);}
int min(int x, int y){
if(x>= y)
return y;
return x;
double adjustmentCost(int kIn, int kPrimeIn, double delta, double parameterConvex, double parameterFixed,double* vK){
// Perhaps non-convex costs
// Fixed cost of adjustment
double k = vK[kIn];
double kPrime = vK[kPrimeIn];
double changeInK = kIn == kPrimeIn ? 0 : 1; // to account for numerical imprecission
return changeInK*k*parameterFixed + ((k*parameterConvex)/2)*pow((kPrime-(1-delta)*k)/k,2);
// Capital Irreversibility
// double disinvestment = kPrime > (1-delta)*k ? 0 : 1;
// return disinvestment*(1-parameterFixed)*(kPrime - (1-delta)*k) + ((k*parameterConvex)/2)*pow((kPrime-(1-delta)*k)/k,2);
double equityFloatationCosts(double dividends, double parameter){
return dividends > 0.0 ? 0.0 : parameter*dividends;
double computeExpectationTruncatedLognormal(double cost, double mu, double sigma2){
double b0 = (log(cost) - mu)/sqrt(sigma2);
return exp(mu + 0.5*sigma2)*gsl_cdf_ugaussian_P(-sqrt(sigma2)+b0)/gsl_cdf_ugaussian_P(b0);
struct costFinderParams {double depreciatedCapital; double netCashFlows; double* kGrid; int nK; int nQ;
double continuation; double floatationCost; double futureK; double expectedDebt;
double adjustmentCost;};
double difference(double cf, void* p){
struct costFinderParams *params = (struct costFinderParams *)p;
double dividends,costsOfFloatation,valueOfStaying,answer = 0.0;
// Make sure the floatation cost takes into consideration the fixed cost of operation
dividends = params->netCashFlows - cf;
costsOfFloatation = equityFloatationCosts(dividends, params->floatationCost);
// However, the value of staying is net of net production (as both exit and stay eat production net of debt repayment and wages)
valueOfStaying = params->depreciatedCapital - params->futureK + params->expectedDebt + params->continuation + costsOfFloatation - cf - params->adjustmentCost;
answer = params->depreciatedCapital - valueOfStaying;
// printf("Guess cf %1.2f k(1-d) %1.2f divs %1.2f valOfStaying %1.2f answer %1.2f flcost %1.5f \n",cf,params->depreciatedCapital,dividends,valueOfStaying,answer,equityFloatationCosts);
return answer;
double findCutoffCost(struct costFinderParams *params ){
double x_lo=0.001, x_hi = 5.0, answer = 0;
int status;
int iter = 0, max_iter = 1000;
double root = 0;
double bisectionTolerance = 1e-3;
double minCost = 0.0; // smallest cf to consider for w - cf
double maxCost = 1e5*params->kGrid[params->nK-1]; // largest cf to consider. Top of grid because if larger will for all entries violate
// constraint that it has to be within the grid
gsl_function F;
F.function = &difference;
F.params = params;
const gsl_root_fsolver_type * T = gsl_root_fsolver_bisection;
gsl_root_fsolver * s = gsl_root_fsolver_alloc (T);
gsl_root_fsolver_set (s,&F,minCost,maxCost);
status = gsl_root_fsolver_iterate (s);
root = gsl_root_fsolver_root (s);
x_lo = gsl_root_fsolver_x_lower (s);
x_hi = gsl_root_fsolver_x_upper (s);
status = gsl_root_test_interval (x_lo, x_hi,
bisectionTolerance, 0.00000);
while (status == GSL_CONTINUE && iter < max_iter);
answer = root;
gsl_root_fsolver_free (s);
return answer;
void freePointer(double* p){
double* findPolicyInCPricesPreviousK(int kInitial,int qInitial, int z, double theta, double delta, double beta,double* vK,
int nK, double* vQ, int nQ,double* vZ, int nZ, double* currentValueZ, double* transition, double rBorrow,double fixedCostMean, double fixedCostVar,double capitalShare,
double floatationCost, double elasticityOfSubstitution, double aggOutput,double adjustmentCostParameter,int previousK,double adjustmentCostParameterFixed){
int policyK = -1;
int policyQ = -1;
double probOfExit = 0; // probability of exit ( P(c_f >= c^*))
int k,q,zIndex;
int feasibleSolution = 0;
int allConstrainedBefore = 0; // if all q choices are hitting the constraint at this value of k'
// advance to the next k'
double highestVal = -1000000000009;
double newVal, continuation;
double inDiffCost,expectedCost,costsOfFloatation; // cost that leaves firm indifferent between leaving or staying tomorrow if z=1
double bestDividend; // dividend at optimum
double kValue;
double qValue; // value of state contingent debt
double dividends; // dividends
double distributions; // takes into account floatation cost
double bestCost; // for storing expected fixed cost
double bestProbability; // for storing prob of exit
double adjCost,expectedDebt;
double kCameInToPeriod = vK[kInitial];
double debtCameIntoPeriod = vQ[qInitial];
double realOutput = vZ[z]*pow(kCameInToPeriod,capitalShare);
double price = pow(realOutput/aggOutput,-1/elasticityOfSubstitution);
for(k = previousK; k < nK; k++){
allConstrainedBefore = 0;
kValue = vK[k];
adjCost = adjustmentCost(kInitial,k,delta,adjustmentCostParameter,adjustmentCostParameterFixed,vK);
for(q = 0; q < nQ; q++){
// these make sure at this guess of k', the collateral constraint is not violated
qValue = theta*(1-delta)*kValue < (1+rBorrow)*vQ[q] ? theta*(1-delta)*kValue : vQ[q];
expectedDebt = qValue;
// are we constrained for this k at all q?
allConstrainedBefore = theta*(1-delta)*kValue < (1+rBorrow)*vQ[q] ? 1 : 0;
dividends = price*realOutput - (1+rBorrow)*debtCameIntoPeriod + (1-delta)*kCameInToPeriod -
kValue + expectedDebt - adjCost;
// First check if exits even at zero fixed cost
costsOfFloatation = equityFloatationCosts(dividends,floatationCost);
if( (1-delta)*kCameInToPeriod > (1-delta)*kCameInToPeriod - kValue + expectedDebt + continuation + costsOfFloatation - adjCost){
inDiffCost = -1; // if exit even at zero cost, make probability of exit equal to 1.0
} else { // else solve the nonlinear equation
struct costFinderParams params = {(1-delta)*kCameInToPeriod,dividends,vK,nK,nQ,continuation,
// printf("Finding cost for k=%d k'=%d q = %d q' = %d dividends at zero %f\n",kInitial,k,qInitial,q,dividends);
inDiffCost = findCutoffCost(&params);
// If stay at positive fixed cost, exit probability is the probability that cost is >= to indifference cost.
// Otherwise exit with certainty
probOfExit = inDiffCost > 0 ? 1-gsl_cdf_lognormal_P(inDiffCost,fixedCostMean,sqrt(fixedCostVar)) : 1.0;
expectedCost = inDiffCost > 0 ? computeExpectationTruncatedLognormal(inDiffCost,fixedCostMean,fixedCostVar) : -5;
dividends = dividends - expectedCost;
distributions = dividends + equityFloatationCosts(dividends,floatationCost);
continuation = 0;
for(zIndex = 0; zIndex < nZ; zIndex++){
continuation += transition[linearIndex2d(z,nZ,zIndex)]*currentValueZ[linearIndex3d(k,nK,q,nQ,zIndex)];
continuation = beta*continuation;
newVal = probOfExit*(price*realOutput - (1+rBorrow)*debtCameIntoPeriod + (1-delta)*kCameInToPeriod)+(1-probOfExit)*(distributions + continuation);
// printf("k %d q %d z%d, q' %f has value %f allC %d LHS %f RHS %f \n",kInitial,qInitial,z,qValue,newVal,allConstrainedBefore,theta*(1-delta)*kValue , vQ[q]);
if(newVal > highestVal){
highestVal = newVal;
policyK = k + 1; //Julia 1 based indexing
policyQ = q + 1;
bestProbability = probOfExit;
bestDividend = distributions;
if(allConstrainedBefore > 0)
// printf("WOOHOO OUT k %d q %d z %d vf %1.2f pk %d pq %d dist %1.2f \n",kInitial,qInitial,z,highestVal,policyK,policyQ,bestDividend);
double *results = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*6);
results[0] = policyK;
results[1] = policyQ;
results[2] = highestVal;
results[3] = bestProbability;
results[4] = bestDividend;
results[5] = bestCost;
return results;
double* findPolicyInCPrices(int kInitial,int qInitial, int z, double theta, double delta, double beta,double* vK,
int nK, double* vQ, int nQ,double* vZ, int nZ, double* currentValueZ, double* transition, double rBorrow,double fixedCostMean, double fixedCostVar,double capitalShare,
double floatationCost, double elasticityOfSubstitution, double aggOutput,double adjustmentCostParameter,double adjustmentCostParameterFixed){
int policyK = -1;
int policyQ = -1;
double probOfExit = 0; // probability of exit ( P(c_f >= c^*))
int k,q,zIndex;
int feasibleSolution = 0;
int allConstrainedBefore = 0; // if all q choices are hitting the constraint at this value of k'
// advance to the next k'
double highestVal = -1000000000009;
double newVal, continuation;
double inDiffCost,expectedCost,costsOfFloatation; // cost that leaves firm indifferent between leaving or staying tomorrow if z=1
double bestDividend; // dividend at optimum
double kValue;
double qValue; // value of state contingent debt
double dividends; // dividends
double distributions; // takes into account floatation cost
double bestCost; // for storing expected fixed cost
double bestProbability; // for storing prob of exit
double adjCost,expectedDebt;
double kCameInToPeriod = vK[kInitial];
double debtCameIntoPeriod = vQ[qInitial];
double realOutput = vZ[z]*pow(kCameInToPeriod,capitalShare);
double price = pow(realOutput/aggOutput,-1/elasticityOfSubstitution);
for(k = 0; k < nK; k++){
allConstrainedBefore = 0;
kValue = vK[k];
adjCost = adjustmentCost(kInitial,k,delta,adjustmentCostParameter,adjustmentCostParameterFixed,vK);
for(q = 0; q < nQ; q++){
// these make sure at this guess of k', the collateral constraint is not violated
qValue = theta*(1-delta)*kValue < (1+rBorrow)*vQ[q] ? theta*(1-delta)*kValue : vQ[q];
expectedDebt = qValue;
// are we constrained for this k at all q?
allConstrainedBefore = theta*(1-delta)*kValue < (1+rBorrow)*vQ[q] ? 1 : 0;
dividends = price*realOutput - (1+rBorrow)*debtCameIntoPeriod + (1-delta)*kCameInToPeriod -
kValue + expectedDebt - adjCost;
// First check if exits even at zero fixed cost
costsOfFloatation = equityFloatationCosts(dividends,floatationCost);
if( (1-delta)*kCameInToPeriod > (1-delta)*kCameInToPeriod - kValue + expectedDebt + continuation + costsOfFloatation - adjCost){
inDiffCost = -1;
} else { // else solve the nonlinear equation
struct costFinderParams params = {(1-delta)*kCameInToPeriod,dividends,vK,nK,nQ,continuation,
inDiffCost = findCutoffCost(&params);
// If stay at positive fixed cost, exit probability is the probability that cost is >= to indifference cost.
// Otherwise exit with certainty
probOfExit = inDiffCost > 0 ? 1-gsl_cdf_lognormal_P(inDiffCost,fixedCostMean,sqrt(fixedCostVar)) : 1.0;
expectedCost = inDiffCost > 0 ? computeExpectationTruncatedLognormal(inDiffCost,fixedCostMean,fixedCostVar) : -5;
dividends = dividends - expectedCost;
distributions = dividends + equityFloatationCosts(dividends,floatationCost);
continuation = 0;
for(zIndex = 0; zIndex < nZ; zIndex++){
continuation += transition[linearIndex2d(z,nZ,zIndex)]*currentValueZ[linearIndex3d(k,nK,q,nQ,zIndex)];
continuation = beta*continuation;
newVal = probOfExit*(price*realOutput - (1+rBorrow)*debtCameIntoPeriod + (1-delta)*kCameInToPeriod)+(1-probOfExit)*(distributions + continuation);
if(newVal > highestVal){
highestVal = newVal;
policyK = k + 1; //Julia 1 based indexing
policyQ = q + 1;
bestProbability = probOfExit;
bestDividend = distributions;
bestCost = expectedCost;
if(allConstrainedBefore > 0)
// printf("WOOHOO OUT k %d q %d z %d vf %1.2f pk %d pq %d dist %1.2f \n",kInitial,qInitial,z,highestVal,policyK,policyQ,bestDividend);
double *results = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*6);
results[0] = policyK;
results[1] = policyQ;
results[2] = highestVal;
results[3] = bestProbability;
results[4] = bestDividend;
results[5] = bestCost;
return results;
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