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Created December 24, 2015 15:25
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`atomatigit.debug`|false|__boolean__|Debug|Toggle debugging tools
`atomatigit.pre_commit_hook`||__string__|Pre Commit Hook|Command to run for the pre commit hook
`atomatigit.show_on_startup`|false|__boolean__|Show on Startup|Check this if you want atomatigit to show up when Atom is loaded
`atomatigit.display_commit_comparisons`|true|__boolean__|Display Commit Comparisons|Display how many commits ahead/behind your branches are
`blame.gutterFormat`|{hash} {date} {author}|__string__|Format (gutter)|Placeholders: `{hash}`, `{date}` and `{author}.`
`blame.dateFormat`|YYYY-MM-DD|__string__|Format (date)|Placeholders: `YYYY` (year), `MM` (month), `DD` (day), `HH` (hours), `mm` (minutes).<br>See [momentjs documentation]( for mor information.
`blame.defaultWidth`|250|__integer__|Default width (px)|null
`merge-conflicts.gitPath`||__string__|null|Absolute path to your git executable.
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