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geelen / gist:36960
Created December 17, 2008 06:18 — forked from benhoskings/gist:36955
def number_to_ordinal num
int = num.to_i
int.to_s + ((10...20) === int) ? "th" : (%w{th st nd rd}[int % 10] or "th")

== Introduction ==

'''Tom Adams''', Workingmouse, December 2007

I've had the good fortune to recently complete a project at [ Veitch Lister Consulting (VLC)] (a transport planning consultancy) processing large datasets in real-time. This article is a summary of the technical aspects of the project, I won't be talking about the process we used, suffice to say it was XP-like, supported by tools such as my BDD framework [ Instinct] and web-based agile project management tools. The project ran for around 7-9 weeks, the team was comprised of five developers (3 full-time on the project) consisting of two Workingmouse developers, myself and Sanjiv Sahayam, and three VLC developers, Jamie Cook, Glen Maddern and Nick Partridge.

As a [ consultancy] we usually work in corporate environments and as such are bound by the architectural constraints of the organisation. This usually includes the usual "enterprise" constraints such

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-- go.applescript
-- Created by Glen Maddern on 2009-03-03.
-- Copyright (c) 2009 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
on run
-- do something useful
desc "Grab the html files and pdf-ize them through safari"
task :html_to_pdf => ['main.html', 'scalpel.html'] do
require 'rbosa'
run "rm ~/Desktop/cups-pdf/*", "Cleaning ~/Desktop/cups-pdf"
app ='Safari')
files.each { |file|
app.make OSA::Safari::Document, :with_properties => { :url => "file://localhost/Users/glen/work/boost-doc/#{file}.html" }
sleep 1 while (app.do_javascript("document.readyState", app.documents[0]) != "complete")
app.print app.documents[0], :print_dialog => false
output_file = nil
public final class AnF implements F<String, Integer> {
public Integer f(String s) {
return Integer.parseInt(s);
public interface AnotherF extends F<String,Integer> {
static AnotherF _ = new AnotherF() {
public Integer f(String s) {
return Integer.parseInt(s);
str = `some_command 2> /dev/stdout`
str.should =~ /rake aborted!/
str.should =~ /No files to process!/
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