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Last active January 15, 2021 13:52
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  • Save geerlingguy/19aace82f94b2d07a0dfb23db7345a57 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save geerlingguy/19aace82f94b2d07a0dfb23db7345a57 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Molecule 3.0 update script with all the little changes I had to make.
# Update things to be compatible with Molecule 3.0.
# This script is NOT idempotent, and should never be run again.
exit 1
export LINT_STRING="lint: |
set -e
yamllint .
# Loop through all directories starting with "geerlingguy".
for dir in ./geerlingguy*/
# cd into role directory.
cd "$dir"
# Change string `pip install molecule` to `pip install molecule yamllint ansible-lint` in .travis.yml
sed -i '' 's/pip install molecule docker/pip install molecule yamllint ansible-lint docker/g' .travis.yml
# Change and remove strings in molecule.yml
sed -i '' '/[ ][ ]name: yamllint/d' molecule/default/molecule.yml
sed -i '' '/[ ][ ]options:/d' molecule/default/molecule.yml
sed -i '' '/[ ][ ][ ][ ]config-file:.*/d' molecule/default/molecule.yml
sed -i '' 's/-playbook.yml/-converge.yml/g' molecule/default/molecule.yml
sed -i '' '/[ ][ ]lint:/d' molecule/default/molecule.yml
sed -i '' '/[ ][ ][ ][ ]name: ansible-lint/d' molecule/default/molecule.yml
sed -i '' '/verifier:/d' molecule/default/molecule.yml
sed -i '' '/[ ][ ]name: testinfra/d' molecule/default/molecule.yml
sed -i '' '/[ ][ ][ ][ ]name: flake8/d' molecule/default/molecule.yml
# Update lint block in molecule.yml file.
perl -i -pe 's/lint:/$ENV{"LINT_STRING"}/g' molecule/default/molecule.yml
# Move file `molecule/default/yaml-lint.yml` to `.yamllint` (if exists).
if [ -f molecule/default/yaml-lint.yml ]; then
mv molecule/default/yaml-lint.yml .yamllint
# Move file `molecule/default/playbook.yml` to `molecule/default/converge.yml` (if exists).
if [ -f molecule/default/playbook.yml ]; then
mv molecule/default/playbook.yml molecule/default/converge.yml
# cd back to parent directory.
cd ..
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apatard commented Feb 24, 2020

Thanks for the script, it's useful to see how other are moving to 3.0. Please note that your lint configuration is slightly wrong.
For instance, if yamllint fails and ansible-lint succeeds, you won't get an error. I found that last Friday and used '&&' but current
documentation has been updated to use 'set -e', which is possibly better:

lint: |
  set -e
  yamllint .

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@apatard - Thanks; and this is in reference to ansible/molecule#2575 — I'll update the gist.

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